I do n’t know if anyone thinks that Zac ’s not going out tonight is for other reasons, because it sounds like punishment for Murphy, it ’s ... boring. But in fact, there is really no other reason.

Louise could find that Zac and Murphy could start normal communication, and Zac could too. You don't need to be a peerless man to realize that this is not a man's behavior. Then based on Murphy's original belief that she was punished for being thrown into that world, it would be better to follow along.

After the human dinner in Grande ended, Louise went out with a bottle of Grandt's food. The TV in the entertainment room was occupied by two girls whose friends were still banned and had no night activities. The office is occupied by James. Zac had nothing to do, sitting on the back porch to watch the moon.

"I also spent a lot of time watching the moon when I was not able to move during the day."

The sudden vocalization did not make Zach have any vigilance, and his eyes were still in the sky, but the question still had to be asked, "How did you come? Please don't tell me that Papa got a teleport in Grande at midnight witchcraft."

Ian stood in front of Zac with a smile on his face, "No ~ it's at Pooch's house."

Zac waved his hand and patted the seat next to him, "Sit down."

Ian sat down, "I've been waiting at the Pooch's house for almost a week ~ when there is no descendant around you ~"

This is interesting. Zac glanced at Ian, "Are you waiting for Louise to leave me?"

"Well." Ian smiled. "Only in this way, the dialogue we want to have will always be a secret between you and me ~"

Zac raised his eyebrows, nodded, and continued to look at the moon. Ian's words have been made clear-there is only one thing that can be a secret between Zach and him: Toledo's messenger.

"I want to treat this matter well." Ian had a serious look on his face, looking at Zac's profile. "I should ... well, I recommend it myself."

Zac did not respond.

"First of all, I am your eldest son!" Not surprisingly, this fact must be put in front of your mouth, "I am the eldest of your descendants, equivalent to, I am the most powerful!"

Zac skimmed Ian, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, still silent.

"Second, I am Ann (Anthony) 's brother." The focus is on the back, "I am a soldier who died on the battlefield, so strictly speaking, I do not exist in this world! My existence is secret in itself!"

Zac shrugged.

"Next, I am the descendant most like you!"

Zac raised an eyebrow, looked back at Ian again, and encouraged him to say the reason.

"I'm working for Papa at midnight, my colleague is a werewolf, you know, Ravenci. Just like you and Benjamin! And I also have other colleagues, such as wizards, soul aliens, republican aliens, various , The same as your life in Grand! "

Okay, so this reason is true. Zac turned away, Ian hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Finally! Now that I have mentioned that I am working for Papa at midnight, then, the most important point is that I am absolutely safe! The only two jobs of the vampire clan messenger are to keep yourself safe, and to keep the ancestral sleeping place safe. "Then immediately," Of course I am not suggesting that you go to "sleep", you can do whatever you want, but I can guarantee my own safety, and your movements are safe! "

With a smile on Zac's face, there was still no sound.

Ian waited a moment and looked at Zac's profile seriously, "I'm done, what do you think?"

"I have a question." Zac said, in response to Ian's seriousness, and Zac also gave a serious expression, "Please answer seriously. If I make you a Toledo's messenger, as the Toledo clan Among them, the only descendant who has the channel to contact me. Then, answer me, how would you judge that the Toledo clan needs my clan? In other words, how do you judge, when do you need to contact me? "

Ian's answer was quick, "When the fate of the Toledo clan is in danger!" It should be thought in advance.

"Let's simulate a few scenarios." Anyway, Zac did nothing else. "If the Toledo clan violates public anger and is attacked by other clans of the Demon Banquet, will you contact me?"

"Of course! I will contact you the first time ..."

"Then I died." Zac watched the conversation be interrupted, and Ian kept his mouth open. "This has happened. A century ago, the Toledo clan was attacked by the clan of the secret alliance. My The brother went to wake up our father, and then everyone died together. "

Ian's face started to get worse.

Zac did n’t stop, “Next scene. If your Toledo siblings are bullied by other clans masters of the feast. Well, I think about it, for example, Charlie, he changed blood to become Toledo, I He was also given the standard judging authority of the descendants of Toredo. You can imagine the pressure he faced at the magic banquet. Then, if he was, by, uh, for example, Lesenbra coerced, unable to select for the Torred A suitable descendant of Toredo. Do you want to contact me in this case? "

With a huge failure to answer the previous scene, Ian was clearly cautious. After thinking for a long time, "I will contact you ..." Ian stared at the small changes in Zac's face, "As long as the things are not so bad that the Toledo clan is attacked, you can stay safe. . "

Zac nodded, but said, "So you are, meaninglessly bringing an annoyance that I can't solve to me who was comfortable and free to live outside."


"The Toledo clan will always be bullied." Zac watched Ian say this, "No one can change this fact. Every descendant of the Toledo clan must live under this stress." So, this scene is a trap, Ian jumped very simply.

Ian's face can be said to be very ugly. If this is an interview, he has no hope at all.

But Zac did n’t stop, “Come on for another scene.” He smiled and waved his hand. “It should be very simple. If Papa is at midnight, I need to show up somewhere and do something completely unrelated to the Toledo clan. Will you obey him. "

Ian took a longer time to think ... ‘thinking’, just to look at his pitiful words. His current state is more like a week of constipation. And Zac said it was a simple scene, huh.

"I ... I will try to contact you ... because, at least, Papa at midnight is the reason why my things and you are safe. If he needs you to do something, at least, you should at least consider considering ..." Ian's voice It gets smaller and smaller until the last automatic quiet.

Zac nodded again, but we understand, then: "So what you basically mean is that if I make you a Toledo messenger, you will contact me with all the wrong reasons."

