Back in the entertainment room, where did "Jian" still sit, apparently waiting for Zac to continue their conversation. As soon as Zac sat down, ‘Jian’ began—

"Cappadocia is on your side, Rut Lesenbula has no chance to know the truth of the key to heaven's door. I just said that the magic banquet has known the key to heaven's door for four centuries, you haven't asked Why do I say that? "

Zac cooperated, "Why do you say that?"

"The angel told me." Jian looked at the East. "Angels in the Republic. When they were trapped in the Republican time by Papa at midnight, they tried various ways to return to the Federation. The direction of their efforts One is the key to the gate of heaven. What traps them is the land of republic, as long as the angels can return to heaven, they can return to the union. "

Zac raised his eyebrows and had to be distracted. "Is there no paradise in the republic?" Is this doubt equivalent to that the republic has no future? As everyone knows, heaven is equal to the future.

'Jian' understands Zac's doubts, "Republic certainly has a future, but the angels can't go, and their souls are trapped in the republic by Papa at midnight." "Jian" waved his hand, a little uneasy-yes I thought of some bad things in the Republic: "Like the Federation four centuries ago, Papa used witchcraft to trap the souls of the Indians at midnight and created werewolves."

"Wait a moment." Zack's reaction was temporarily overwhelming. "The werewolf was made with Gangaro's blood. The focus of the werewolf is that Papa plagiarized at midnight and stole the vampire's blood ..."

"Jian" looked at Zac indifferently, "Who is the expert who appraise the essence, you? Or me?"

Zac opened his mouth, "You."

"Very good, then you listen carefully." Jian looked back, "The werewolf made is just using the blood of your vampire, and let the werewolf inherit the ability of your vampire. But don't put gold on your vampire's face. The werewolf created by Papa at midnight is a completely different creation from vampires. You vampires are clearly still protected by the soul in the flesh, but are constantly being corroded. And the werewolf is by the body even if the soul has died The normal process after death cannot be carried out. The body of the vampire allows the soul to skip the death and start corruption directly, but the body of the werewolf is to create the dead soul and then stop corruption. I say that the vampire and the werewolf are two completely opposite species. Not an exaggeration. "

Zac froze for a moment. Is it exactly the opposite? Uh, Zach never thought Benjamin was the opposite creature to himself. Zach always felt that the grudges between werewolves and vampires were all due to colonial wars. Now ...

"Jian" did not give Zac any exclamation, "Papa did a lot of similar experiments at midnight in the Republican study of republican aliens. After the soul died, it did not give those souls a chance to be reborn." Jian said His face was very gloomy here. As everyone knows, Papa at midnight is the birth road of the Republican God's dependence! "Tour poisoned many of my compatriots ..."

In order to express that "Jian" did not intimately sigh, Zac interrupted the emotion of "Jian", "Compatriot? Do you mean the so-called" demon "of your republic. You said that your" Xian "has Your own heavenly court, one day is the ten years of the present world, you are comfortable in the heavenly court, even the human civilization process of the present world is missed, you really care about those Papa who live in republic and live with humans, unfortunately Catch the aliens who are going to experiment at midnight, huh, they do n’t want to recognize you as a tall fellow. "

"Jian" glanced at Zach. "You ridicule, I admit it. Missing the republican civilization process is the responsibility of all the immortals of our heavenly court, but we have not always pretended not to see the sufferings of those living creatures in this world, right? I could have slept in heaven for a day, waiting for everything in this world to pass, but I did n’t, did I. "

Zac waved his hand. No one can convince anyone of this kind of dispute. "What you say is what I do, I don't care about your republic's souls."

"Jian" 's eyes twitched and adjusted his emotions, "The battle between Angel and Papa at midnight in the republic, I can't help Papa at midnight." Reason "Jian" has just said, now I want to add The last one, "I'm not going to help the angels, just like you, I don't care, your interracial aliens." It was Zac's knife, and then, "but the angels gave me a reason to help them."

Zac made up for Jian, "The angel told you the key to the gate of heaven."

"Jian" was coldly connected, "Heaven's way to get rid of this world time." After a pause, "the angel told me all the information about the key to heaven's door, including one. At the beginning of the establishment of the Federation, the thirteen clans split Become a magic feast and a secret alliance. The secret alliance directly abandons the mission of the faith of the Lord, and ignores the development of the belief of the Lord in the new country. But it is a feast. In the desolate west of the Federation, it still insisted on serving the Lord. Faith. Heaven has received countless messages from the control of the Demon Feast to heaven, many of which are still expecting the reward promised by the Lord. "Jian" glanced at Zach, "but this expectation cannot be met because The establishment of the Federation is proof that vampires are no longer worthy of the Lord ’s reward. "

"Very good." Zach knows what it means to look at himself by "Jian". "This makes me happy. I caused the magic feast to fail to receive the reward of the Lord's faith. In the end, this reward still came to me. My Vanity is greatly satisfied. "But ah, Zac didn't mean anything on his face--

Judging from the logic of Jian, it is clear that the former paradise very clearly sent a message to the Demon Banquet, that is, what you cannot get, all blame the secret alliance.

This is true, the problem lies in the fact that no one from the thirteen clan gets the reward, the consensus reached by the thirteen ancestors long ago, the war started by the Holy Lord for selfish desires was over at the beginning. (This world has a local **** who does not lose to the Holy Lord, Papa midnight). On the side of heaven, is it entirely the fault of the secret alliance? ?

