The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 73 Death of Tang Zezhao (Part 2)

Confirmed death? Did Feng Jian succeed?

This thought only flashed through his mind, and the strong foreboding made him feel his throat tightening.

No, if they had succeeded, Kazami would at least send him a confirmation email...

[Get to know this, this is your new colleague and your future subordinate, "Kumail". He is proficient in disguise, sniping, and fighting. Although his character is immature, he is a rare and good talent that you must cultivate well. 】

The email did not provide any further explanation about Tang Zezhao's death, but the sender attached a video file at the end.

Toru Amuro calmed down and clicked on the video file.

After the anxious loading, the first thing that appeared on the screen was a face so close that the camera could no longer focus on it.

The person in the video seemed to be playing with the camera. The angle of view was dim and shaky, and it flashed white from time to time, causing Amuro Toru to squint her eyes unconsciously.

"'Ah, it seems to be done. Sorry, sorry, I'm not very good at using this kind of thing.'" With these slightly apologetic words, the camera's perspective finally stabilized, and he zoomed out with a smile, and the shot was finally completed. The focus is on, showing the subject’s sunny and smiling face.

Her smooth chestnut hair fell down on her cheeks, and her amber eyes were like two pools of honey under the lamp, gentle and approachable.

Toru Amuro recognized him at a glance. He was the new high school detective Goro Akechi, who had attracted special attention from the media in recent days because of his handsome appearance and friendly temperament.

He is actually also a member of the organization, and a code member...

"'I thought about it in the middle of the interrogation, and it seems that I should record the process... It is really difficult to deal with a colleague who is deeply suspicious. I hope that my future boss Bourbon will not be such a troublesome person.'" He held his face in his hands, as if he was very distressed. He complained, but with this movement, his black leather gloves drew two bright red blood marks on his right face, which instantly made his young face look eerie and weird.

He himself was stunned for a moment, looked down at his gloves, and said helplessly: "'I didn't notice it got dirty...forget it, it doesn't matter.'" After saying that, he grabbed the camera, turned to another direction, and slowly exposed it The environment he was in was blocked by his body just now.

It is a place that Toru Amuro is very familiar with.

The loft of Café Polo.

Opposite where Goro Akechi was standing, on the only seat in the entire attic, was Karasawa Akira, who was tightly tied to the chair with his head lowered.

Akechi Goro, who was holding the camera, walked towards Tang Ze step by step. As the distance got closer and closer, the blood-soaked dirt on Tang Ze's body became clearer and clearer.

The person who restrained him was obviously a ruthless person who was good at this. Not only were the joints of Tangze's limbs tied, his hands were pierced by sharp daggers and nailed directly to the ends of the armrests on both sides, making him unable to do anything at all. He couldn't even open and close his hands, like a white rat fixed on a foam board waiting to be dissected.

Goro Akechi's black-gloved hand reached over and directly grabbed Karasawa's hair, which was wet with sweat and messy and stuck to his face, and pulled his head up forcefully.

Tang Ze was grabbed by him without any resistance. His face, covered with cold sweat and tears, lost all color. Two cuts were made on his face with a sharp instrument, and blood flowed down to his neck.

It could be seen that he was shivering uncontrollably due to the unbearable pain, but his mouth was tightly sealed with tape that was wrapped several times, and all he could hear was a weak, trembling moan.

Across the screen, Toru Amuro seemed to feel this severe pain. His hand holding the phone was also shaking. However, he did not dare and could not just put it down and stay away from this image that frightened him more and more. I could only grab the phone with both hands and stare at the video being played.

"'Look clearly, it's really him, isn't it, Tang Zezhao.'" Goro Akechi carefully photographed this frightened and painful face, and then placed the camera on the table on the other side, placing him and Tang Zawa. Ze was completely captured in the viewfinder.

"'I don't want to be so rude, but it's a pity that the sound insulation here is not very good, so I have to wrong you.'" He patted Tang Ze's drooping face sympathetically, which made Tang Ze shake violently. He just picked up a brand new butterfly knife from the ground, opened it with a beautiful knife flower, "'It's still the same rules, I ask, nod or shake your head.'" As he said, he pushed the narrow blade against On the side of Tang Ze's neck, a blood mark was scratched there, "'Do you hear me clearly?'"

