
Because of what happened recently, Zac has a feeling that if he does n’t go to worship, he will not have the opportunity in the future. Of course, this is just a feeling. "Sunday" as a time code that has been used by humans to replace "Sunday" should be able to continue in human civilization, regardless of whether a certain **** still exists in this world.

Since he decided to go to church for a feeling, Zac was willing to feel the atmosphere of faith, so he did not go to the Church of the Holy Son, which was not popular at all, nor did he go to the nearby Gospel Church in the Southern District. .

Although Zach didn't inform Fallen Angel Tea that he would come, the demon of Mary Church still greeted Zac when he found out.

Mother Teresa was more positive. She mainly thanked Grande for helping to retrieve Daisy's body. Fortunately, there is a person with private affairs, Teresa, Zac has no intention to discuss West with the demon and fallen angel, and his attitude is clear. He has a few more words with Teresa to let other demons and fallen Angels ca n’t intervene--

"Tomorrow Daisy's body will be sent back. You still need to decide what to do with it."

"I don't have much private deposits, I can only pay for the cremation."

"I don't think Daisy and her friends or relatives in front of him need a complete burial instrument. Remove these things for the living, and only pay for the cemetery and coffin, and directly carry out the burial ceremony. It won't be much."

"That's very grateful. Three girls, Louise has been eternal, Susan has no bones, Daisy, if I can, I still hope her body left in this world can be decent."

"That's the way it is." Zac is already a very intimate funeral operator. "You don't seem to be very convenient to go out to arrange funerals. If you are willing to entrust Grande, Grande will be responsible for this matter. What do you think."

"Thank you very much."

"Yes, I'll contact you after I see the state of the body tomorrow."

"I will wait."

Having finished speaking, Zac was mixed into the crowd of people attending the service and disappeared in the helpless eyes of demons and fallen angels.

Uh, of course, Zac can't disappear in anyone's eyes, but Zac clearly expressed his unwillingness to be disturbed. Madison has predicted that after West's departure, the relationship between the soul interracial of the Lord's faith and the vampire will only become worse. Now, the demons have to adapt to not disturb a vampire.

Consciousness is mutual. Zac would n’t even run to the sermon altar, and chose a very back seat, looked around the people around, and looked like himself, not a true believer, to join in the fun of--

In fact, whether one believes or not can be seen, especially on such occasions. The true believers usually have a name in the church. They come with prayers, crosses, and preparations for their rituals. After entering, you will go directly to the already familiar circle and make simple communication before the beginning of the service.

People who are not believers will not have an existing social circle on this occasion, nor will they carry the necessary equipment, nor will they prepare for such an event. After entering, he will not know where he should sit, but will follow the flow of people and choose the seats that are left behind.

Zac is the most decent among these people, at least the dress is formal.

As soon as Zac sat down, there was some restlessness around him. Zac looked sideways and saw Detective Coulson squeezed over, glaring at passers-by who were still asking what he was going to do. He seized the seat next to Zac and sat down beside Zac. You are. "It should be when Zac speaks with Mother Teresa.

Zac glanced forward, knowing that Coulson was dragged to worship by his family, casually, "Don't care about your family?"

"No, she will scold me when I fall asleep." Detective Coulson pouted and looked at Zac. "It's rare to meet you here for the first time."

It is very rare. Counting the intersection of Zac and Coulson is troublesome. It is really rare to meet in a church like this now.

Zucker sighed, sitting quietly, waiting for the official start of the service.

The process of worship Zac is not completely strange, and he has not participated in it before. Considering that this should be the last time, Zack tried his best to ... pretend to be a little bit.

The first time when the whole group stood up to sing poetry, the church prepared a scripture manual for the people who did not carry the scriptures. Zac sang carefully and sang word by word with the chorus in front. As for Zach, including Detective Coulson, all snorted.

The second time all stood up to read the Bible. It's a bit like reading comprehension in elementary school. Afterwards, the main theme of the priest's sermon will focus on what is being read now. Zac has turned to the content of the scriptures and read with the true believers in the front--

Forget it. Repeating what happened when the fallen angel came to Patton is the story of the Virgin Mary giving birth to the Son.

According to Zac's usual habit, he has already vomited in his heart. West is about to leave. The church is telling the story of the birth of the Son. Ha ha, ha ha ha.

But today, forget it. Zac kindly reached out and helped when Coulson had turned over for a long time and couldn't find where the story was. He got a mutter from Coulson, "I didn't expect you to be familiar with the story of the Holy Scriptures." Zac replied, "The Grand neighbor is the church, what do you think."

Coulson said nothing. Yes, he didn't speak. When Zac was reading, he was in a daze.

The process of requiring all the staff to stand up is temporarily gone. The priest began to analyze every sentence of the scriptures and spoke out God's will with a mouth controlled by a demon. Zac listened with a steady state of mind, and Coulson around ... tilted his head into the dream.

Actually, Coulson has been here many times, but it was all because of the family's request that the guy who came involuntarily fell asleep in this situation, and there was nothing to complain about. Instead of saying that this is a religious activity, for Coulson, it tends to be a family activity that has to be attended. When he came here, he had given his family the respect he deserved, and respect for faith was not in the scope of Detective Coulson.

The other people around Zach have a much broader mindset than Coulson. Zach noticed that there were several people around him who couldn't keep up until now they were completely attracted. It is not to say that these people have been enlightened by the faith of the Lord, but today they came to the church, and after going out, at least the next Sunday, they will consider the regular activity of worship.

