"If you let me describe the way human civilization progresses." Zach is using his eternal life to comment on the history of humanity. "It is the way information is stored and transmitted." Listen to Zach's argument, "Initially it was language, a single individual The stored information can be narrated in language and passed on to another person. "

To say that history is judged by the span of immortality, Frank is more suitable than Zac. He made a more 'interracial' explanation, "The soul mark (experience) carried in the soul is regarded as a memory, by The language has spread ~ "

Zac nodded. "Then words. One-to-one language became words that can be recorded. Those who don't need to speak the language only need to record the words." Slate, Tortoiseshell, Bamboo , Paper. Let us review our history together.

Frank's note, "The spread of information increases by multiples ~"

"Index." Zac corrected it.

"What is that? A faster way to increase than multiplication?"

"Yes, it is exponential growth."

Don't vomit the knowledge level of the two vampires, let us concentrate.

"The text is not enough, not everything can be described by the text, and the transfer is completed. So humans have the storage and transmission of sound and images."

"Oh, Eli Torredo, who once brought you a substitute for the feast, is to strengthen his clan by means of music transmission ~"

"That's it. As for the image, the realism art era you have experienced, to the camera technology you missed, to the start of entertainment-like image transmission like music, TV, film ..." A piece of created information, composed of text and music , The picture, after being cleverly woven, disregarding distance and time, is displayed in front of a large number of human beings. This is our current civilization.

This is what made Frank very uncomfortable in this era at the beginning. He received too much information from human blood and made him doubt the world.

For the clan, this should be a common problem. Remember that the Zmish clan once lamented the newspaper at the door of the station in Newton. In modern civilization, the way people receive information is too simple.

"When publicly stored and disseminated information has become common sense in this era, more precise fixed-point information points appear," Zac said of Revrow's advantages now, "such as security company monitoring. This It is not in the face of mass-disseminated information, only after an incident has occurred, as an important evidence of the outcome of the dominant incident. The storage and transmission of this information are strictly controlled. "

Frank's eyes are already glowing, "And Ravro is the perfect person to control the storage and transmission of these sensitive information ~ Oh Zac ~" It feels that Frank is going to kiss Zac, "Revro is about to take off, in this era ~ Revro should supply you ~ "

It should be. Isn't the security company the way Zac pointed to Revero?

Zac only reminded Frank, "When Revelo's advantages in this era are fully developed. How to control Revelo is your problem." Frank's purpose is to take over the Feast. On the understanding of the times and the ability to control the current stage of the Magic Banquet, Frank has a little advantage in addition to the aura of the ancestor?

After Frank thought, "Oh, am I still with you ~"

After satisfying Frank's desire to appreciate Ravro's rise, he was waiting for Sissi to return to school. The conversation between the two ancestors returned to the topic of being seen through by humans at a glance at the identity of the vampire.

The only change is that Zac is not going to blame Sissi. Like his question before Sissi went to school, Zac asked for a solution.

As a result, the content of the dialogue began to develop in two directions. One is that Sissi provided a solution, and the Torino clan was lifted by the human recognition.

Now that the crisis is gone, it's time to discuss the usefulness of the ultimate reward of vampires.

Frank, "Did you find some images ..." Think about the words, "Are you special?"

Zac remembered that he had n’t told Frank about his video and his ‘fun stories’ that he had n’t seen in four centuries. said.

"What? You ... no, Torredo has his own consciousness in the image of this world ?!"

"Yes, not only in the mirror, on the water, but in anything that can reflect the image. Even in the stored image." Zack did not know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, "The image of Louise in the video , Asked me to take my image in Grande too, so that she can frame me. "

Frank deserves to be a third party and can provide new perspectives, "Oh my God! Wait a minute, so it's not completely self-aware! Your video complains that you haven't seen you in four centuries, and it's not very suitable for your way of doing things. At the same time, Louise ’s image request is in the same frame as you! So they are still you and Louise! Except that they are behind the screen, they show your identity and character in this world! "

Zac blinked, "You ... are right." Zac blinked. "I used to think that the image is Zager that only exists in the plane." I hope you haven't forgotten the life given by the Republican God Zach's copy, "But I keep telling Zagger that we may share the way of doing things because of the process he was made, but we are different people, our experience has been different in this century, we have already It ’s not the same person. And my image ... "Zac thought about the words," Maybe the other way round, we are the same person, but I am in this world, he is in a plane made by a human. "

"Like what you just said about the development of human civilization!" Frank was a little excited, because it would be connected to what he once determined-having an image is to show the real self to this world, this act of showing sincerity to the world where he is. , Will receive preferential treatment in this world. "The planes where your images are located are photos and screens created by human civilization to store and transmit information !!"

Are you aware of Frank's excitement, "I take back what I said just now that Revero took off in this era! It's you who took off! Zachary Torredo!"

With a thousand video outputs, one thousand Zacary Toledo can be displayed. The most terrifying thing is that this Zacary Toledo is really Zac.

Zac froze for a while, "I ..." We were fortunate to see Zac's first stutter, "I ... too much, I have a headache. I need to digest it, let's change the subject."

Okay, to change the subject, if Sissi does n’t provide a solution, with Sissy ’s character, uh, it really ca n’t be said to be impossible.

"The good news is that the Yu Dang of the Fight Club is ultimately a minority population." Zac is considering that if he can avoid these small populations, the impact on the Toledo clan may be minimized.

"And according to what you said, these people are violent people who are dissatisfied with society." Frank also did not agree, "So these people themselves have rakes, if you need, I don't mind cleaning up for you."