Tang Ze struggled to raise his head, ignoring the sharp blade pressed against his vital part, and responded with a ferocious glare.

"'Ah, it's that look again.'" Goro Akechi's soft voice deepened. He lowered his head and grabbed the wound on Tang Ze's shoulder, causing Tang Ze to make a painful nasal noise, "'It seems Didn't hear clearly.'"

"Ugh!" Karasawa grunted in pain as his mouth was tightly pressed. The knife in Goro Akechi's hand pierced his forearm and hit the wooden handrail.

"'I don't believe you have nothing. People who have nothing have no need to persist. Where are the things your parents left behind?'" Akechi Goro's voice came clearly into the camera's receiver.

Tangze trembled, closed his eyes and panted for a while, his chest heaved violently, and it seemed that it took him dozens of seconds to adapt to the pain.

He slowly looked at Goro Akechi, who was looking down at him. He neither nodded nor shook his head. His face covered by the tape moved as if he was smiling.

Then he received another sharp knife.

"'Somewhere else? No, not there.'" Goro Akechi muttered to himself while observing Karasawa's reaction as if he was studying an experimental object, "'It's right here, isn't it?'"

Tangze stirred a little, closed his eyes tightly, ignored his question, and just endured the rising pain again.

However, Goro Akechi no longer gave him a chance to catch his breath. With a twist of his wrist, the tip of the knife made a complete circle in his flesh and blood, and then he immediately pulled it out.

Another line of blood splashed out with his movements and fell on the ground covered with plastic paper.

Looking at Tang Ze's tragic situation, one knew that there must have been a pool of blood at his feet at this moment, but a plastic paper several meters square was placed on the floor of the entire attic, and the blood would not fall on the real floor at all. When everything is over, clean up the mess, roll up the plastic sheets, and the whole house will be restored to its original state. Goro Akechi is an experienced interrogator.

Toru Amuro's mind went blank, and he was thinking mechanically and habitually, as if he suddenly lost the ability to understand the information in the picture, and he was summarizing almost instinctively.

The video does not continue to show the details of the interrogation. It seems that the person who received the video has simply processed it. The repeated torture parts have been cut out in large quantities. It can only be easily distinguished from the timestamp in the upper right corner, starting with him. During the filming, the entire torture went on for two or three hours. Tang Ze's school uniform was gradually completely covered with black and red blood. The wounds all over his body exposed the rolled flesh. A handsome and slender boy was gradually covered in blood and flesh. , can only distinguish basic human shapes.

Tang Ze was almost beaten to death by his sword.

This sentence appeared in Toru Amuro's mind word by word. He felt that his vision was getting blurry. He blinked and found that his sour eyes were filled with tears, making it almost impossible for him to see clearly what was on his phone.

Tens of days of getting along day and night have made him very familiar with Tang Ze's appearance and demeanor, but those fragments and pictures were shattered by the blood-soaked human body at this moment.

"'Eh?'" Akechi Goro, who was slowly cutting his leg, suddenly made a strange questioning sound. He raised the knife covered with blood clots in his hand, and stretched out his hand directly, as if he touched something, and used his thumb to Clamp it with your index finger and slowly pull it out.

He raised his hand, looked at the light for a while, and smiled.

He put his face close to Karasawa's and whispered like a devil: "'You tried really hard, but Lady Luck seems to be on my side. I'm so sorry.'"

After saying that, Goro Akechi, who was also dyed red, walked up to the camera and waved the thing in his hand in front of the camera.

It was a small black memory card with an inward arrow drawn on the top, bottom and right side.

Toru Amuro gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes.

Of course he knew the symbol. This is Karasawa Ikawa's memory card.

The big one is coming! Aha!

I know it's hard for everyone to be stuck, and it's hard for me to be stuck here...

I'll continue coding, maybe I can get the code out and send it out during the day tomorrow.

I updated 7k today, I’m so strong!

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