Pushing open the door that didn't close, Zach saw Bell packing his luggage.

Bell looked up at Zac and saw General Lance behind Zac. Both sides froze for a moment, and apparently did not expect to meet someone they knew here.

"Are you ready to leave?" Zac interrupted the stunned god.

Bell ’s gaze returned to Zac and resumed his tidying up. “Yes, if it ’s not downstairs that you will come, I ’m gone.”

This was somewhat beyond Zac's expectation, "Why are you leaving? Have you finished your work in Button?"

"No." Bell closed the suitcase. "But there is a result."

The mental journey in West's manuscript can be used, Zach: "Darcy gave you the inheritor of the magic banquet to survive?"

Bell froze again. Then there was alertness on his face, "Who told you."

"Holy Lord." Zac flipped through his pockets and drew out several manuscripts to shake Bell.

Bell opened his mouth, unable to say anything, and closed it again, staring sullenly at his luggage.

"Darcy didn't give you what you wanted, right." Isn't this what Bell just said, his visit to Barton was not completed, but the result was. To translate it, Darcy refused to give Bell "the way of survival".

"Yes, he didn't." Bell looked back at Zac and raised his suitcase. "I can't stay here to chat with you. I need to leave this place."

Note that Bell did not say that he can't continue talking with Zac, only that the place cannot be here. Bell has always been open, and Yu Zac's communication mentality has not been closed.

"I drove the car." Zach gestured for the car key. "Would you like to sit in Grand?"

With some hesitation, Bell glanced at General Lance again. The meaning was unclear. "No, if I continue to stay in Barton, I can only go to a place where Detective James Lance is unlikely to appear."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because I'm very sure, he is the detective who is investigating the person I killed."

Zach micro sideways, "Are you killing in Button?"

"Due defense." Bell said with certainty. "The other party wants to kill me. I kill the other party first."

Zach looked back at General Lance, looking calm and not ready to insert the incident, then ... Zack, "There is also a heir in the Southern District, Linda ’s husband Cliff, have you heard of it? , You can go there and hide for a while. "

Bell bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said, "James Lance has no law enforcement power in the Southern District."

"No, he is a police officer in the North District. In order to investigate the case in the South District, he needs the authorization of the Southern District Police Station." Zach glanced at General Lance again. It doesn't make much sense, just a little preparation.

"That's fine." Bell nodded, lifting the suitcase and following Zac.

Returning to the car again, General Lance accidentally and consciously went to the back seat, leaving the first officer to Bell. It seems that this human general has adapted to become a by-product of Zack's "working day."

The car just started, "Who wants to kill you?"

"For the entire Patton, only two people knew that I was in Patton." Bell replied, "You and Darcy. Do you want to kill me?"

The elimination method should be used in this way. Not Zac, only Darcy.

Zac also realized a certain point at the same time, "The person you killed ... no." Self-correction, "Is the civilian or police the person who died in the middle of your legitimate defense?"

Zac did n’t have to look at Bell ’s expression, he could hear his breath, heavy, “Civilian, he did n’t wear a police uniform or provide identification as any normal policeman anyway.” He said that just to comfort himself, because what he said later was —— “But considering that when he saw me draw a gun, he should have no chance to show me his identity.”

"You must have confirmed the other party's death, why didn't you check the identity of the killer by the way." General Lance in the back seat suddenly said.

Zach glanced at General Lance in the rearview mirror and did not stop.

"I don't have time to confirm." Bell also looked into the rearview mirror. "There were only two shots, one was the other party trying to kill me, and the other was my counterattack." Bell's breath was heavy, but the sound was still Calm, "I only saw the other party falling to the ground, and then I heard a large number of people approaching nearby, so I could only leave. Then I saw that the street was blocked by the police, and I couldn't get close at all."

"Oh." The conversation seemed to be hijacked by General Lance. "So it's a trap. Even if you can survive the assassination, the subsequent police can catch you." General Lance paused, disappointed in his tone. , "At least the plan is to catch you."

This disappointment is not against Bell, but against James. Because obviously, James did not catch Bell. As a general's father, he was disappointed with his son's ability to work.

The car was quiet for a while.

"Why would you become a policeman." Zach started a new topic.


"I'm curious why a race like a heirloom would do a high-risk job like a policeman."

"Who tells you that the inheritors are very sad?"


"Then you don't have enough experience, Toledo." Bell rolled his eyes.

"Am I wrong? At least the inheritors I know are very concerned about their lives."

"The heirs you know are all heirs in the cycle of human life." Bell glanced at Zach and said, "Huh, no one would say he knew a dog, a flower or A potato. "A metaphor that people can't understand for a while.

But I just can't understand it for a while, everyone feels carefully ...

The Becky area has already been driven out, and you have entered Highway 27. If there is no accident, go straight all the way. Zac has some experience.

Zac slightly raised an eyebrow, "Are you all animals and plants before your human life cycle?"

"Uh, how is it possible. I have also passed countless human beings." The unexpected means a little contemptuously, "Don't use the poor eternal life span of your vampires to measure the life course of the inheritors."

Not only was Zac surprised by this unexpected contempt, General Lance in the back seat adjusted his sitting position and looked at Bell in the rearview mirror.

Bell realized that something was wrong with her, and pursed her lips, "Every creature has a survival instinct, and countless species I have circulated have this instinct. Since I am a human this time, I do not intend to donate my Human life. But in order to preserve this human life, give up some so-called high-risk life, sorry, if the inheritor has a law of existence, experience is this law, I am not going to give up. "

This is to answer Zac's previous question.

"Experience it." Zac raised an eyebrow. "There are many human lives. You just experienced the police this time. Does that mean?"

