The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 23: Late night guest

About two or three o'clock in the morning, Zac was sitting in a dark corner in Grand's master bedroom, Master's bedroom, looking at the police documents brought back by James.

It wasn't Zac's diligence, it was James who came back too late. Everyone sees the crumpled quilt on Zac's bed now, accompanied by tiny convulsions. The only thing that leaks out of the quilt is a terrible bitter. What a nightmare. Who can think of it, James has so many plays.

Zac is not the only person in Grand who is awake. Opposite the master bedroom, the lights in Sister Grande's room were on.

In addition to the two girls who are studying witchcraft, there is Sam in Soul Doll.

Anthony's departure in the afternoon brought a little side effect, and Sam refused to be taken by Zac again. When Alice and Maya came back, the three witchcraft guys got together. Occasionally, the sound of ding and ding can be heard from the room. They should know what they are doing when they come out.

It was a bit frustrating for Zac. He was also going to talk to Alice and Maya about their group of high school students and to listen to the discussions between the magic feast and the wizard. As a result, Sam took the two girls away, and only Matthew could talk to Zac. When talking to Matthew, you will definitely mention Alpha Benjamin. Forget it. After sending Matthew to learn carpentry with Old Hank, Zack never mentioned it again.

Zac turned a page of police documents in the dark. Zac ’s guess is correct, and the Southern District Police ’s case is heading for ‘illegal armed groups’. It's just because the carrier of this illegal armed group is a federal. Now it seems to be getting serious because of the relationship with the northerners.

The report that Zac is looking at now, the signature Zac does not know, but from the beginning of the year, illegal armed groups burned Herman ’s son, which indirectly led Herman to close the factory and abandon the most representative local company of Button A large number of citizens of Barton are unemployed, and the economy and stability of the entire city are threatened and extended. Some of them have bluntly raised the problem to an attack on the city of Barton.

Zac raised his head briefly, thinking for a moment. Although far-fetched, it may well be a "conspiracy theory" worth playing.

Zac ’s idea is that if the “illegal armed groups” are fighting against Barton ’s economy, things will fall into the direction of Zac ... Toledo is best at.

Everyone can understand Zack's bad heart in this way-

The premise is that it has become more and more clear now that Barton's future economic development will rely on the Republican trade. The Federal-Republican trade is promoted by the Devil's Feast of the West.

After clarifying the above premises:

The illegal armed groups accurately attacked Barton's local economy at the early stage of this trade, and caused Herman, the enterprise that maintained the basic economic layer of Barton, to collapse.

The subsequent fighting club, and the collective failure of Newton's upper class in the fall, were considered Newton's complete trouble. If you do n’t have to look at the idea of ​​gloating, objectively speaking, that is, Barton ’s surroundings are unable to provide Barton with the help of neighbors.

At last. Barton is now starting a self-explosive case.

To sum up, it is that I first destroy the bottom of your foundation, cut off your feet, and make you lose the ability to stand in the original standing position. I will cut off your assistance opportunities, break your hands, so that you can not reach out for help. In the end, it's just how I do it ~ I blow up your bus, I blow up your university, I blow up your funeral service sign ~ I'm free, you can only suffer.

Hehe, everyone did not forget that Grande is the iconic enterprise of the new funeral system.

Of course, we must be clear that the facts are not like this. This, first, last, and last are all unrelated events, and different forces are responsible.

But if Zac can sell this argument. Zac can easily tie the feast to Patton at the political level. Created that the huge political body in the west that made Patton the protagonist of republican trade must help Patton deal with the situation of the 'enemy' who wants to destroy Patton. The quotation marks mean that this 'enemy' is definitely not an illegal armed group, and no one knows what it is.


Anyway, with the old Hank doing these things, Zack, the funeral operator's identity is getting thinner and thinner, and Toledo should be a little more natural.

Zac lifted his legs and began to kick his bed.

The gritty shovel on the bed began to sway with the bed.

Poor James, from one nightmare to another. He was about to be awakened by Zac. Zac wants to have a good chat with James. The possibility of doing so. After all, this is also the future of James.

In the dark night outside Grande, the faint engine sound began to become clear.

Zac raised his eyebrows, stood up in the corner, and looked out the window.

Zac ’s first reaction was Mr. Green. There is no hard logic, it is the first reaction-if this man who has been completely hit by reality to lose faith has to choose a time to see his suicide son, then such a snowy winter night is the most in line with the atmosphere.

