a new day. Start with Frank ’s ‘unsatisfied’ appetite.

It will take a while to start with this, and those programmed things, such as girls going to school, such as police detectives to work. Non-nutritious daily procedures.

There are nutritious daily procedures. As with yesterday, Cyrus put down the mill's work report and continued to ask for leave, trying to help Zac find Frank's satisfied food. It is not the kind of nutrition that Cyrus has expressed many times-"I want to do something for you, Zac". Instead, he was once again rated by Frank as ‘disgusting’ food.

The ancestors office is building a vampire food channel in the east, so needless to say. A survey done by Benjamin was on the vampire ’s preference for food. The sample was based on data provided by the Western Demon Banquet—this is natural, and in addition, with the help of the wizarding family ), Get the ecology of the central vampire.

Surprisingly, a kind of blood is loved by the vampires of the orphans in the middle-the blood of terminally ill patients.

Zac does n’t know the details, but according to Cyrus, some vampires in the middle use this blood as a poison. It seems that there is a subtle reaction between the orphan vampires who are immortal, and the humans destined to die, making this blood a thing that can make certain vampires feel dependent.

Serris got the sample yesterday, a sample that Benjamin worked hard to collect.

As it turned out, Frank said, disgusting. So, Cyrus continued to ask for leave. What nutritious things he can bring tomorrow, read it tomorrow.

Another nutritious routine is Old Hank.

Did n’t Old Hank go to Harvey ’s firm to talk about an out-of-court agreement yesterday morning? Today, there is a result, what led to the old Hank this morning, regained the daily routine of newspapers he gave up for a long time--

Old Hank did not ask the plaintiff to give Grande any compensation, only one claim, the plaintiff's family members, publicly apologized.

This is very reasonable in Old Hank's consciousness. After all, Grande's reputation is more important than anything else. So, Grande is in the newspaper again, social edition ~

Noisy in the living area from now to now, er, not bad noisy, yes, it is ... innocent noisy. It can remind a group of former criminals that they are no longer the kind of second-class citizens in this society. Can you understand it a little bit? People who have been accused of being ‘wrong’ in this society and punished as a result have suddenly been said by the civilians one day, ‘I ’m sorry, it ’s me’.

The newspaper Zac also read it, and the apologetic Norong could not arouse Zac's interest. So the really nutritious point in Old Hank's daily life is not this, but a large box of video tapes that were taken back by Old Hank along with the newspaper. The documentary of the dog brother.

The federal postal system, huh, do n’t look too far, it has n’t developed to the point where it can be delivered overnight across the confederation. It will take centuries for the human logistics system to surpass Frank's speed ... Maybe not a few worlds, who knows.

The timestamp on the postmark shows Zac the time when the brother sent these videos, a week ago.

Frank's evaluation of this is, "What you said is true, the visionary ability of your descendants is really amazing."

Yeah, this means that the younger brother not only predicted that the power of the Lesenbull powerhouse at the Feast would be unhappy that he filmed the civil war in Zmithi, but also predicted that Zac would be willing to receive these backup videos ... foresight.

This is Zac ’s favorite candidate for Toledo. Like Louise, Louise naturally expressed her preference for her future brother and gave up the republican TV program. Grande went to work, leave, and school. , Began to play the dog brother's documentary.

The swaying camera with no vitality at all, accompanied by the narration of the younger brother's chatter, made Louise look at it with relish. Unexpectedly, the situation of watching the screen and guessing the voice when watching the Republican program, completed a unique flavor reversal.

At the beginning of the day, these are the nutritious things that happened. Today officially started.

In the mill's work report, there are no manuscripts, the note is still, ‘West is hospitalized. ’

This is not a repetition. Going to the hospital and being hospitalized are two levels of events.

Frank was the same, "She will die, just like all humans in this world."

Zac chose not to comment.

