The sunshine has become noticeably longer. It is almost 7 o'clock before the sunset faints from the sky.

Zac is getting ready to enjoy the sunset, "Why can Rimmel change his appearance over time like humans do, and you Torido can't." Kepler leaned in.

"Do you want to chat with Lydia?" Of course Zac didn't want to answer, because Kepler's tone sounded as though Toredo was no better than Rimmer, "The phone is in the office, just use whatever you want." Meaning this This question, you ask your aunt, do n’t ask me.

Kepler looked at Zac with a contemptuous face, "So I should ask my dear aunt why other vampires are not old, and would you? I thought you were a gentleman, Mr. Grande, how could it be so rude Proposal. "

Speaking of that, Zac hasn't communicated with Kepler directly, only knowing that this girl's brain circuit is very strange. Right now, it's really sharp. Zac pursed his lips and answered the question, "Because Rimmer is half human, Rimmer still retains the human soul."

"The soul makes the vampire grow old?" Kepler rolled his eyes. "Although I can do poorly in school, I at least know that the aging of organisms is related to cell metabolism. It has nothing to do with the soul. The most basic science. Kepler paused deliberately. "It's called biology. Do you know what biology is, Mr. Grande."

Zac calmly took Kepler's eyes, "I don't know, I don't want to know."

"The immortal who does not think of progress."

"I'm immortal, what am I going to do?"

Kepler tilted his head for a moment and thought, "I guess vampires have nothing to 'learn' anymore. Like Eve, all subjects are excellent and omnipotent. They are regarded as geniuses, but she is just too boring to live forever." . "

"Huh ~" Zac agreed with Kepler.

Let's put it this way, how did Zac master his suture skills? It was trained on the battlefield as a military doctor. Vampires who have already lived forever have nothing to learn. All the skills and knowledge they have mastered outside of vampires can be said to be boring products.

Rarely reached a consensus with a young girl, Zac is ready to sigh again, do not want to be robbed by Kepler, "Do n’t be biased, why does the soul make the vampire grow old? There is no such thing as human science in your vampire, You are not curious about being vampires. Why is there such a big difference? There is no aggressiveness, there is always curiosity. "

Zac frowned, "Miss Smith, is Grande's life too boring, and you are suddenly interested in this kind of thing?"

"Yes." Super simply, "Do you have any entertainment activities that match my young lady except for the TV in the entertainment room?" She also rolled her eyes and answered, "No."

Uh, Zack does n’t want to admit that vampires do n’t have their own ‘science’, so, “So what kind of entertainment do you need, I can arrange it for you.”

"Humph." With contempt, "Are you arranging or turning around and calling my father to let him arrange? Or don't bother with these efforts, Mr. Grande, since I live in Grande, it's rare In my life, there were the Rimmel family, and you, the temporary guardian of Toledo ... "Seeing Zac's tendency to speak, Kepler raised his hand to signal Zac not to speak," My father put me It ’s your entrustment, do n’t deny it, so do n’t deny it, you are my temporary guardian. ”

The quirky brain circuit needs IQ support-the girl Kepler is very smart.

Zac also decided not to explain much-what we know is that Zac actually suggested that Mr. Smith treat this as a commission.

Kepler saw that Zac no longer had the intention to interject, and continued, "Just as I experience life, ask about the difference between vampires and vampires. You either candidly satisfy my rare curiosity, or just continue Zhizhiwuwu, and then wait for me to go home and tell Eve that you Toredo really don't know anything and let Eve despise you. "

Zac's mouth was crooked. Zac remembered the initial impression of Kepler-because of a sudden love break, Lola brought Grande to meet Kepler, a new friend of Alice. At the time, Kepler said, "Alice? Want to be my friend? Yes, what is your secret? If you exchange secrets, we are friends."

Kepler, not the typical gentle and kind girl ...

But the girl is a girl after all, and Zac can perfectly cover up the fact that he can't say the other person in words with the reason that adults don't know the girl. So, "Is the soul able to make vampires grow old? I don't know, but I know that keeping human souls allows Rimmer to retain magic. You can really ask Eve if Rimmer is using magic to simulate Human physiology. This is a unique ability of the Rymer clan, and other vampires have no way of knowing it. "

"No." Kepler directly denied it. "Rimmel grows and ages like a person, not magic. Aunt Lydia used magic and added a little makeup to pretend to be signs of aging. When I did n’t master Remel ’s abilities, I bumped into it. The real Remer does n’t need magic, just like humans, like Eve. ”

"Look." Zach wanted to end this sudden conversation that disturbed his sunset appreciation as soon as possible. "You are already on the right way to seek knowledge. You have summed up your knowledge with your own knowledge. Very good and worth encouraging. Please continue to grow you Knowledge, and then draw their own knowledge. "

Zac no longer looked at Kepler after he finished speaking.

Kepler naturally saw through Zac's little means of escaping the conversation, and sneered contemptuously, "I heard Alice say that you have two sick vampires in your basement. I want to see."

Zac ’s first reaction was inexplicably, ‘sick and dead vampire’, this is the sick sentence. But the second reaction immediately made Zac realize what Kepler was talking about--

The remains of the subjects left by the experiment of the Feast of the Banquet. Grand originally had one, and then bought two from Ford, one of which was used to verify the "Kan" that these bodies were the identification results of the vampire and turned into dust. There are now two such remains in Grandry.

Zac frowned. "These two bodies are very dangerous to me. You still don't want a human girl ..."

"You just told me to encourage me to see and summarize. Isn't the right way to seek knowledge. Mr. Grande, you are an adult, an adult among adults, it is not good to set a negative example in front of teenagers."

Zac felt a little uncomfortable and waved his hand, "Go. What do you want to do, please treat this as your own home."

"That's right ~" Kepler raised his chin and let Zac pass.

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