Zac guessed wrong.

Although the engine that was clear in the middle of the night came from the side of the tomb, it was not Mr. Green. It was Mr. Pixar who was driving slowly on the dirt road.

Zac was a little surprised. Has this guy been in the graveyard until now?

James woke up, "You are sick ..."

"Lie back and sleep." Zac was too lazy to care about James.

"Huh." James closed his eyes again. He didn't know that he had escaped a real nightmare and smashed his mouth, not knowing when he could fall asleep again.

Zac, standing by the window and watching the car slowly coming from the west.

Mr. Pixar was not willing to drive so slowly. Snow started to pile up again after the sun went down. The dirt road in front of Grande was hard to talk about, but it was definitely not friendly enough to any pedestrians or vehicles. Mr. Pixar is probably impatient himself. The extremely clear headlights in the night are constantly switching between the high beam and the low beam, except for the place where it is illuminated, except for white or white.

Zac waited quietly. The buzzing of the engine was getting closer and closer, and the snowy snow that was pushed was gradually clear, and Zac also intermittently heard a clearly abnormal sneeze. Mr. Pixar's condition doesn't seem to be good.

Zac turned on the light.

"Huh! You're sick!"-Zhan who didn't fall asleep ...

"Shut up, sleep on you." Zach began to take off his shirt, and then flipped through the closet. Are you curious about Zack's pajamas? To be disappointed, Zac pulled out a James pajamas, put it on, opened the window, and stretched his body, "Pixar?"

The ordinary switching lights stopped for a moment, Pixar also tilted his body, and his head came out of the window. "Uh ... sorry, did you wake you up." A heavy nasal voice.

"No, I didn't sleep." Zac said while rubbing his eyes, holding his tight shoulders wrapped in cold air by the window. "You sound wrong? Are you sick?"

With good coordination, Pixar's head shook suddenly outside the car window, sneezing so big, Pixar almost hit the rearview mirror, "No, I'm fine."

"Wait a moment." Zac retracted into the window, closed the window, took off his jacket, and threw it directly on the face of James who was staring at him, put on his clothes, and didn't bother to explain to James. Closed the door.

As you can see, Mr. Pixar was about to leave silently. When Zack appeared at the main entrance of the Grande, Mr. Pixar's car was about to reach the range of Pooch's house.

"Parking." Zach stepped towards the car in the snow.

The car stopped, but it didn't stop. It took Zac a little time to walk to the car, looking at the red eyes of his eyes, full of bloodshot eyes, and the completely frizzy nose, rubbed by tissues, and another sneeze that was extremely coordinated. Pixar was lying on the steering wheel, firm and steady He held his head before hitting the horn.

"Uh, Mr. Pixar. You are not driving at all." Zakra pulled the door, "Get off, go to Grande to rest, and find a friend to pick you up."

You should be clear about the state of severe colds. Mr. Pixar ’s condition was already very embarrassing. At this time, Zack ’s face seemed to be a little more ugly, and he weakly grabbed the steering wheel. Hey! Hey--, uh, is my friend present? "

Zac couldn't control his eyes and followed the toilet paper that Pixar threw out. On the front passenger seat, just like snow passing through the roof, the white flower paper tutu has completely covered the seat.

"I can call Blake." Zach pulled the door again, not allowing Mr. Pixar to continue to evade. "This is not the North District, it's the South District. I promise if your car gets out of control on Route 27 Unless you rush into someone else ’s house, no one will find that no one will save you. ”This is not good, but the probability is true. If there is any accident, Pixar is estimated to be buried in the field of Dongxie, no one notices ...

Mr. Pixar struggled, "Okay, okay."

The door opened.

Zac helped Mr. Pixar walk toward Grand.

Fortunately, in order to take care of the two girls and James, although Grandley has no humans, he still has heating supply. It was obvious that after entering Grande, Mr. Pixar was much more comfortable. Zac took the people to the dining room and then went to the kitchen.

Coffee does n’t seem to be a good choice. Zach turned to the chocolate powder that Alice used to make snacks and boiled the water.

"Sorry, I woke you up so late." Mr. Pixar held a bucket of tissues and apologized.

Zac did n’t stick to his original statement. “It ’s okay.” While he was busy in the kitchen, he asked, “Are you always in the cemetery? Did you go home so late?”

