The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 83 The Phantom Thieves of Heart finally have a second living member

P5, sew on Conan and coop system.

Just these few keywords can make people think of each other, and Karasawa simply and crudely identified the character of Conan, and simply deduced who might have Tarot and what kind of Tarot it might be. Then try to contact them one by one.

It was precisely based on this prediction of the amount of super travel information that Tang Ze was able to seize the disguise from Kidd as part of his plan and implement it step by step.

His plan was completed very well. Although he still doesn't understand how to improve the coop level, Tang Ze is already able to use his cheats skillfully. The Tarot given was not exactly the same as what he imagined, but the general direction was similar.

Except for one surprise.

That is Xingchuan Hui.

This is a character that never appeared in the original work.

He was an accidental discovery by Karasawa, and it was impossible to tell whether he was an unknown background panel that originally existed in Conan, or a person who was spawned by the stitches, but in short, of course, he had never been in Karaze's consideration.

In the original plan, when Karasawa took Hoshikawa Teru's place, he would hand Hoshikawa Teru over to Akai Shuichi and send him out of the country.

In this way, Xingchuan Hui was freed, and Tang Ze also fulfilled his promise to him.

As for Yankou Shigehiko, he himself wouldn't live long. It would be a matter of time whether Tang Ze intervened, and he was in no hurry at all.

However, on the eve of Akai Shuichi's action, Karasawa was having ice cream with Conan outside, and the day he received the email...

"it's me."

"...Oh, Tangze, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's time, get ready."

"Are you talking about sending me to the United States? I'm sorry, Karasawa."

"...Well, what do you mean?"

"I've already met the person who contacted me. I asked my mother to leave with him, and I...I'm going to stay first."

"Have you thought about it?"

"Yeah, I've thought about it."

"...Where are you?"

"At the dock we made an appointment with before."

"Wait, I'll be there soon."

By the time Karasawa hurriedly sent the confused primary school student home, put on Akechi's skin and hurriedly ran to the dock, the boat arranged by Akai Shuichi to pick him up had already gone far away.

When Karasawa found him, Hoshikawa Teru was squatting in a daze in the container warehouse where they had arranged to meet.

After Tangze took him away from Tunkou's house, he took care of his appearance.

In order to make his image more different from that of Goro Akechi, knowing that identifying people in the world of Conan mainly depends on their hairstyle. Anyway, Kudo Shinichi has three bodies, so his face alone is not a big problem, so Karasawa asked him to tie his hair into a short hairstyle. ponytail, and put on big black-framed glasses.

Now, at a glance, Hoshikawa Teru looks like an ordinary introverted boy. Even if Goro Akechi stands opposite him, it is not easy to immediately find that the two are very similar.

"Hoshikawa Teru!" Tangze walked up to Hoshikawa Fai, who was staring at the dark sea outside the pier, blocked his sight, and called out his full name.

Xingchuan Hui looked up and saw a face that was exactly the same as his own, and laughed twice in amusement.

He knew that Tang Ze was angry because of his temporary change of heart.

Karasawa is the type who likes to get close to people and talk. Usually, he will not call others by their full names except when they have just met and introduced each other.

Just hearing this title, you can feel Tangze's anger.

"You still have the nerve to laugh!" Tang Ze slapped Xingchuan Hui's head, "Why don't you want to leave?"

Xingchuan Hui opened his hand and waved it twice in embarrassment before finding his balance and squatting firmly. He did not break away from Tangze's retaliatory pressing palm, but just pushed the lens on the bridge of his nose, lowered his head and said, "I know, my ability is far away." Far inferior to you, and may have to trouble you a lot."

"Then you still..." Tang Ze was very confused and had a headache.

His plan did not include the child he rescued because there was really no need.

By the time Karasawa's plan succeeds, Akechi Goro and Karasawa Akira will have become one in the eyes of the organization, and he will no longer need someone to disguise himself as him to cover as he did during this period.

Xingchuan Hui's choice undoubtedly directly disrupted his design. This feeling of suddenly having an extra piece in his hand after finishing the puzzle made his blood pressure rise.

"I'm going to call Brother Xiu. The receptionist might still be able to make it in time." Tangze grabbed his hair anxiously and smoothed the neat hairstyle that belonged to Goro Akechi.

After saying that, he reached for his cell phone. Just as he was about to make a call to Shuichi Akai, he was held down by Teru Hoshikawa who stood up.

"No, I don't want to leave." Xingchuan Hui grabbed his wrist and stopped him from making a call. "Actually, you are still at risk of being exposed, right? If one day, the organization has a whim and pulls 'Tang Ze Akira' But I can’t tear it off? Besides, I’m the only one who knows your true abilities, right? If you disappear every time the joker appears, how long can you keep your identity hidden?”

What's going on with this guy? Is he addicted to being fucked by a disguised stand-in?

Tangze put down his phone and looked at Hoshikawa Hui with a solemn expression: "Is it just for this reason?"

