The Rebirth of the National Goddess

Chapter 405 (Second update)

The Shen family has been rooted in the capital for many years, and with Qin Jie taking care of her before, her contacts in the capital can be said to be very extensive, and with the title of a long-term lover of herself being established, there are still many people in the capital who support her of!

Therefore, wanting to bring down a small company at the moment is really just a matter of lip service.

"Immediately compile a copy of the king's detailed information for me!"

Shen Lingtian is not an idiot either, the capital is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, and the so-called knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy is invincible in every battle, and he will not strike lightly when he has not figured out who the people behind the king are.



Chu Jin came here early in the morning, sat in front of the simple booth, and waited for the arrival of the first customer.

There was a lot of traffic at the intersection, and most people cast curious glances at Chu Jin, but very few people actually stopped to ask for divination.

Because Chu Jin hasn't been here for a long time, Master Chu's popularity is slowly decreasing. Except for those old customers, almost no one wants to believe that a little girl has the ability to foretell.

Ah Zi from the Zilei space sighed very appropriately, "Brother Jin, brother Jin, I didn't expect that you have fallen to the point where no one cares about you now! How about it, do you really regret your original decision? I have regret medicine here. Buy it, buy one get one free."

The regrettable decision AhZi mentioned refers to the last Weibo incident.

In the past, "Chu Meiren" could be said to be popular all over the Internet. Almost everyone in the capital knew that there was such a No. 1 person who needed good looks and intelligence. Chu Jin spent 5% of her Faith Points to buy a [Disappearance Card] in the mall, which eliminated Chu Meiren's influence and popularity on Weibo, and at the same time erased those memories of Chu Meiren.

This is also the real reason why some people feel very familiar when they see Chu Jin, but they can't remember where they saw her.

If she hadn't purchased the [Disappearance Card] those people at this moment would definitely have waited in a long line for Chu Meiren to divination them.

That's why Ah Zi didn't regret it after asking her.

After all, some people may never have such a chance to become famous in their whole life.

"Thank you, no need, gold always shines." Chu Jin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You women just like duplicity," Ah Zi said while eating melon seeds, "Don't worry, Brother Jin! I won't laugh at you if we are with each other..."

Chu Jin played with the Tarot cards in his hand, "Hehe, Brother Jin, I am an ordinary woman?"

Ah Zi: "..." Hehe, this joke is so cold.

Chu Jin smiled, and said seriously, "Help me pay more attention to Shen's movements these few days, and remember to tell me if there is anything unusual."

Knowing Chu Jin's plan, Ah Zi patted her chest, "Don't worry, it's on me."

Ah Zi continued to ask, "Brother Jin, after you finish avenging your previous life's revenge, can we start to clear that long-term mission?"

"Yes." Chu Jin said concisely.

Hearing what Chu Jin said, Ah Zi immediately cheered up, "Brother Jin, I'm sure I'll be staring at the dregs day and night!"

After all, long-term tasks = upgrades.

The sun is gradually rising from the east, and the temperature is also slowly rising. The scorching sun soon filled the earth.

Fortunately, there were many towering trees at the intersection, which shaded the sun, and Chu Jin didn't feel too hot.

The summer wind was blowing slowly, and there were waves of heat, and Chu Jin was chatting with the editor with lowered eyes.

"You really know fortune-telling?"

Chu Jin looked up, and a thin woman with waist-length hair was standing in front of her. She was wearing a lake blue silk dress, with crescent eyebrows and white teeth. A gentle woman with an excellent temperament, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Please sit down," Chu Jin put the phone on the table, "What do you want to count?"

The woman leaned over and sat opposite, and took an emerald ring from her hand. The ring was shining green in the sun. It could be seen that it was the best imperial green, which was very precious, but the woman didn't seem to care at all. , put it on the table casually, without any distress in his eyes, his fingers were slender and fair, his nails were painted with light blue Koudan, they were a pair of pampered hands.

The facial features are magnificent, the sitting posture is extremely elegant and pleasing to the eye, exuding a sense of nobility from the bottom of his bones, it can be seen that he was born in a famous family and well-bred.

"I, I may be sick..." The woman sounded a little disappointed, and raised her hand to brush her broken hair behind her ears, and an unknown smile appeared from the corner of her mouth.

Chu Jin shuffled the cards and said, "Have you been to the hospital?"

The woman's face does not look like a person who is sick, and there is no sign of illness in her body, but there is a hint of depression between her brows.

The woman shook her head, her tone was normal, her expression was a little sad, "I have a very serious disease, and there is no cure for it."

Chu Jin raised his eyes and glanced at her, "Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other. There is no bridge or river that cannot be crossed. The most important thing is your mentality. I see that your house is round, your ears are white on your face, and you are blessed by your ancestors. As long as you In the future, if you keep your original intentions, you are a blessed person, so you don’t have to be so pessimistic.”

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