Grande entered a state of harmony wonderfully. When Zac came back, Alice was making lunch, and Benjamin urged and said something daily in the restaurant.

Zac gave Benjamin a puzzled look at the door of the restaurant. Two questions, why is Benjamin still here? Why is Alice back?

I don't know if Benjamin didn't understand Zac's eyes or what, anyway, Benjamin didn't answer Zac. Zac could only speak by himself, "I saw Joe."

"Who?" Hey.

Alice heard Zac's voice and immediately ran out of the kitchen. "You're back! I'm worried for a long time!" It is estimated that this is why Alice is at home.

After a long absence from the embrace of Sister Grande, Zack patted Alice's back. "There is something, it's confusing."

Alice called and ran back to the kitchen again.

Zac did at the dining table, "Fat Joe, behind the police station, remember, where Anthony grew old when he was a policeman."

"Huh." Benjamin snorted indifferently.

"He only knows who we are." Zac intentionally said some internal "joke" that only the aliens knew. "Knowing that we are Grand, he was shocked. It turns out that we are very famous ~"

Benjamin glanced at Zac, and then turned away, looking too lazy.

This attitude, hey. Zac did not bother to talk to Benjamin. "Aren't you going back to the ancestral office?" After all, the person he needed to protect was not in Grande. Benjamin has no reason to stay here.

Benjamin said nothing again.

Zac looked at Benjamin seriously and said, "You are not Benjamin, are you. You are a wolf."

‘Benjamin’ raised his eyebrows and looked at Zac, “*.” A non-expletive tone auxiliary, “How do you see it, I thought I had imitated what he imitated enough.”

"Too lazy to take care of me is indeed quite similar." Zack replied, "But really Benjamin won't just be content to ignore me." Meaning, really Benjamin doesn't want to stay in Grande. Needless to say, Benjamin has shown his attitude many times.

Zac smiled, "And you are afraid of Mokawi, so instead of going back to 'home', it's better to 'endure' me here ~"

"Don't be complacent." Now that it has been dismantled, "Benjamin" is not covering up his true quality. His chin is facing Zac. "I just don't bother to go back and deal with those inferior races."

Speaking of the commission, Zac just had one thing to ask the wolf, "Do you know how James was rationalized, did Benjamin start the ancestors' office." It seemed to be a long and hearty discussion, and Zac touched the bottle of wine Come out, fill yourself, and carry the glass, "James thinks it's compensation, Alpha's identity, that's you."

"Me?" ‘Benjamin’ smiled and glanced at Zach.

"Alpha is a leader, a parent, a protector, a dependant ..." Zakro listed a bunch of titles with a halo of praise, "But Benjamin is not, so the ancestral firm's commission can fill Benjamin's identity. Vacancies. So, compensate. "

‘Benjamin’ raised his eyebrows, as if thinking, tilting his lips, “Is this James ’s idea?”

Zac nodded and sipped. "Yes, I didn't even think about it so much. I only took Benjamin abducted by Mokawi." Zac never concealed his views on Mokawi, did he.

"Uh huh." "Benjamin" didn't look at Zac, tilting his head as if seriously thinking about James's views.

"It seems that I will agree with James." Zack did not look at Benjamin. "Every time you show up, you are thinking about doing something bad, now." Looking at the other party, "How honest. That part. The twist in the meaning of Alpha's identity that has been held in Benjamin's body has disappeared. "

"Hehe." "Benjamin" smiled, slightly exaggerated, "You are saying, I'm enjoying the inferior aliens that I helped Patton solve everyday debris? Hahaha ..." Smiled with a smile, his face gloomy, The sound was automatically silenced. awkward.

"Lunch!" Alice came out full of emotions and served the food with her food. But looking at her, it seems that she is not going to stay and eat with Benjamin. "I have to go back to Parker Elementary School. Teacher Tsuisha is back. She also wants to vote. We will accompany her."

Zac nodded, "Watch out for safety." So Alice came back purely worried about her brothers.

Zac watched Alice leave and looked back at 'Benjamin', "Don't you eat it." 'Benjamin' didn't move the food in front of her.

‘Benjamin’ glanced at Zac gloomy, raised his hand to pick up the knife and fork, and asked a very distant question, “Why did Papa make‘ I ’at midnight.” Me? It ’s just a collective term for werewolves.

"Result theory?" Zach answered, the only opportunity to discuss this kind of problem with a true Alpha. As you all know, under normal circumstances, the wolf of Alpha cannot talk. Zac is not prepared to let such historically important moments slip away from his own eyes, "In order to war, In'an needs soldiers."

"So the meaning of my existence ended before I was born." Translated, the war that the Indians needed to win was lost long before Benjamin became born. Does the meaning of existence feel ridiculous?

"Similarly, to explain the reason why 'I' was created by the Holy Lord-" Zach shrugged. "Mission. The missionary that won't break once and for all-the vampire." Zac laughed at 'Benjamin' For a moment. Because of this, it is really worth laughing.

"Oh!" "Benjamin" 's gloom eased a little, "Thank you." Although it sounds sincere, "I feel much better."

We all know how ‘pious’ Zak ’s belief in the Lord is, so I do n’t explain it.

So the conclusion here is that the reason why the creation was made is different from the reason why the creation is still alive in this world. It's a joke to go back to this source.

Zac looked at ‘Benjamin’, and his emotions were inexplicably ... strange, Zac, like this ‘Benjamin’, this guy knows how to self-explain, in other words, this guy is smarter than Benjamin, eh. Raised his hand to remove the thimble and placed it on the table, "Sem."

Sam responded, "I'm here."

