The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 9 Chapter 10: While we can remember

The relationship between the seasons is dark early. However, at six o'clock, the artificial light could not reach the place and had fallen into darkness. Two vampires who do n’t need human food, uh, three, Zac, Louise, and Charlie, watch TV in Grand ’s entertainment room.

What a warm "family" scene ~

vomit. In various senses.

Zac suddenly withdrew his arm on Louise's shoulder, stood up, squatted under the TV cabinet and started rummaging, "Where is the empty videotape?"

"Are you trying to record" Cook Kitchen "for Alice?" Louise glanced at Charlie, and the two exchanged strange looks.

"Yeah." Zac looked up at the screen and turned to the channel where Cook's kitchen was located.

"Um-the show stopped."

Zac turned back, "Stop?"

"The suspension was announced the day before you returned." Louise waved at Charlie, beckoning that he could avoid it.

Poor Charlie, Zach has been back for two days and he hasn't said anything to Zac ...

Zac stopped rummaging through the blank video and blinked, "How is Alice?"

"Say‘ it ’s not pretty anyway ’.” Louise shook her head and then tilted her head. “But she still ordered the last set of commemorative video tapes. She should be there tomorrow.”

Zac lowered his head and thought for a moment, looking at the cassette cabinet that had been opened, and there were several rolls of Cook's kitchen video tape marked with ink notes. It seemed that Alice had not moved.

Remember the earth-bound spirit on that train, and still couldn't find any boat engineer who could attach himself after returning home?

Zac doesn't want to make an analogy with an earth-bound spirit yet, but it's near.

Close the cabinet and go back to the sofa. "Is the video sent by my brother brought it?" The TV is boring.

"It should be tomorrow too."

There were footsteps in the aisle. It was Alice and Maya who had finished dinner in the restaurant and came up to change clothes. Yes, these two girls still have activities at night, it seems that they have made an appointment with Lola to go to the Liszt District to watch a movie.

When the two girls passed the entertainment room, they yelled here. That's it. It was quickly replaced by Maya asking what Alice was going to wear.

The girls' movements were unexpectedly fast, and when they passed the entrance of the entertainment room, they had pink cheeks and slight eyeliners ... what happened? Alice is so skilled at makeup?

"Charlie is going with us, don't you mind." Alice stood at the door completely and said a full word to Zac, "Barton is not safe, we need bodyguards."

"Of course ~" Zac smiled back, "Have fun."

"Well." Alice left.

If I use my heart, I want to stop the screen here. Depicting two vampires, Zach and Louise, in a dark room, facing a fluorescent TV screen, watching a boring show, letting time go from 6 to 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock ... and then tell everyone The girls ignored the curfews of regular families and allowed time to cross 10 o'clock, to 11 o'clock, to 0 o'clock ...

Then refreeze the still picture with brisk footsteps and the laughter of the girl, and write two sentences such as-

"I'm back, are you having fun?"


A polite conversation like that ends with the girl quickly traversing the dark space where the vampire is located.

To create a certain atmosphere with the daily reality of a vampire in Grande displayed in this way.

Everyone knows. As the author, I, Madison, have no good intentions for Zac. I have no ‘love’ for him, and I do n’t even stand in his position to help him accomplish the disgusting things he has done.

But as I said, if I can decide, this is what I want to write. But as a recorder, I don't have the right to make decisions, do I?

and so.

It was still a dark room, a TV showing boring programs, and two vampires sitting on the sofa. As if I was expecting it, I was able to watch the time go by and the scene where the atmosphere became reality became changed.

Louise was the first to be alert, looking at the direction of the employee's living area, "What's wrong there?"

There was someone shouting in the living area, "* !!! Who took my soap ?!"

Louise couldn't help but walk towards the window. When she opened the window and looked, more voices appeared.

"*! What about my paycheck? !!!"

"Howl * Howl! I'm calling ... *! What about the microphone ?! What's still in my hand?! *! What about the phone ?! Where did the phone go !!!"