"It's not for you, don't act like I'm sacrificing for you. I let them take my mother away, she needs that more than me."

Somewhat embarrassed to say the next words, Xingchuan Hui turned to look outside the warehouse.

Today's sky is not sunny. The sky is as gray as the sea. The low gray tone highlights his bright eyes, making it impossible for Tang Ze to misunderstand his determination: "You said you would let me see my father die." , you said you were a sharp blade that would destroy everything disgusting about the organization."

"Do you think these ideas are ridiculous or unrealistic?"

"Of course not. On the contrary, I have watched you do these things step by step these days, and watched you achieve your goals step by step. I fully believe that you can fulfill your promises... Then let me see, Tang Ze.”

Xingchuan Hui turned back, his eyes were shining, and he looked at him without hesitation: "If you are worried and think that I may be out of control, there may be uncertainty, and it will cause you trouble, then use your magical techniques. Or the drugs used by organizations to control people, anything will do, as long as you feel it is necessary...

"Let me stay, let me witness it, let me be a part of your miracle."

He has been powerless for too long.

His small and gloomy life was like weeds swaying in the wind, unable to control himself or struggle, just living.

Even if you try your best, you are still "alive".

And Karasawa... is a miracle.

On such an ordinary night, Tang Ze fell from the sky, as if jumping from the moonlight, and landed in front of him.

Can a person as small as him really have miracles? Xingchuan Hui didn't know, wasn't sure, and wasn't sure whether the moment of light that fell on him stopped for him, or whether it was just a passing chance.

So he's going to try.

Tang Ze looked at his glowing eyes, a little stunned.

Hoshikawa Teru's appearance is very good, just look at the Akechi that Karasawa created based on his face. He has a completely different handsome style from Karasawa Akira, which made Akechi become the media's favorite in a short period of time. darling.

But before, it was actually difficult to realize this just by looking at Hoshikawa Fai himself.

His eyes were too gloomy, too gray. Although they were indeed the color of amber, they were empty, solidified amber, like dead things, like ashes. As long as you pay attention to these eyes, it is difficult to appreciate his appearance.

At this moment, the condensed amber seemed to have spanned tens of thousands of years, turning back into flowing crystal resin, reflecting light in his eye sockets.

I have to admit that Karasawa really didn't take Hoshikawa Teru seriously before.

He is a useful tool man and has a useful background identity, but that’s about it.

To put it bluntly, he was more of an "NPC" or even a "mission prop" to Tang Ze. Don't worry about it. He didn't even have the intention to communicate with him properly. Tang Ze, who had made a lot of plans, was very busy.

But now, looking at Xingchuan Hui's unhesitating look, Tang Ze couldn't say the rejection that was on his lips.

"This is not just playing house, Xingchuan. You don't have to prove anything." Tang Ze sighed.

"I don't want to prove anything. I even wonder if I don't stay. It will be more helpful to you." Witness, I want to participate personally, give me a chance.”

Tang Ze stopped talking and said angrily: "Why are you still asking me? The boat has been gone for so long. If I don't agree, can you jump into the sea and swim across now?"

"So, you agreed?" Hoshikawa Teru laughed. His smile was different from the fake and gentle smile played by Karasawa Akechi. The amplitude was not large, but the dark temperament on his face was diluted a lot.

"It sounds like I still have a choice." Tang Ze slapped him on the back of the head again, "Come with me and find a place to place you first."

Leon's voice suddenly rang out, interrupting Tangze's half-finished leg-raising movement.

"I am are me..."

"You are here to gain a new contract."

"The contract is what it is called,"

"Break the shackles and seek the wings of freedom"

"I, the first birth of the Moon Mask, was blessed by the wind of blessing."

"For more help to fly to the end..."

【cooperation Xingchuan Hui】

[Arcana: Moon]

[The moon, which is not a star, reflects the radiance of the sun and shines brightly in the deep night. Does your light also illuminate some dark dust, making him want to join in and learn how to shine? 】

[Acquired ability: Endurance lv1 (slight decrease in pain perception)]

"...!" Tang Ze suddenly turned around in surprise and looked at Xingchuan Hui who was following him.

Hoshikawa Teru is actually a co-op, and he also has Tarot. This is a marginal character who was almost sent away by him. Let alone a supporting role, whether he can get the background plate is a question.

Xingchuan Hui looked at his behavior strangely.

In the field of vision that only Karasawa could see, blue tarot cards floated in the air, spinning quietly.



"Although it's a bit strange, but, um... you should know that when I usually do activities, I will sign my name as 'Phantom Thieves of the Heart'."

"Yeah, I've heard of it."

"Actually, I am the only one in this Phantom Thieves group so far."

"...Then why is it called the Phantom Thieves? Shouldn't you just write the Phantom Thieves of Heart?"

"Because of the sense of ritual! Well, that's not important. The point is, are you interested in joining our Phantom Thieves of the Heart and becoming the second member?"


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