
"You are late." Rut Lesenbra glanced at the woman at the door, the woman in the work suit, "Lily." He gave us instructions about identity, "As my secretary, you shouldn't be late. "

"I'm sorry." Lily's face was as usual, and she handed out the document in her hand. "This is the interracial review you requested this month. There is nothing special. It's just the newly born soul interracial. It's special. I marked it."

Rut Lesenbull took a quick look at the document. He did n’t seem to have much patience. He did n’t read the content of the document. He went straight to Lily ’s label, “The number of earth-bound spirits is growing.” He frowned, watching Looking at Lily, it is asking to explain, "Why the number of earth-bound spirits will grow." And this question, in Vega, is more correct in the western land, "Why do they exist in this world long enough?" To accumulate their numbers. "

Earth-bound spirits. We all know the conventional ‘road’ of earth-binding. This disappears; belonging to another world, heaven or hell; the one who finds a way to live becomes something else.

This is the place where the living space allows the earth-bound spirits to choose the future, and the western city, Vega, is not such a tolerant place. There is no need to reiterate the ‘system’ of social classification in the west.

"The church employs a lot of people to bind the earth." Lily turned pages for Rut Lesenbra. Obviously, the answer to the question was the next page of the document. But Lily did not spit out the impatience of her leadership, and earnestly acted as a secretary. "Including the states where Vega is located, more than half of the states in the west are covered."

"The church is studying the trial of manipulating the attribution of faith (Constantin and Seth)." Rut Lembrana still only looked at the conclusion. Give the way of thinking, and then close the file, "I know." Head down to do a job that the mayor should do, and no longer look at the orders given by his secretary, "Go back to your desk, the phone will not Pick it up yourself. "

Oh, answer the phone ~ This is the job of the secretary, no problem.

Lily nodded, turned around, and was ready to leave. After two steps, I came back, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, you're late, your salary will still be deducted." Rut Rosembra was saying what a leader should say to an employee who made a mistake. Tantrums and reprimands? It is not necessary, the deduction is the real thing. This is not reasonable ~

"I know that." Lily smiled on her face, raised her hand in her pocket and took out a metal vial, and placed it on the mayor's desk. "You saved my life, this morning."

Rute's eyes stayed on the metal vial for a while, then moved to Lily. Without talking, he put down his work and picked up the metal bottle Lily put down. When he started, he felt the lack of weight and said, "You used my blood."

"Yes. So I can still stand here and serve you."

Rout's face ... Icy, "This is why you are late." It is impossible to speculate on subsequent questions.

"No." The answer was simple, and met the standards of a secretary. "It was a reminder to my daughter's teachers that she may have mentioned the topic of 'death' a lot today, and it took some time."

Speaking of when did everyone 'learn' to death, as a person who hopes for a better world, I, speaking, I hope this 'learning' happens late enough.

Rutter is not satisfied with this answer because it is easy to distract— "Do you have a daughter?"

"Adopted daughter, don't you remember, adopted last year."

Rute's expression said everything, "Oh, how old."

"4 years old." Lily looked at Rout's changing expression, "I sincerely hope that you don't need to contribute your daughter to serve you food, it is a benefit of the mayor's secretary's work." This ... a little horrified.

I don't know if you remember when Zach first came to Vega, he had a short discussion with Ruth about food. We were able to know that the ‘virgin-virgin-blood’ admiration was led by Lesenbra, for the reason that when eating it, it would not be disturbed by inexplicable information to eat the senses.

At 4 years old, it seems to be more respected than the virgin-virgin.

Ruth looked at Lily, "Are you understanding something wrong, you are not working for me." Note, the content of this metaphor is somewhat 'philosophical', "You exist for me, you are my slave , The role you play in this world is to serve your master, me. "The" philosophy "part," and this era calls you this kind of existence, called a secretary. That's all, your role, without any welfare . "

Lily maintained her emotional stability, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Rute also returned to his job as mayor. "In the coming spring, urban hospitals are coordinating the injection of flu vaccines. Citizens under the age of 10 can be injected free of charge when accompanied by their parents." Just said, the mayor's Work, "Your daughter?"

"Injected yesterday."

"Huh. This ruined the taste of the entire quarter." Try to keep up with Rut Lesombla's progress in thinking, hey.

"Thank you." From Lily, it seemed to be very sincerely grateful.

"Don't thank me, thanks Giovanni (Nick Giovanni. Industry.), It is they who make humans so vulnerable today." So need various additives to maintain health? Uh, this logic seems to be fine.

Lily looked down and turned to leave again.

"Wait." Suddenly he put down his mayor's work again, leaned on the office chair, and looked back at the empty metal bottle on the office desk. "Who is it."

"Two men, human. I don't know."

"Human?" Rut's face was puzzled.

"They used a silver-spine net to restrict my movements, and then used salt water (the ghouls were afraid of salt water. They were the first to save James from Ravenci). It felt like they had done their homework and knew what they were going to kill.


"No." Lily shook her head. "They didn't take my daughter away. They didn't feel like a hunter."

Hunter style. I remember when we described this kind of civil armed group, we said that the reason for supporting them to take this ‘professional’ is based on hatred. The aliens ruin the hatred of human life.

Then, killing the mother, uh, adopting the stepmother, leaving the 4-year-old girl with no viability, does not meet the characteristics of a hunter. Can you turn around? This is what ruins the life of a four-year-old girl.

Rute looked at Lily. "You mean this is a murder against you."

"Feeling, yes." Lily nodded. "Thank you, they failed."

Rout looked away, as if thinking.

It took a long time to think about this. Lily waited for a while and did not get the ‘master’ ’s instructions. She turned to leave and went to implement her reason for existence.