The existence of the Holy Lord, the belief that the Holy Lord Faith ... faith will continue. Zac felt what he wanted to feel here.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Zach wants to leave.

Zac hesitated if he wanted to wake up Detective Coulson, beckoning that he was leaving. Don't think about it, it's just polite behavior.

Zac's hand was just raised, ready to pat on Coulson's shoulder.

A group of people poured into the church. Because of the position, the people behind Zach were the first to notice the people who entered. Zac also glanced sideways, and a slightly ominous hunch rose—

The entry of these people midway has shown that they are not believers, but they are different from those who only temporarily decided to participate in a worship service. Just look at the look:

People who are coming to worship temporarily, such as those sitting next to Zac, they didn't know what they should expect when they first came, and they took this as an experience. What sermons you will hear, accept them as you like, and become those who may be willing to come to worship in the future. The sermon that disobeyed him shook his head in disdain, as if he had stepped into the church for the last time.

But these people who came halfway had a firm look, as if they knew what would happen when they stepped into the church. This is not a life experience, but an inevitable success.


One person stood in the aisle of the seat and interrupted the sermon on the altar loudly, "Father! If someone is corrupting our souls and our bodies, what should those people do?"

The interrupted priest was calm and calm, "New children, we are now talking about the Virgin's perseverance and protection of the Son ..." At the same time, in the process of evangelism, scattered around the church for the purpose of helping believers The deacon of the church has moved towards the group of people who entered suddenly, preparing to maintain order.

The person who interrupted the priest loudly just now was guarded by the companions around him, and continued to interrupt the priest, "Why don't the Lord let those who spread corruption go to **** ?!"

Obviously, these people are here to make trouble.

Zac raised his half-hand and met Detective Coulson, who was awake. This guy was very keen. Coulson let Kai Zak's hand slightly out of sight, rubbed his eyes, and stared at the group of people who had been surrounded by the church deacon. "What's the situation?" Asked Zac.

Zac can't make a conclusion yet, but it's obviously not a good choice to get up and leave now. Detective Coulson has instinctively put aside his coat and pressed his hand on the holster ... Zac reluctantly put Coulson's hand to the side Moved up a bit and put Coulson's hand on the badge.

Coulson lowered his mouth, but awake from the chaos that just woke up, no movement, observe first.

The priest on the altar glanced at Zac's side, probably thinking in a moment that there was a Toledo here, no matter what happened, it could be turned over. So on the calm altar, "If there are people with such corrupt souls and bodies, then you are right, children, they will go to **** and receive endless punishment." Huh, the devil's mouth said this, too ……kind.

It seems that the besieged rioters did not expect the priest to agree to their ‘judgment’ in this way. Under normal circumstances, should n’t they argue? At the very least, the priest should ask what the people accused of did corrupt the soul and flesh ...

Stagnation is short-lived, brush!

A handful of flyers was thrown out among the troublemakers, "This is the one who corrupts the soul and our body! He is the reincarnation of the demon! It is the child of the devil! It is the messenger sent by hell! It is to drag all of us on The devil who went to **** !!! Please God to make decisions for us innocent people! Send the devil back to **** now! Return the world to a pure land !!! "

The leaflets that were dropped one after another were scattered in the church.

Coulson reached out and grabbed two, one for himself and one for Zac.

Zac only glanced at it, and Blake Stone's photo was printed on it.

Zac ’s face had just become serious, and Coulson had stood up, "Barton Police Station! You are now carrying out a religious assembly! I must ask if you have the permission of the municipal government! If you do not have it, I Ask your person in charge to stand up with me immediately and police station! "

Coulson was slightly anxious. The present occasion, the reality in the middle of the week, should not be used for such a misleading opening. But it's no wonder that Coulson, is it necessary to use Blake's portrait rights to be violated? Oh, old fritters like Coulson will not help others rhythm!

Zac didn't care about Coulson, but continued to read the leaflet in his hand. Blake's photo contained bold text listing the evidence that he was accused of being a `` devil '' just now-

* Blake Stone is the protector of Barton ’s only devil ’s den: when the righteous man destroys Barton ’s devil ’s den, Blake Stone, relying on his identity and rights, joined the Barton police and intercepted the righteous Action. *

What the hell? Zac spent half a second trying to understand the evidence. It really made Zac understand-the nightclub incident.

* Blake S. General Soul pollutes people ’s souls and makes people think that the world is hell. *

This is quite a good idea. The first thing Blake Stone did in Barton was to perform performance art on the streets of Liszt. But the person who is now accusing Blake is obviously deliberately misinterpreting Blake's original intention.

* Blake Stone has spread diseases that corrupt people's bodies in Barton. In Barton, two innocent lives have died from that terrible disease. *

Needless to say, Zac knew that the two bodies that Grande bought from Ford.

* Blake Stone has the ability to deceive death! He is the devil! *

Zac frowned and folded the leaflet. The last item, Zac suspected that it was the nightclub incident. Among the people who were seriously injured and almost killed Blake, there were people who knew Blake's identity, and then confirmed Blake's In an innocent state, he made a connection that he felt could only be explained in this way.

Zach also stood up and followed behind Detective Coulson.

* Blake Stone has the ability to deceive death! He is the devil! *

Zac frowned and folded the leaflet. The last item, Zac suspected that it was the nightclub incident. Among the people who were seriously injured and almost killed Blake, there were people who knew Blake's identity, and then confirmed Blake's In an innocent state, he made a connection that he felt could only be explained in this way.

Zach also stood up and followed behind Detective Coulson.

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