"Well." Bell responded, "Why suddenly asked me this?"

Zac took out the manuscript that he just showed and handed it to Bell, "You didn't seem surprised when I said that the Lord told me your true identity." Yes, Bell's performance is standard and silent. Words are not a surprise.

Bell pouted, and although he took the manuscript, he didn't mean to read it. He turned it around casually. "It's not surprising that the Lord's fall into this world is not a day or two." Wonderful wording , "Before I cycled into this human, I also had crops, parasites, catkins, fish ..." Listed a bunch of, "Some things, I want more than you guys who can only see this world in one kind of life Much more clear. "

Zac bit his lower lip subconsciously. When studying the West manuscript, Zach felt that the content of Weiss' feature was too confined to the pressure of a person in the status of a detective, in a society like the Demon Banquet. Although it is the need of the story-none of the incidents caused by Russell and Logan in Vega are cases that human law enforcers can solve. But Zac just felt something was missing.

Missing the purpose of Bell as an inheritor. What does Bell want? Does he want to be the same as Darcy? To become a heir to a vampire, is he still trying to keep his secret identity, but just wants to live a little easier. West described the pressure, but did not tell the reader where the pressure outlet.

So Zac's plan is to make up for what West is missing. Anyway, now that everyone has taken their life as a story, then be more thorough and enrich the characters, right?

But Zac really did not expect such a bad start. Only in the discussion of the identity of the inheritor, Zach found that this Bell seems to be completely different from the inheritor Zac understands.

"Why did you come to Barton to find Darcy?" Zac could only return to West's manuscript and re-cut from the pressure of the detective.

Bell also pinched West's manuscript. Although he didn't take it seriously, some words should have entered his sight. He quoted, "'Why is this life so difficult?'" Things, "'Why humans, aliens, and vampires in this society cannot find a balance point of coexistence like other creatures. Why are there so many troubles? Have you lived well this time? Isn't everyone living with me? The same is the secret inheritor? I don't care about a life course more than I am open-minded? '"After reading, the manuscript was returned to Zac," So I came to Darcy. "

"Do you think Darcy can give you the answer?"

"At least I'm looking from the outside to the inside, and Darcy is in the magic banquet system, isn't it. Outsiders can never understand the fundamentals of the system, I can only find insiders to understand, is it wrong?"

"Yes." Zach agreed with Bell, "but it turns out that Darcy obviously doesn't agree with your curiosity."

"I don't blame him. I question the foundations of the Devil's society. The vampires who made the rules of the western society are destroying the credit he accumulates in the Devil's banquet, which will eventually lead him to waste a dozen times of human life.

Zac frowned, "You know Darcy is expecting to be a vampire, using the eternal life of a vampire to retain the form of a high-level biological human?"

"Of course I know." Bell waved his hand, then there was a pity on his face. "Maybe you are right. Most of the inheritors are of Darcy's type. They will miss the so-called higher biological forms. Especially in the magic feast. In captivity, they have fully enjoyed the advantages of human beings, and they do n’t want to return to a low-level, heavenly mood to determine life and death. "

"Okay, so it's your different ideas about the inheritors that led to your unsuccessful meeting." Zach is already playing freely, and some facts can't be circumvented, "but why is it so bad, Darcy wants to end Your life this time. "

General Lance interjected again, "I just want to mention one thing. If my son, James is now working as a part of the trap, maybe Darcy didn't really want to kill you, but your response to the defense was too keen. And it ’s accurate, making the trap a fatal flaw. "Uh, General Lance actually found a reason for James-it was not that James was incapable of working, it was a part of the plan that died, and James was delayed.

This speculation makes sense. Gunshots may just be a way to attract the police to surround Bell, not to kill Bell.

Bell frowned and glanced at General Lance, but he still said to Zac, "Darcy was threatened because of my detective status. He was afraid that I would be the next one." Bell didn't finish. .

Zac made up, with no expression, "Darcy is afraid that he will be abandoned by the magic feast."

General Lance in the back seat sighed and said nothing.

Zac nodded calmly. This unexpected and frank conversation made Zac make a temporary decision, "I will not hide you anymore, since you already know that the Lord has written part of your story and gave me . Then you should know that this story will continue. "

"Everything in this world will continue. This is the only path for everything here." Bell said ...

Zac opened his mouth slightly and continued, "I need you to do a few favors for me, which is why I came to see you today."

"Aren't you kidding me." Bell glanced at Zac. "Do you need my help?"

"Of course it wasn't in Barton."

Bell nodded, "I guess it's about the situation of Rogen and Russell who are going out from your Grande."

"You guessed it." Have you noticed the manuscript just now? As I said before, West's manuscript is quite thick, and Zach showed Bell a few, because Zack deliberately removed the incident. Manuscript. In Zac's original plan, he wouldn't tell this role what to play in the west until he prepared the role.

Now, I do n’t need it anymore. The frequency of others is obviously several grades higher than Zac ’s estimate. It is very accurate to see things.

Bell frowned, "You understand that both of your employees are because of the secretary of Mayor Lesenbulla, the ghoul named Lily was involved in these messes."

Oh, it was a police detective, and he knew very well what the stressful cases were.

"I know." Zac nodded. "The magic banquet system that brought you trouble this human life experience. The interracial in this system, Darcy, this road has been taken by you. Do you think Rut Lesen What about the secretary next to Mayor Bra. "

This is Zac's plan after repositioning Bell. See if you are successful or not.

"You want me to take Lily away from your two employees?"

"Can you?"

"Do you understand that it's dangerous for me to be in a hurry to be like the mayor's secretary."

Zac ignored, "Can you?"

"Uh, I need to think about it."

"Very well, Cliff is a holiday farm, you can think about it."

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