Humans like to use their feelings to define the characteristics of the season. For example, the green morning in spring, the strong midday in summer, the cozy evening in autumn and the cold night in winter. Feelings, romantic words.

But feelings are meaningless. Human physiological and psychological progress has nothing to do with the season. What happens will not happen in season.


"You gave Chris the position of the quarterback?" Zac asked Kyle at Grand's table, just the beginning of the topic. We know that Zack attaches great importance to this master's work.

"Well, he needs more opportunities, if he doesn't want to stay in Allen's funeral home all his life." Kyle just answered, his face changed slightly, and he glanced at Alice.


Laura needs Alice to help with her homework. Kyle would like to thank Alice for helping him organize the papers. So, the two were having dinner at Grande.

"What happened to the funeral home?" Alice said nothing, and Maya jumped out, uh, figuratively, "Do you have an opinion about the funeral home ?!" Maya also glared at Zac specifically, "I'm not You defend. "

Zac raised his glass, "I know." He sipped the food and stopped talking. This is not Zack's, it's Kyle's.

"I didn't mean that." Kyle wasn't explaining to Maya, just looking at Alice and saying, "Chris's father is a magic feast vampire. If he inherits the Allen family, uh, no good." Remember, The two feats of identity replacement prepared by the Feast for his vampires-a complete restart, and accumulation of human family resources. If Mr. Allen chooses the latter, it means that Chris, the son of Allen, will be replaced by Allen in the future. So, bad.

Alice smiled at Kyle, "I understand."

"Uh." Maya rolled her eyes and didn't know what she was angry about. "I think after you killed a person last year, you have a shadow on the game."

"Maya!" "Maya!"

Lola and Alice shouted together.

Kyle held the cutlery and didn't move.

"What's wrong!" Maya ignored Lola's glaring, "I didn't talk nonsense!" Arguing to Alice.

Kyle put down the cutlery, "I'm full, dinner is good, thank you." He turned and left the table.

Zac does n’t plan to do anything, he lifts his glass to see what happens—

Lola and Alice left the table together, and were all going to chase Kyle. But ~ Lola just walked two steps, sat back, watched Alice chase out, then stared back at Maya who was going to chase Alice, "Sit me down!"

"Humph!" Maya was not prepared to listen to Lola.

"If you dare to go out, I will tell Caesar that you like him!"

"Neuropathy!" Maya rushed out of the door, and in two seconds, gloomyly returned to the dining table. "If you dare to say a word, I will kill you!"


The adults at the dining table—Zac, Louise, Murphy, and Frank, exchanged their gazes and raised glasses together. Add another James who eats.


As soon as the dinner was over, James seized Zac. "Look!" He threw a document in front of Zac and pointed to somewhere to show Zac.

"Xxx" Zac pronounced a name, then looked at James suspiciously, "Should I know this person?"

James confronted Zac with an incredible face and pestle. "Should you? That's why Grande eats the lawsuit! The body that was stolen from the hospital by family members and then disappeared in the warehouse area of ​​Port Massa !! "

Too close, Zack pushed away James' face. Zach felt that he knew more than James ’s previous girlfriends how many pores on James ’face.“ Grand never received this body. ”He defended himself, and then continued to watch James throw in front of him File, "What is the file for this case?"

This is a critical issue. The disappearance of the remains of Port Massa belongs to the manslaughter case deliberately facilitated by Harvey ’s lawyers. And we know that James is now with Weiss and investigate the "Little White" case together.

James withdrew the document, "Huh! Do you care now?" Zac stopped reading it.

Zac looked at James, "Are you ... hooking-inviting-me?"

The pores on James's entire face were completely displaced, and he took a deep breath three times in a row. "The police found this body!" The face didn't want to look at Zac's expression, but the body locked Zac's face honestly. "Floating on the Noel Beach! Neither Grand nor his family admitted that they moved their bodies after the warehouse area. How did the body float to the Noel area ?!"

Zac did not give James any expression. If James wants to see Zac's facial muscles change, he should work harder.

In the relationship between two people, sometimes, it is really necessary to remind. So Zac spread his hands and closed his eyes, "More, give me more."

The displaced pores are just tremors that conform to the texture under the skin. James continued to take a deep breath and completed more of Zac ’s request, “Weiss’ plan succeeded! The 'Little White' gang sent new people to hand over those living corpses (live corpses) with Ford! Ford continues to save the living corpses and postpone the transfer, because the place used to transfer the living corpses is being investigated by the police! "

James put these two cases together and said that there must be a reason. In the relationship between two people, it ’s equally important to have a strong heart—

Zac, "The place where the 'Xiaobai' gang transferred the living corpse is where the family members kept the remains, right."

The piano is harmonious.

James, "It's the 'Little White' gang that handled the inexplicable body! They initially thought it was 'broken goods' ..." Oh, the broken goods are quite graphic, "but with Gran In German lawsuits and forensic investigations in hospitals, until the police finally took over, they could only throw out their bodies and try to divert their attention! "

"Oh, twists and turns ~"


Mrs. Quinn came and glanced at a row of teenagers sitting on the back porch of Grande, "Don't pass the curfew." After giving the adult advice, he entered Grande, "I'm coming Please Frank. "

"Me?" Frank was a little surprised, and then, "Oh, I thought I wouldn't have a second date after yesterday ~"

"It's not a date ~" Mrs. Quinn smiled. "I invited a friend to talk about things at the farm." Zac nodded to him, just to explain the invitation together, "Barton (Mrs.). We talked to Revelo. I will come to Newton to cooperate with our Westerners. Barton asked some things about vampires and I answered. "Mrs. Quinn smiled." I am happy to answer these questions and introduce my friends to her future life. At our age, we can still have such a conversation, and it feels good ~ "

Frank would look for opportunities and raised an eyebrow. "What age?"