Feeling bad? After all, it is a woman who has drawn a heavy stroke in her life as Zachary Grand, literally. But think about it, the Lord has drawn too many pens in the life of a vampire, should I care about this one?

Good feeling? Yesterday Miley suddenly ran to Zack to review Logan's identity background, didn't it surprise everyone? The ability to shape reality, how worthy of the thrill. It's gone, it's fine. But think again, the Holy Lord has used this ability to shape how much reality, and now this may have affected all the history of mankind, and may be gone. What will happen in the future?

So Zac chose not to comment.

Frank still carefully studied the work report of the mill. Facts have proved that Madison insists on writing a work report that Zuck will not read every day, not to show how bad Zack is-

Yesterday's issue in the work report, Brian's social security dispute was perfectly resolved after Madison went to Emilia to issue a certificate. Today ’s new problem is that due to the joint insurance of the funeral industry assets initiated by Ford, the mill is required to also perform asset estimation.

The problem is coming. At the beginning of the mill, due to being excluded from the Allen Funeral Home, the price of most equipment and resources purchased by Madison is higher than the cost of the normal funeral industry. If Maddison calculates assets based on his real accounts, Mill, the smallest cremation division, will surpass the funeral homes of Allen and Ford. If Maddison calculates according to his real account, Maddison will lose a lot, er, the Mill will lose a lot, in other words, Grand will lose a lot.

What to do, please ask the boss Zac to make a decision.

Will Zac make a decision?

Do not.

Frank, who learned the world's doorsteps, gave his opinion, "It is better to let Madison and Allen sign an agreement. The loss of the mill is filled by Allen's funeral. Anyway, Allen originally owed the mill."

Zac has no opinion. Allen's funeral is a feast. Grande strictly speaking, it is also a feast. The internal assets are transferred. What can I say?

Frank began to arrange with some excitement. Everyone needs to understand this excitement-this is an old man who first arrived in Barton and has to rely on the police in the public toilets to help him. This is his first time in this era, huh, interaction.

When Frank called to arrange, Zach listened for a while. When Frank called the mill, he heard Madison say, "I hope you are my boss." Forget it, at least honesty is a compliment.

Instead, Zach noticed that when Frank was occupying the phone, the answering machine flashed. Someone called in and gave up the message ... The phone in the showroom on the first floor rang.

Confirming that Frank could control the situation, Zac went downstairs to answer the phone.

"Grand Funeral ..." The opening didn't finish.

"It's me." Boque Quinn. "You come to the sanitarium now." This is an imperative sentence, yes, order.

"What's the matter." Zac said nothing.

"Is it okay for you to come? Do you think I miss you!" Man, why can't you just click directly?

It seems not to work, "Please." It wasn't Zack's bad taste, it was Zac who heard the voices of two people in the background, Mrs. Quinn and Andrew. Mrs. Quinn seemed to ask Andrew if he was injured in a worried tone, and Andrew answered in a sleepy tone.

If Pooch didn't explain what he was doing, Zac would never walk into a situation where he didn't know if he was safe.

"You ..." Boqi just sent out a full emotional call, the earpiece was shifted, the voice, Zac was not ready to hear it now, "Husband, you should come." It was Murphy Assamette .

Zac was quiet for a little while, "When are you back in Patton, when." There was no tone of question.

"Before 31 minutes." Uh, so precise, "I got a new mission from the Central Clan, so I came to the place with the greatest chance of being answered, and I happened to meet your descendants and the son of your neighbor here, and I seek the same answer ... "

Interrupted by the background sound, "I just came to see Andrew." Mrs. Quinn explained herself.

"Sorry." Murphy actually apologized. "Let me rephrase." Uh, the headache-ridden woman came back and exceeded expectations, "Your neighbor is forcing his young son ..."

It was interrupted by the background sound again, it was Pooch, and it was accompanied by the messy noise of snatching the microphone, "What do you say! This is my son, I can let him do whatever I want!" Successfully got the microphone, "Zac! You come to me! Don't forget that I have Papa at midnight to send witchcraft! If this matter is not resolved! You are ready to face Papa's visit at midnight at any time!" Hang up.

