Near midnight, Louise returned from the party, and Frank was still chatting with Zac on the back porch. The two lords are talking about what you do n’t care about. I ’m obviously going to retell the important ones. I did n’t repeat them. Oh, the topics accumulated over the four centuries are bound to have some indifferent topics ~

The topic that Louise encountered when she came back happened to be 'women'.

"Another thing I don't understand about this era is why women can gain authority?" This is a question, "It is not given with birth, but acquired the day after tomorrow?"

"What do you not understand?" Zac needed to know the exact question.

Frank naturally saw the returned Louise, very considerate, "I am talking about human women." This addition did not make Louise feel better, but what Louise can say, keep the head down at 45 degrees. The room. Frank continued, "Women inherently have the absolute power of human race inheritance. They can now obtain more human civilization to create social rights. When they have all the rights of humans in this world, what use can men have in this society? ? "

Zac was startled. No kidding, what Frank didn't understand was not conventional sexism, but conspiracy theory ...

Louise seemed to hear it, protruded from the second floor, and gave Zac a "what a ghost" expression.

Zack couldn't answer Louise and waved his hand to Frank, "In today's society, no one will get all the power, and the system will not allow this to happen."

"Oh." Frank seemed relieved. "Then I'm relieved for the future of the human race."

There is no way to tell how genuine Frank's words are.

Louise returned, and Zac did n’t want to talk to Frank anymore. “It ’s too late. I should arrange a rest for you.”

"Isn't it OK here?" Frank watched Zac stand up, squinting in the direction of the living area, and smiling, "I won't disturb you and Miss Louise's nightlife." Yes, so a conscious guest.

"If you do n’t want Rut to find that you came to Button in advance, you ca n’t stay in Grand for a long time. Today is just a coincidence, the descendant of Nenad Cappadocia, Cyrus, come home early to participate (Mc Ji ) Party. Tomorrow he will come to work normally. Then ... "Zac gave you an understandable look-Cyrus can bring the message back to Nenad, Ninad passed the message to Hamilton, Hamilton The report returns to the magic feast ...

Frank raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face. "Rute doesn't need to know." He followed Zach, "What about the detective?"

It's James. James came back at night and shut himself in the room in a bad mood. He should have gone to bed early.

"You don't have to worry about James." Zach replied casually, thinking about where to send Frank. With two options, look at Frank, "Can you accept temporarily living in the wizard's house."

"Oh, it's too early to accept it for the time being," he answered with a smile.

Well, send it to the Bourges' house, so that Frank's chance to make contact with the **** he once slaughtered can be crossed out. "On the south side, there are a couple of inheritors, one is a local alien of Barton, and the other is an inheritor who retired from the magic banquet. They run a holiday farm. What do you think."

"Linda? Really?"

Zac was a little surprised that Frank actually knew the name, "Yes, you know her?"

"No. Oh, I just learned from Lute's blood about the various alien control projects that Demon Banquet did in the west. You mentioned the inheritor to remind me of this."

"Oh." Zac is no longer interested. "Linda, who has entered the end of the human life cycle, is no longer useful for the magic banquet, so she has nothing to do with the magic banquet. You should be able to keep ... safe there. "When Zac said it was safe, his mouth was a little soft. Because of Frank's safety, I really don't have to worry about it. The safety here is more psychological.

"Sounds good." Frank nodded and glanced at Zac's direction, as if thinking about something, "I don't need you to send me away, and don't let the couple have any guesses about my identity ~"

Zac guessed that Frank meant that if Zac sent the person away, the couple would naturally doubt Frank's identity. It ’s just, “They ’ll guess your identity, whether or not I sent you, and your ID card says Vega City.”

Frank was a confused old man at this time, with an incomprehensible look, "In addition to law enforcement, I must honestly show my documents to civilians?"

Zac was stuck for a while. He did n’t know how to explain the progress of civilization in this part. He could only say, “Yes, buying alcohol, weapons, accommodation ... There are many places in this era that need to confirm citizenship. You should get used to it.”

"Okay." But still "I try to solve the daily life of this era myself." Smiled at Zach, jokingly, "If I can't handle crying and hide back, please help me. Take my outdated old man ~ "

Zac matched the joke, "As long as you don't hide in the public toilet ~"

"Hehe." Frank smiled, and before leaving, "I still intend to quickly solve the situation of Zmihi, tomorrow night?" Interrogative, "Can you accompany me to the wizard's laboratory to find Zmihi's son?" "Craig."

Zac nodded, "I can bring Craig to Grande." Is the proposal, "If you have pressure on the wizard's laboratory."

"That couldn't be better." Frank finally gave a smiley face and disappeared.

Zac felt the pressure of the ranks in the blood disappear, and immediately rushed to Benjamin's warehouse, passing Murphy sitting in the haystack, and went straight to Benjamin's bed. "Get up, I know you are awake."

Benjamin rolled over, his voice still calm, "That old man makes me uncomfortable."

"Endure like me." Zac sat directly beside Benjamin. "I need you to do something for me."

"How much money." Benjamin really gave Zac face at all, and directly put on a business attitude.

Zac pouted, "I need you to keep Mocavi as far away from Frank as possible. I don't know what happens when the two ancestors meet together!"

"It seems to have happened." Benjamin told a joke with a calm face. "He seems to be very keen on you, the ancestor of Torredo ... Aw!"

Zac pulled Benjamin a hair, "Don't joke! I'm serious! Do you think he is so friendly at Grande because of how 'respectful' I am the Toledo ancestor. Is it because he has complete overriding My strength! "Listen carefully to Zach's words," What he doesn't have is an understanding of this era, and he is very clear! It is impossible for his son to give him or teach him this missing part! " Have you forgotten about the topic of the feast during the day is Rute's achievement?

Let's make a slightly twisted analogy-for humans, we often say that father will leave his career as a legacy to his son. Have we ever heard of our son giving his father success. Then we are throwing eternal life into this situation, think about it.

Zach: "He now looks equal to me because I still use it!" Finally, "If you still want me to live, don't give Frank a hint-I can be replaced by Mocavi!"

Benjamin was quiet for a long time, "You can't be replaced by Mokawi."

"Are you sure?" Zac looked at Benjamin. "So what's the matter with you?" The extremely penetrating summary went away.

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