"Then you need to travel around the confederation." Zach was just telling the truth, "Sissi's fighting club came all the way from the west to Barton. I just found the problem in Newton, nobody knows other cities. , How many such people. "

"Oh, forget it." Very simply. the reason? Barton safe, safe elsewhere? Everyone is afraid that Frank had just hid in the public toilet and waited for the police to rescue him when he first came!

Speaking of which, we must ask if Frank has made any progress here at Sissi—progress to the wizarding family.

Do n’t forget the reason why Frank came to Sissi to delay the time he was recalled by the Demon Banquet—to continue to use his ancestor ’s role in Barton on the grounds that the Demon Banquet ’s central wizard problem was justified.

"Are you here with Sissi, have you got in touch with the Nutao family."

"Sissi seems to have avoided my contact with the wizard Necromancer (Nurture)." Frank showed Sissy's home. "If Sissy was not at home, she would send Rituo back to heaven. The Rituo family had come once, However, the content of their conversation with Sissi was not related to the wizard, but was discussing the issue of faith with Sissi. "

Zach noticed that the mood of the two Indian angels changed after the Indian-An elements appeared on the topic.

Zac asked the two angels, "What is the question of faith."

"The people of the Nutao family have a blunt and unintended intention to promote witchcraft faith in the family or the Indian community." Frank shook his head, seeming to be a pity. "The wizard family's aversion to their god, Papa at midnight seems to be deeply entrenched. So the wizard family wants to know the saints. Planning for the faith of the Lord. When the problem of demons is resolved, are you willing to leave some space for the Indians in evangelism. "

"It sounds very vague."

"Don't build a church in a specific community, the clergy of the church avoid entering some areas designated by the wizarding family." Be specific enough.

"Oh." Zac pursed his lips. "This is probably related to the wizard family's plan to preserve the Indo blood lineage and make the wizards talent have the inheritance of In'an soul."

"I think so too. The wizard family was too concentrated in introspection and only focused on the mistakes of cultivating powerful wizards, resulting in the loss of a large number of In'an blood vessels that might become wizards." Frank apparently struggled to adapt to the times, and now speculates, It is very consistent with the problems faced by various forces at the current stage, "For the Demon Banquet, this is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that if the Indian blood lineage can be concentrated and not scattered, it is natural for the vampire to have a clearer range of activities and more Safe. "After hearing that Newton ’s Hughes almost hung up on the facts," at least the Demon Vampire now needs this security. "

Zac agreed.

"Bad thing, this is obviously the way for the wizard family to recuperate." Frank continued to shake his head. "They are smart and smart, and they directly approach the saints to make an agreement, not a magic feast. The magic banquet treats the wizard as a threat. It should not be easy. Gives the wizard family an opportunity to continue to develop in the central part. "

"What did Qian Qian say?"

"Cici agreed."

"Just agree?"

"She has no reason to disagree." Frank blinked. "During my limited contact with the raging wizard, I asked him how he used his wizard's power in the environment of heaven."

Zac looked at Frank's eyes differently, and put on a deaf ear.

"He said that besides the witchcraft in the soul series, it is convenient for him to catch other heavenly dead spirits when he needs to eat. Witchcraft, more, is the technology of this world."

Zac ... wanted to laugh.

In the colonial war four centuries ago, the wizards had discovered their witchcraft, which was ineffective against the souls of the federal soldiers. Investigate the root cause, because those souls have been pre-determined by the faith of the Holy Lord, it is necessary to leave the soul of this world, or the soul of heaven, or the soul of hell, anyway, their soul is no longer related to this world.

And now Sissi has paid for the necromancer of a wizard in heaven, that is, she wants to raise the wizard, how to raise it? Oh, sorry, the fact that the wizard should have been supplied in this world has become a paradise that needs to be supplied to the soul that has belonged to the world of the Lord ’s faith.

Witchcraft, in heaven, has been completely reduced to predatory skills.

At this time, Zac glanced at the two Indian angels behind him. From their eyes, Zac saw the confirmation.

And if you want to balance the uselessness of wizards in heaven, you can only let witchcraft play a role in this world. Then, a very strange problem appeared. Does a paradise necromancer use witchcraft to promote the belief of the Lord or the witchcraft?

Does this special soul alien with two attributes need to be copied?

Not at all!

This has nothing to do with the paradise of the Holy Lord, or the wizard of the witchcraft, it is an embarrassing existence that I do n’t want to touch!

"Well, did you reply to the discovery of the Demon Feast?"

"Of course ~" Frank was very relaxed. "I told him when Lut took the initiative to contact me." Laughing, "Oh, you should listen to his tone next to it ~ Obviously forcefully recall the idea of ​​recalling me After I went back, let me continue to stare at the movements of the Saints and the Central Wizard Family here. "Blinking," It also made me try to try out the Rimmer of the Smith Family if possible, and the other is closely related to the Wizard Family The vampire clan. "The reason for blinking," It is also the legacy of the secret alliance that has not shown loyalty to any party until now ~ "

Zac asked along the lines of this question, "What about Norfil? The wizard family cares about the central wizarding family. I understand, what about the wizarding group of Barton, the wizard led by Spella?"

"Rute didn't mention it, but if I guess, he should find you talking about this issue. After all, it's related to Nofil, Spira, and Alpha Benjamin and Mokawi." Both are with Zac Closer people, isn't it.

Uh, it is said that Spira is not close to Zac. Let's not talk about Spira's attitude towards Zac every time, and say a fact that lasts almost as long as this story-Spira's son is at Zac's house.

Zac agreed. When I returned to Grande, it seemed to be ‘looking forward’ to Rout ’s call.

After spending almost a day's communication, Sissi came back.

Having thought for a long time, Zac felt that Sissi had made a decision, so he continued his question.

But Sissy's mind seemed to be completely away from the annoying guests in her home, and as soon as she came back, she was busy preparing for her important date with Chris.

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