Zac frowned and looked up at the second floor.

"I'm not going ~" Louise's voice, "Brother is really a genius ~"

"I don't even think about it ~" Frank's voice said, "The nursing home is the property of Boque Quinn. I'm not ready to step in yet. But come back early, I'm still curious about the situation of the Assamite clan ~"

Ok. Zac continued to look up at the second floor, "Louise?" This was for instructions. After all, everyone understands, Murphy.

"I don't care ~" is accurate. It is rare for a couple to achieve such trust.

Zac has no reason to refuse. On the road.

car? Do not. run? Do not. Walk, yes. Still the kind of ink, you ca n’t give Boque Quinn the illusion of being really threatened, right?

And we all know how much ink Zach has once inked up.

The crops after the winter break started to germinate ~ down-to-earth farmers began to sow hard sweat ~ wildflowers and wild grasses on the road, began to show off ~ Occasionally skipping the cats in front of me, meowing What about ...

Meow ~

Zac was afraid that even a third of the journey was completed and was stopped by a black cat.

Meow ~

Zac didn't know why he was brain pumping, and he said back to his black cat, "Meow."

Black Cat Cookies, "Huh. Do you really want to give up human language and talk to me in the language of cats, Torredo."

To ‘tuck. ‘It ’s Zac ’s right,“ Why are you here? ”

"No cats are allowed in the hospital wards." Uh, he answered in a gruff tone.

"So you came to chase your own kind in the field?" Zach glanced at the far-flung group of wild cats.

"Oh, you're so humorous." Will the cat laugh, no. If you don't know this fact, go and raise a cat. The cat has only one expression, "I'm looking for my new owner."

Zac frowned, the implicit meaning in this sentence ...

Zac did not give up his usual response to Ms. West, ignoring, "I wish you good luck." Zac stepped up to bypass the black cat, preparing to move on.

"I'll think about living creatures forever." The black cat didn't make Zac's circumvention successful. "After all, I don't know how long I will live in this world." Fall, remember? The non-stop fall in the present, the past, and the future will bring the eternity that will pass through the present at this moment. The black cat biscuit will always exist for now.

Zac couldn't help but stop the blocked steps, "I haven't raised a cat."

"Is it too much to look at myself, who said I came to you."

The destination in this direction should be Frank.

Zac didn't mind, turned slightly and made a gesture of asking, "Like my most heartfelt blessing just now, good luck." The detour again.

The Black Cat Biscuit actually stopped Zac's way again. "Did you allow me to enter Grande in this gesture? I don't need your permission to go anywhere, vampire."

Zac ’s patience, there are actually many, anyway, he did n’t disturb anything. The ink is the purpose of walking, so he simply gave up, "My mistake, do you have anything else to talk about, just the weather is good today ~ "

The black cat also stooped down and turned into a sitting position, with its tail circled in front of him, and looked at Zac, "I have." The expression of the black cat ... Gee, just that expression, "I'm going to the inheritor's farm , Visit two inheritors. "

The black cat just said that the eternal life is a heir? ?

Uh, although it is all eternal life, the eternal life of the inheritors ...

Zach did not comment, Black Cat, "Do you think the vampire's immortality is perfect."

"Do you want me to evaluate my own race?" Zac looked at the black cat and solved it. I don't understand what kind of guy will question someone's own problems in front of someone. How rude it is.

"I am, you may not know, I watched the Lord make you." What? ! The Black Cat did n’t give Zac a reaction time, “I understand what you are more than you, I ’m just curious now, do you feel conscious yourself.”

"What do you mean." Zac frowned.

"I don't understand what I mean." The black cat raised his paw, licked it, and his mouth was gray. What can there be, here is the field, "You are broken products." The black cat flicked his tongue for a long time and spit out this sentence.

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