Jian looked at Zac's face, "You guessed it, heaven has not ignored the faithfulness of the magic feast. They gave it back. This feedback is the key to the gate of heaven. I can put the angel's original words Tell you, 'Does souls (vampires) abandoned by heaven want to return to the arms of the Lord? The key to heaven's door is your only chance.' ""

Zach shook his head. "Opportunity? Is it a chance to commit suicide." Zac said the punishment of the law of the world. Angels and demons need containers in this world, in order to comply with the rules of this world, otherwise the real body will only have to wait for the fate of being burned to ashes. Zac doesn't know what the world law of heaven is, but Zac knows that heaven is a world with only souls-the Holy Lord even vampires are made up of souls and aliens. Is it not enough to explain the problem? So, what happens when a vampire goes to heaven, how to cooperate with the soul creatures of heaven? Cram the eternal body of vampire pride into that rotten, unbearable soul? ?

‘Jian’ shook his head, “You ’re wrong, the angel did n’t cheat the demon feast to commit suicide. The key to heaven ’s door is really the way to let the vampire step into heaven. The key to heaven ’s door is the container of the flesh.”

Zac looked at Jian and said nothing.

"I can't imagine right, after all, our world, even the heaven created by our Republican God, is created after imitating the only world we know. This common sense is that the body is the container of the soul. Even I, the spirit (an alien born from artifacts in elves, ghosts, and Zakkop), have already got rid of the mirror that gave me birth. I am in the world and still need a body to hold me. But with heaven The key to the door, I am the container that holds the mirror. I can take the mirror of this world to heaven, just like the human beings of this world, with angels and demons, fooled by the laws of this world, and be able to be free here activity."

Zac responded, "Is the key to heaven's door the world law of heaven?"

"Yes. You should have guessed it for a long time. The Holy Lord looks at the soul of this world, and the reason why the soul of this world can grow, one is time, so the Holy Lord divides his world into two halves and becomes our world. The past and the future. The other is that every soul in this world is contained in a body, and every soul imprint that grows the soul is a memory in this body. Then let me ask you, you I think your holy Lord has even torn apart his own world, and you did not expect that he will try to make a body or two in his own world? "

Zac suddenly laughed, "Yeah, I should have guessed, especially since I already know that vampires are the failure of the Lord's soul to cultivate creations ~"

Yes. The original intention of the vampire was to enable the soul to grow forever, not to corrode. After the failure of the Holy Lord to make immortal flesh in this world, how could he not try to get the flesh to hold the soul in his own world!

"You don't have to sigh too much." Jian also shook his head. "I never thought I would tell you this. But here, it seems that everything is accelerated, distorted, and entangled." "Jian" Frowning his eyebrows, "Angels are willing to tell me this, not only do they see my purpose can be consistent with them, but also that I don't believe in vampires, especially Torrido." 'Looking at Zac, "Do you have a consciousness, when I recounted Toredo in the mouth of the Republican Angel, I meant you, because you are the only Toredo in the Federation."

Zac didn't know how to respond, "Why?"

"Because like Papa's midnight, I also hate the hidden alliance, the hidden alliance you created by Toledo. They may not have the same kind of creatures as Papa's midnight, but they are as bad." Jian 'took a deep breath. , "They relied on similar appearances to human beings and confuse people in the Republic. The Republican government actually feels that the vampires of the secret alliance are more in line with humans."

In line with humans? Bewitching people? What does it mean? The most bewitching guy in the Secret Alliance, here! It's our Toledo!

Zach didn't ask. As everyone knows, Zack just does n’t want to hear all the topics about the secret alliance, especially from the third party ‘Jian’-the vampire ’s pride and personal grievances will fight. If there is no good result, Zack will be confused.

Fortunately, Jian immediately said something that made Zac quite messy, "and the descendants of Toledo under Papa's midnight." He snorted, "such as the Republican official who contacted you. Impressions, before coming to the Federation, can be said to be extremely poor. "

Zac looked at Jian, "But you still have to come close to me. It was because of the reunion of Patton and the group arranged last year by the Feast, that the angel of the republic knew that I got the surname of Saint Cici, yes What. "

"Yes." "Jian" replied stiffly, "My goal is Toredo I hate, and the angel told me the greatest secret of the Lord's faith." Then he shook his head, "Jian" today Shaking his head is already a habit, "but I was a step behind after all. When I came to you, the goal I needed was already ignorant of yourself."

"Oh." Zac smiled, shaking his head with "Jian". There are a lot of points worth laughing today.

"Because like Papa's midnight, I also hate the hidden alliance, the hidden alliance you created by Toledo. They may not have the same kind of creatures as Papa's midnight, but they are as bad." Jian 'took a deep breath. , "They relied on similar appearances to human beings and confuse people in the Republic. The Republican government actually feels that the vampires of the secret alliance are more in line with humans."

In line with humans? Bewitching people? What does it mean? The most bewitching guy in the Secret Alliance, here! It's our Toledo!

Zach didn't ask. As everyone knows, Zack just does n’t want to hear all the topics about the secret alliance, especially from the third party ‘Jian’-the vampire ’s pride and personal grievances will fight. If there is no good result, Zack will be confused.

Fortunately, Jian immediately said something that made Zac quite messy, "and the descendants of Toledo under Papa's midnight." He snorted, "such as the Republican official who contacted you. Impressions, before coming to the Federation, can be said to be extremely poor. "

Zac looked at Jian, "But you still have to come close to me. It was because of the reunion of Patton and the group arranged last year by the Feast, that the angel of the republic knew that I got the surname of Saint Cici, yes What. "

"Yes." "Jian" replied stiffly, "My goal is Toredo I hate, and the angel told me the biggest secret of the Lord's faith." Then he shook his head, "Jian" today Shaking his head is already a habit, "but I was a step behind after all. When I came to you, the goal I needed was already ignorant of yourself."

"Oh." Zac laughed, shaking his head with "Jian". There are more points worth laughing today.

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