Today's moon is not round ~

Ian stood up and said in a low voice, "I should have left ..." It was conscious, hum, as if he had left Zach and Anthony on the battlefield, as he had been here a year ago, Grande Here, left Zac.

Zac ignored the farewell, "I'm curious, who gave you confidence, from my recommendation to be Toledo's messenger? Papa let you come at midnight?"

"No ... it's my son."


"I have another grandson?" Zac didn't know what expression he could put on.

"You don't have to worry." Ian stood on the stairs in the back porch, still maintaining his way of leaving. "I didn't continue to insult the standard of Toredo's descendants. He is a very Toredo person. Smart, sharp ... "Putting his lips away," it's good-looking, tasteful, and it's hard not to like him, even if other people actually hate him. "Observe Zac's expression," just like you. "

Oh, isn't it? We all know that Zac likes people as much as he likes them. Ian seems to have eaten the standard of Toledo's descent.

"Really?" Zach spread his hands. "Are you going to introduce it to me someday?" Zach is asking to see his new grandson?

"He ..." Ian frowned. "He probably won't want to see you."

"Why?" Zach was just curious.

"He has seen Zager." Everyone focused a little. Now the conversation contains potentially important information, "He doesn't like Zager." Keep watching Zac, "That means, he doesn't like you……"

Zac is very focused, so Zac has refined the message in the words, "Is he a Republican?" It is just for everyone to understand-where is Zhar? In the Republic.

Ian suddenly avoided Zac's eyes and nodded.

"Identity?" Zac looked at Ian's head.

"Civilian." This is the answer, but--

Zac didn't show mercy. "So I can hear the blood flow in your body speeding up. Don't lie to me, Ian. I always think that honesty is the only relationship between us, don't ruin this one."

Ian returned to the back porch, looked at Zac, and said, "He works in a very special government agency in the Republic. Outside, he is a civilian. I did not lie."

Focus. What do we think of when we hear ‘Republican Special Government Organization’?

"Special." Zac repeated it, looking up at the office window on the second floor, where there was shimmering light and James was working. Zac withdrew his gaze and looked northeast of Grande, "Now the hunter weapons that should be in the witness office of the Southern District Police Station, those weapons that you suddenly appeared before and stolen in the homes of immigrants from the Northland North District. Provided by your son. "

Did you think of it, as a total abandonment-or in ink, betrayed the native alien country, the republican government, making weapons against aliens.

Ian frowned, "Yes."

Zac shook his head, "So he became Toledo, it was the job that Papa gave you at midnight, not that you found someone who met Toledo's standards."

We already know that the weapons in the evidence office of the Patton South District Police Station are being circulated on the market by the wizard family. Isn't Benjamin's commission, the Barton alien is nervous by the new weapon.

So Zac ’s inference was natural—Papa was going to supply the wizard family in the confederation at midnight. Just guess, the wizard family made a wish to their god, huh, huh. So Ian, who worked for Papa at midnight, gave a person who had access to these weapons in the Republic to live forever.

"It's not like this ..." No special ability is needed, and I can hear that this is just Ian's instinctive rebuttal, "It's me, I really think he is suitable to be ..." Automatically quiet again.

Zac waved his hand, "Don't care, I didn't blame you." Zac said no blame is no, don't question, "He is already Torrido, this fact will not change. I'm a little curious Why did he encourage you to meet me? "Zac tilted his head." As a republican, I guess he should hate Grande's acceptance of aliens from the republic. Why would he want you to be my messenger ... … "Zac blinked and abandoned his original curiosity." Why would he want to be a vampire? You and Papa forced him to become a vampire at midnight? "

"No! No one forced him, he volunteered!"

"Why?" What Zac didn't understand was "Republicans hate their aliens, but look forward to alien whey aliens?" This makes no sense!

"He doesn't hate aliens ..." It can be seen that Ian is uncomfortable. It seems that he doesn't fully understand what he said. "Republicans don't hate aliens, just ..." Ian shook his head. "If you I ’ve really been to the Republic, and you will find that the Republicans ’acceptance of aliens is ridiculous!” It ’s probably that he also knows that he ca n’t explain clearly, so he can only give an example-“You go to the Republican city to see, You will see temples, ancestral halls, alien statues ... all kinds of things representing aliens! "

Zac pouted, something that Zac's brain couldn't imagine. Even in the city of Vega, there can be no statue of a vampire.

"Uh, I don't know how to explain it. I can only say that Republicans actually just don't want to waste time on those republican aliens, the venues dedicated to aliens need to be turned into factories, and the statues representing super creatures need to be turned into city landmarks. , Hotels, squares, whatever ... Republicans just have no energy to control aliens. "Ian thought of a good analogy." Like people in our federation, too lazy to go to church to pray! "In fact, this kind of analogy is very bad- —There is only one God in the Federal Church, the God of Republic ...

"But they still have the energy to set up a government agency that specifically targets aliens." Zac doesn't think this is ridicule, it is to explain the facts.

"Uh." Ian's mouth flattened, "That's because the republican aliens are all gods ..." Looking at Zac, "They have been enshrined by the Republicans for thousands of years, and now suddenly, those gods don't They were enshrined, and they were angry. The Republican God, Ge, Republican Interracial, the current situation is caused by the interracial themselves, they thought the Republicans enshrined them for granted. I hate to say this, but the Republican Interracial is in their own country Abandoned, rejected, deserved, they are on the way of republican mankind, they! They are the burden of the country! "

Zac was quiet for a while, "You can go, I need to think about what you say."


"Go." Zac pointed to the direction of the Pooch's house. Hey.

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