"Uh ..." Mr. Pixar laughed at himself, "I accidentally fell asleep behind the tombstone, or your staff found me while patrolling the night ..."

Zac glanced back at the man, unable to comment, shook his head, frowned, "Employee? The security guard in the cemetery should be on tour at all times. I paid for their work."

"I don't know." This is obviously not a question that Mr. Pixar can answer.

Zac pursed his lips, and the problem was relieved. When I was ready, I added a drop of hot chocolate from my blood to Mr. Pixar and glanced at each other's status. "I think we have some standing medicine upstairs. I'll call Blake and you will wait a while." In part, everyone just thinks Zach is a great human player.

Entering the office, Zach called Blake. This process does not waste everyone's time to repeat, just mention a detail, Zac heard Jason's voice in the background sound. Don't judge, everyone has their own way of life.

As he went down, Zac tore the corner of the piece of paper and crumpled it into granules.

Back to the restaurant. Zac handed out the 'medicine' in his hand. In Crimson, "You should feel better for antipyretics, but it may make you want to sleep." Antipyretics will make people sleepy. This is common sense. As for one Can the stuff crumpled with paper make this common sense, hehe, it's the redness in Zac's eyes.

"Thank you." Mr. Pixar swallowed the hot drink in his hand after taking it.

Zac sat down opposite Mr. Pixar, and Crimson had withdrawn. "Considering the road conditions outside, Blake should be there in 40 minutes." If it wasn't snowing, this clear road at night should be 20 minutes. , Or go upstairs and watch TV. "

Pixar was a bit hesitant, and it was good that he did n’t find himself sneezing after taking this hot drink. “I ’ll stay here, I do n’t want to go up and disturb your family.”

What a great guest, knowing that this is where the Grand family sleeps.

And, "You don't have to worry about me, just go to rest ..." Without saying this, Pixar consciously looked at the space between the two of them and realized that he was an outsider after all and needed to be watched.

Zac is very satisfied with such a conscious guest. Make an expression that forcefully finds the topic, "So, did you go to the Church of the Son in the morning?"

"Uh ... um." A little feeling of not wanting to talk, but, did the two stare at each other for 40 minutes, "I have, uh, a group, go to church to discuss something."

"Group?" Of course Zack knew what Pixar's group was. Pixar was the rabbit, remember? However, it must be said from the other party's mouth, isn't it? Zack can't bother to explain his relationship with Darcy, "Is that kind of interest group." For example, Spella's book club ~

"Uh, almost."

"Hehe." Zach smiled. "I also had this kind of interest group, role-playing type. Hehe, I don't know if you know the game of Dragons and Dungeons?" Zach's purpose is very clear, "Everyone Put on your character ’s props, pretend not to be your own character, and explore dangerous dungeons. Ha ha, it ’s ridiculous to say, ha, a bunch of adults do n’t take their lives seriously, put on weird outfits, and pretend that someone else is there Play kids games ... "

Of course, Zach noticed that Mr. Pixar's face became weird and stopped continuing to belittle Fitz's gang of otakus, "What's wrong?" Exaggerated surprise, "No? Is your group the same?"

Pixar looked at Zac, hesitantly, shook his head and remained silent.

This is beyond Zac ’s expectations. It is said that in normal chat, Pixar should give some information at this time, even if he does not say that his group is a place where people complain about life, but it should also be given in terms of role players. Resonate a little, and at least give a suggestion that his group is not a kid-like gadget of Zack's game-after all, being hit by life to start a party to discuss the theme of life is not real, definitely not a child's game, is an adult tragedy.

Zach gave two points where Pixar could continue, but the other one missed. This makes Zac not understand.

Zac tried to save this unexpected atmosphere. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ask for privacy, just chat. Don't care if you offend ..."

"Do you know what a vampire is?" Pixar said, suddenly.

Zac opened his mouth, "What is blood sucking?"

"It's nothing." Pixar turned around and waved his hand. "It's nothing. I ... I feel sleepy, wow, your medicine, the effect is really fast, I ..." on the table.

Zac watched Pixar's head blink.

Uh, what's the situation.

Well, there is nothing surprising. This term describes a non-human creature with a human form. It was Ms. West who told everyone at the time in the group sharing that she said this just before the explosion. Ha ha, the 'vampire' written by his friend as a character affected everyone's life, didn't he?

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