"Did you call the police?" Ruth spoke again, asking questions, although not speaking.

"No." Lily turned back and shook her head. "I don't think the police will take care of this kind of incident." The mayor's secretary, except for the mayor, is probably her. She knows the city best.

"You're talking." Rute stood up, and the tone of his voice was confusingly increased. "The mayor's secretary was assassinated, and our city's law enforcement officers don't care about this kind of thing?" Rute relied on At the desk side, looking at Lily, as if this is a serious question ...

Sorry, ironically, this is really a serious question. Rute looked at Lily. "I pushed away all my trips today and picked me up for the Vega Police Chief."

"Yes, the mayor."


I'm happy to continue to show you that this happened in Vega, the mayor's office. After all, it is very interesting to analyze the strange atmosphere of western society and to mock the definition of interpersonal relationships in modern society.

However, this book, the true protagonist of this story, Zach, passively trapped in a dangerous period of waiting for rescue in danger. For humanitarian considerations, we need to care for him.

Then, let's go back to Barton. Not really Button, just a place at a specific time.

"How many times have we repeated here?" James felt like he was going to collapse.

"I don't count." Louise frowned, holding James, because in this cycle of time, they are not the only 'creatures', and there are at least half a hundred of Barton citizens, all in this one. In the loop, fill in the votes of the future mayor. The collapse of James is a puzzling move in the eyes of the public, which is just repeating time.

"24 times." There are a number of people, Murphy, no expression, "multiplying the time that each time starts and ends, we have been stuck here for two hours."

"It's only two hours." Benjamin confirmed again, glancing at Zac, "I'm hungry."

"You're not hungry." Zack didn't look either, "You're just bored."

Everyone is bored. the reason--

"Do we really have to stand in this area." Murphy asked. What scope? The range of soul explosion, remember, at the night school of Back Bay Community University, we have seen this range, it is super small ...

Under normal circumstances, Zach will not answer Murphy's words. But this is not normal. Zac felt the gaze gathered on himself. "Yes." Just casually looked at the person, James was okay, and if someone would make some inexplicable crazy move first, it was James , "I must stay in the area where my soul explodes."

The last ending of this remark just appeared. The fine pieces began to radiate in the pink mist ...

"25." Murphy reported.

All ‘creatures’ around, those citizens, reset to their original positions. The self-detonator, who had been witnessed to disintegrate and disperse 25 times, also recovered intact, standing at the table beside Zac and flicking the inkless pen.

Everyone has adapted to such a time reset, er, except James. Zac continued his explanation, "The last time I was trapped in such a time loop, I was on a moving bus. I kept repeating the time before the explosion occurred."

"So your position has moved." Murphy answered.

Zac is still looking at James, "Because the person who explodes is moving. The end of the time cycle and the reset are all at the moment when I die and the self-exploitation finally appears normally. Just like just now."

Worthy of Louise, before Murphy answered, "Is there a reset of the time loop?"

"Yes." Zac was very satisfied with Louise's answer, and it was no longer necessary to stare at James's fierce face, "When Papa rescued me at midnight ..." Everyone knows the meaning of quotation marks, " While on the bus. I saw it happening outside of my soul's self-detonation. The time, without resetting, Papa and I at midnight, and the Republican God, were trapped in a city that was only half simulated. "


"Geographically. Barton has everything and people in that simulated world, but they are not real." Zac looked around the citizens who were just constantly resetting, "And the boundary of the world, crossing the boundary People or things completely disappeared in the perception of Papa and me at midnight and the republican god. "(Relationship between Lenovo players and npc ...)

"You said it before." It was Benjamin. "Papa used the incomplete world exploration information at midnight." Benjamin glanced at Murphy. "Should we do the same thing, explore." The reference is obvious .

Sure enough, Murphy, after coming to Grande, except for the woman who was leaked by Louise 'interrogation', had a thinking look. It should not be difficult to understand, she has been saying to Louise ‘this is the information I will not give now’, she is waiting for something to happen in Button.

"Of course." Zac is taunting, and his tone can be heard, too high, for fear that Benjamin really misunderstood. "Then you will advance the time, and never return to the time period when the explosion occurred, which is where we are now. Time period. "

Ah. James connected, "Then Walter who could cross the world by time will not find us !!"

Zac raised his chin towards Benjamin, ‘Look, he understands’.

Benjamin did the last self-esteem maintenance, "Walter found you."

Zac is not going to leave room for Benjamin, "but no one, including Walter himself, does not know how he found me, does he." We know that it was the victim of 'Cort', Mormon Lip, who gave Walter Provided time, "Will you take the risk."

No one speaks, the answer is obvious, no one wants to take risks.

So, wait. Believe that the Barton Police Department is behind the scenes, their ability to cover up vicious incidents ... We know very well, the self-exploitation case has long ended in the official statement. At this moment, it happened on the first day of the Mayor ’s vote Will not exist.

Another reset occurred in the scattered pieces of pink mist and radiation.

"26." A woman who was deliberately neglected finished the report, and then she disappeared.

"Hey." Zack shook his head.

"Why did she go ?!" The most excited, of course, was James.

"Exploration." Zach shook his head. "Obviously under my explanation, she came to the conclusion that exploration is safe before a time reset. As long as she is before the next reset occurs."

Benjamin looked at Murphy's disappearing direction, "I should keep up with her."

Zac looked at Benjamin, speechless, "Promise me, at least wait for her to verify that this conclusion is correct, then go, okay?"

Benjamin's mouth twitched and looked at Zac, "I don't like your attitude."

"It's a pity that we are stuck here."


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