Since then, one after another, endless.

Louise looked back at Zac, "Uh, should we take a look?"

"Yes." Zac had already got up.

When the two vampires passed through the backyard, the living quarters had already begun to riot. Zac frowned and gestured to the corner of the second floor, which was the location of the Bain family. "Go and watch."

"Yes." Louise was fast, and disappeared first. In the class division of Grande employees, they think that the Bain family is the bottom of their family. If any bad things happen, the family with Benn ’s childcare will not be better. So Louise didn't save.

Zack, at normal speed, stepped into the living area, the first sight was the dazed old Hank standing on one foot in the public area.

Old Hank realized Zac ’s arrival, and his dazed face burst into an instant, "Zac! What about my crutches? !!! I ’m still in my hands ..."

Zac didn't think that Old Hank had reason to communicate normally, looking for Logan.

Found it, Logan, who was only surrounded by bath towels, tried to stop Evan, who was crazy, as if Evan thought a guy had stolen his soap.

The whole picture was so beautiful, Zac continued to look for a usable figure.

Fortunately, find one, Russell. Russell seemed calm, carrying a bowl of cereal, holding a spoon, and walking slowly through the chaotic crowd to Zach.

He sipped the foamed oatmeal in the spoon, "What's the case?"

Zac was surprised by Russell's calmness, but calmness was a good thing, "I don't know. What did you see?"

"What can I see ~" Russell seemed a bit wrong, smirking. "Hehehe." The spoon gestured to Zac. "Goat milk in the barn ~ Wanna try it?"

Zac pouted, it seemed that the goods were too calm, and he was still kidding. Zac decided to remind, "It seems that everyone's things are missing, don't you confirm your own things."

"Oh." Russell smirked again. "I just saw it. Some things I didn't use are gone. I don't care ~" It seemed sincere.

Zac didn't have time to comment. Someone, a Grand employee, whose name didn't matter, was in front of Zac, and was tripped by a bump on the carpet during the run.

It looks very painful. Zac didn't help. The guy got up quickly, pulled the carpet out scoldingly, and yelled at the exposed things, "What the **** is this **** **** !!"

It is a metal box placed in a sealed plastic bag.

Zac raised an eyebrow and looked at Russell, whose face had also changed.

"Open it." Zach ordered passers-by who didn't need a name.

Following Zac's orders was probably a disgrace to the employee, so he mumbled ‘without you’ to tear the plastic and open the closed box.

Wow. It is a syringe and a plastic bag containing red things.

Hope everyone remembers what Dell found in Russell's room before stupid decision to go on a business trip with Zac in the West. Because this thing appeared in front of us again.

The employees who discovered these things were stunned for a while and then became angry. Just like Dell ’s misunderstanding, he completely completed their boss Zac, right in front of him, holding the syringe and the red thing, shouting to the confused person with the loudest voice: "Who ’s ?! Who got the senior The goods are hidden by themselves !! "

Premium goods?

What is happening to people nowadays, why don't they see that the red liquid is simply blood?

Uh, after all, a contract killer (Dell) and a group of people who have been in prison for too long, out of touch, they have high hopes for what human nature creates by evil.

Zac held down Russell, who would probably do something stupid, and whispered, "So that's why you always have food when you took care of Arthur."

Russell's face was only embarrassed at this time, and he quickly glanced at Zac, and answered quietly in the already tumultuous noise, "I'm looking for Charlie, a vampire, I have to save my life ..."

Also, Russell ’s ridiculous ‘mirror skill’ (if you take a mirror to take a vampire, the vampire will hide, the absurdity is that you can directly bite you if you do n’t) how could he be the way he lived on the road to find Charlie. This is what is reasonable.

Instead, Zac looked at Russell and looked at it seriously. Suddenly, "Did you respond to Charlie's invitation?" There was another question, Zac said together, "Do you want to be my grandson?"