Zac glanced at 'Benjamin', "I used to deliberately distort the meaning of the werewolf when I was in the hidden alliance between the werewolf and the wizard. I gave Papa the protection of the werewolf at midnight. The meaning of "guard" has become a captive combat tool for the benefit of the wizard. "This is not a sudden confession, but a statement of fact," The effect is exceptionally good. The werewolf began to captive the wizard in turn, turning the wizard into his own tool. "

"Oh." 'Benjamin' looked at the thimble and said to Zac, "We." Of course it is us, there is an Alpha and a wizard here, isn't it, the direct victim of Zac's behavior, or the beneficiary? , "Should we 'thank you'."

"Actually, you should." Zac nodded. "For the history of vampires, I'm very young." To be honest, and a little Zac hadn't finished talking to teenagers, "When I was in Torrido, The influence of religion on the human age has been ... "Zac could not think of the correct statement for a while," The colonial war is the last of the Lord ’s control of human politics. "It was quickly received," and failed. "

‘Benjamin’ glanced at Zac, “Failed? It ’s not like, the current mainstream belief in the Federation is still the Lord ’s belief.”

"When I became Torrido, Torrido already understood what his clans should do to survive in the original country." Become a privileged class, become a noble, and get the privilege and space to maintain the survival of the clans. Zac ’s previous work maintained the reputation of vampires in the human community, did n’t it? “The faith has brought us, at least to Toledo, no more meaning. Although it is somewhat disrespectful to say so, the fact is, vampires The relationship with the faith of the Lord has long been very weak. I was fortunate that when I became a vampire, the vampire had already formalized his race, proud of eternal life, and realized the truth of living for himself. "

Sam replied, "Everything you do after you become a vampire is actually to bring this to the extreme. You never wanted to acquire a colony for the original society and win the colonial war for your faith."

Zac hesitated and nodded. "It's not right." Zac shook his glass. "The Lord's reward for the victory of the war is still a bit attractive, and there were demons besides the thirteen clans. Even Torre I do n’t want to ignore the "honor" goal of war, nor can I show it. "

At this point, the topic is a bit scary. We have long known the result of the colonial war. The human aspects of the colonists won, but the aliens lost. Is it Toredo ...

"You all know my rejection of witchcraft." Zac spread his hand. "The story of the Indian descendants I created for the werewolf's intelligence during the war, you have all heard it, right."

Look back. Zac made a descendant, the Indian, and then the man committed suicide by using Zac's trust.

"That's when I really saw the impact of faith on the world as a bystander." Zach shook his head. "I just said, I was lucky. When I became a vampire, the vampires, at least Toledo, It has already passed the stage of being positioned by faith. Toledo is self-conscious and conscious of being a vampire, not bound by the creation of faith. "

Still Sam, "You saw the In'An people controlled by the In'An faith, almost duplicated to create werewolves, just like the Holy Lord made vampires." Yes, the point is not the suicides of In'an descendants, but intelligence, and werewolves. .

"So, I knew right away that werewolves, sooner or later, would take the path of vampires. Every creation, as long as it exists for a long time, will have self-awareness, rather than being controlled forever by the cause of its creation."

‘Benjamin’ finally joined, “Oh, you ’re so interesting, do you want to say, did you help the werewolf find the self-consciousness of the race?”

"That's what I mean." Zach nodded. "I helped the werewolves save time in the Federation's slow exploration, and let you get rid of the wizard's control. I will never let go of this credit. I am very proud." Zach seems It is sincere, "And like the vampires, they are proud of their eternal life at first. I believe that the free werewolf also finds what you are proud of, the meaning of your true existence."

‘Benjamin’ did n’t speak, Sam, “Uh ... commissioned? Help interracial solve trouble, compensate?”

Zac raised his hand, "Protection and protection are also the reasons why the werewolf was created, aren't they." Then, "The Lord let the vampire survive by blood, and must interact with the world. The werewolf is also made into a similar look, your life Most of the time is human, food, work and rest, all human normal functions. At the same time, you have the ability to exceed humans. You have the advantage of naturally integrating into human society, and also have the ability to escape from human society and exercise your own strength. So , Why not. Why not protect your own wolf pack and the social community where the wolf pack is located, why can't it be the meaning of Alpha's existence, why can't you be proud? "

‘Benjamin’ frowned, “The difference is that once the werewolf only guarded the wizard, and now it has become a society, a society where aliens and humans are together, what do you mean?”

"Yes." Zac nodded. "This is the property of the werewolf, isn't it, humans and wolves, you are in the middle. Just like the property of vampires, blood, eternal life."

Sam ’s tone was a bit unnatural, “So the wizard who was housed by the werewolf, what is it ...” The thimble will not show the expression, “You said that you are a very successful between the werewolf and the wizard. What can we do to society, uh, 'contribution'. Then, what are we, what are we wizards who have been deprived of their identities by werewolves. "

Zac shook his head, not feeling good. "It is an inevitable loss on the road." Zac looked at the thimble. "The wizard himself has his own meaning. For the captive werewolves in the past, this is the compensation they have to pay." With that, he picked up the thimble, "Do you think it's unfair, you should think so. Before the vampire realizes his consciousness, I can tell you that a lot of unfairness has happened."

"Demon Hunter." Sam said again. "Is their distorted belief unfair."

This is a secret message we do not know.

Zac, nodded, "The demon hunter, why don't you deal with vampires, I have a chance to tell you."

Bring back the thimble. Zac looked back at 'Benjamin', "Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, you want to hide Mocavi in ​​Grandry, whatever you want, but don't do anything I don't like, since I know you are not Benjamin , I may not be so patient with Benjamin. "

It's a threat, not serious.

‘Benjamin’ did n’t speak and started to process his food. Muddled.

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