Mrs. Quinn smiled, "Thank you ~" continued to explain, "But after chatting, I found that I still know too little about vampires."

Zac decided to assist, "And you decided to invite to fill the knowledge, not me?"

"Unintentional offense, Barton (Mrs.) doesn't like you very much ~" Mrs. Quinn gave Frank her hand, "Are you invited? The top clan of vampires today, the ancestor of Lesenbla?"

"Of course ~" Frank took Mrs. Quinn's hand and nodded to Zach, "Is your friend, Mrs. Patton, do you have any preferences I need to know first?"

"Her husband was once the most authoritative man in this city ..." The two went away.

Everyone should already understand this pattern. cold.

Grand's phone rang.

The first to pick up was James, who occupied the office. A few seconds later, James shouted on it, "Zac! Your brother!"

"Hey, Drake ~" Overall, Zack was in a good mood, so he greeted him lightly. It was a bit confusing-James was packing up his belongings and preparing to leave, actually to give Zac privacy and not to disturb Zac's way of answering the phone.

Zac took advantage of the space that Drake didn't answer, and gave James a ‘you do n’t want me anymore? ’S expression.

"Stay here to listen to you twisting a normal human mind, I am uncomfortable!" James dropped this sentence and left.

Gee. Derek didn't know what to say, why did he conclude so quickly ...

"Zac, I ... I'm so tired ..."

Zac watched James leave, halfway in a light mood, listening to the background sound in the earpiece for a while, "Are you still in the hospital?"

"Just completed an operation." Drake exhaled, long and heavy. "Did Madison tell you? His friend."

"Madison?" Zac pursed his lips and glanced to the south. The figures of Frank and Mrs. Quinn had long since disappeared. "Did West?"


"How about surgery?" Zack adjusted his posture.

After a long monotonous breath, "I used your blood."


"Madison, he gave me a bottle of your blood, hey ..." It felt like Drake over there was changing his posture, "I understand, Madison just wanted to insure. But I, but I ..."

Zac couldn't grasp the point a little bit. "Is it difficult to operate?" Frank's emphasis on "West will die" around these two days around Zac's brain.

"No no no ... minor surgery, valve repair ..."

Was interrupted, "Say I can understand."

"Uh ... people grow old, and then sometimes the valves of the heart ..."

"Heart?" It's so typical. Zac couldn't notice anything else after hearing his heart. "You're having surgery on West's heart?"

There was a moment of silence over the earpiece, "I am a cardiothoracic doctor." This is the answer.

Zac pursed his lips. "You said it was a minor operation."

"Yes, any intern who has been training for a few years can do it." Inexplicably spit out the medical level of Barton City. "You have no intern here, so I do everything."

Zac didn't want to continue West's conversation, "Okay, so work makes you tired."

The earpiece was quiet again. After more than ten seconds, "I used your blood the moment the operation started."

Zac's turn was quiet. Uh, so is Drake tired or not? He sounds lazy.

But on the other hand, West was not dead.

"Then stood in the operating room for two minutes and thought about why I did that." Drake didn't hear Zac's reply and continued on his own. "Then I started to hate myself, not only because I did that, Also because I did n’t figure out why I did that. "

Drake paused again, and Zac thought he should say something, "blame Madison, he gave you the lazy option."

"I did think of blaming him." Drake sighed over there. "But should I blame someone who is only worried about the safety of my friend?"

So the topic now is tired. Zac found the crux and could start treatment ... James said that Zac's behavior made him uncomfortable. Zac kept silent.

"Two minutes later, I cut a completely healthy woman, and then performed a valve repair operation on a completely healthy heart." After a short pause, "I want to meet the surgical procedure. You taught me, Someone is peeping at me, I have to play the whole set. "

Zac thought about it and said, "It sounds like you haven't been very comfortable today. Would you like to hear how I live today?" The point is not that Zac wants to share his life today, but, "Compare You may be in a better mood. "

"Uh, no more. Every day of yours should be beyond my understanding ..."

Interrupted, or very quickly connected, "Are you disgusting my non-human life?"

"No no no!" Derek's reaction was quick, "I don't despise your life, I just want to say that your life I may not understand ..."

"Then when you complain about your life, I should understand?" Zack asked back. It's completely unprepared to play the role of a caring brother.

the reason? there's a few. The most direct, naturally, Drake expressed his professionalism, and the conflict with vampire blood. Is this something Zac can solve? Too worthy of Zac.

Then there is information, West information. Zac didn't know how to deal with West's death or how to deal with her death. I said this before. So Zac kept his usual policy and ignored it. Ignoring the result, Zack's blood caused West to have his chest opened in a healthy condition.

Do you feel like you can't say anything in your throat?

Finally, James ’s words.

Think about it, how did Zac "fallen" to anyone who felt a little uncomfortable and came to Zac for comfort? James gave a positive solution. It is because Zac loves to distort the normal minds of others.

Drake was quiet on the other side of the earpiece for a long time. "You are not going well today, then, I won't disturb you."

Zac wouldn't say that he felt good before he answered the phone, simply, "Yeah. Good night."

Feelings, what do we expect after a cold winter night? The fresh spring-day-early morning chant ~

"Louis, it's late." Zac stood at the door of the master bedroom, beckoning Louise who was still chasing the dog documentary.

"So early?" Louise.

Zac already half-dressed. "It's not too late, Lola and their curfew are all here."

"There's another box I didn't read ~" Louise smiled at Zac. "Don't disturb me ~~~"

Feelings, why do we humans give the most painful winter all night? Because the pain should be the longest ~ feelings ~

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