I can imagine the moment of discomfort on Russell's face, and then, "I, I don't have it." He sighed, and the employees in the living area began to look for their lost things and to find the hidden high-quality goods together. ' During the traitor's transition, Russell looked at Zac seriously, "To tell you the truth, I never thought about what I was going to do. I just wanted to find Charlie and give me an explanation. Do you understand? I never I thought about becoming him ... "What this really means is," I don't think, 'you', what's good. "And immediately," Sorry, I don't want to offend you. "

"It's okay." Zac smiled at the corner of his mouth. "You should tell Charlie what you think, and." Zac took the bowl in Russell's hand and ignored everything that happened in the living area and started to go out, words, To continue, "You are already very good at dealing with vampires, you know that the Federation has a place that is very suitable for human life like you."

Can you guess where Zac is heading?

Zac smiled, "The way you protect yourself, in that place, can be your career ~ You can make money with this kind of thing, and it's safe ~"

"Really?" Russell followed Zac. On the one hand, he wanted to get his bowl back-and he didn't eat most of the bowl. On the other hand, Zac's words were too attractive.

"Yeah, I lied to you, I saw it with my own eyes ~" Zac had a feminine and tough guy in his mind. Shaking his head to disperse, those two are not careers, at most, it is extra fast, right. While Russell was taking care of Arthur in Grande, he didn't have any symptoms of anemia ... I won't say much. Look at the former criminals who are actively looking for interpretation there. Everyone guessed it by themselves. It is impossible to guess wrong. So Zack said that Russell can turn this into a career.

Zach ’s prompt is so obvious, and Russell is not stupid. "Are you talking about the West?"

"Yes ~"

The two are already standing outside the living area. Zac carried the bowl, closed the door, bent over, and placed the bowl on the steps in the front porch of the door, compared to Russell's "hush ~"

Russell is very obedient.

What lasted for a while was the coldness of winter night, and then, a faint light dissipated and moved in the light that appeared in the windows of the building. Finally, flashing appeared on the steps.

The faint light sank itself into a bowl of oatmeal.

Zach held Russell to stop this guy from trying to speak out, and kept smiling, "wait a moment."

They waited.

The light jumped out of the bowl.

Angry, "Vampire! This is not milk!"

"It's goat's milk. It's good to change the taste occasionally, right?"


The light jumped into the bowl again. The liquid in the bowl settles at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The light was wrapped in a pile of sticky cereal, still angry, "Vampire! You don't keep your promises! I'm waiting for you! You and your two energetic human friends! I have waited for a long time! Come!"

"I'm sorry." The smiling Zach is full of sincerity. "I thought you were dead and demonic."

The light flashed for a moment, there was a brief silence, the anger disappeared, but it did not seem to be completely calmed, excited, "Demon, I hate the demon! The other foot is dead, the hand is dead, well, the stomach is dead, The neck seems ... I do n’t know. I escaped, I ’m still alive! "Back to anger," Then I went back and waited for you! Because we have an agreement! I followed my agreement! You! You do n’t! " "

"I'm sorry." Really sincere, Zac looked at the faint light, "How can I compensate you?"

"Another bowl!" Without hesitation.

Zac picked up the bowl and handed it to Russell, "full, please."

Russell went tight.

"How did you find it here?"

"Demon! I hate demons! But they are everywhere! But they are all saying,‘ That vampire drinking sheep blood is in Barton ’, I heard it! So! I ’m coming! Complete our agreement!”

Vampire drinking sheep blood ~

Zac glanced at Grande's living quarters, "Stay."


"I said stay here." Zac smiled. "You are the last one, you can't run that little hotel anymore, don't you, you don't even have a human form."

The light is shining.

Zac pointed to the living area, "Stay here, the energetic humans here, you see, a large group will be fun ~"

The light shone.

"Yes! It will be fun!"


Russell held the full bowl and placed it on the steps. "To, at least ... tell me what it is?"


In a changing era, the demise of the goblin. While we can remember, remember.

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