The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 19 Chapter 3: Zac and Ravenci

Cliff's farm, Zach is packing up—

The farm owner Cliff gave Bell a bunch of gifts, all in sealed jars and boxes. Zac didn't know what was in these sealed containers, and Bell didn't want to explain it.

"Do I need to keep in touch with you after returning to Vega." Bell asked, "Inform you about Russell and Logan?"

"No." Zack refused. "You only need to do what you think you should do." There are super-dimensional deposits-West writes these realities in person. Oh, don't vomit, the black cat said. Zac really has nothing to worry about. To know the progress of the event in Vega ~ ~ the manuscript is just that, there is no need for Bell to say it.

"Then ..." Bell unzipped the suitcase. "Nice to meet you, vampire." This is farewell.

But Zac was not ready to say goodbye, "I have to admit that there should be someone to come with you today."

Bell lifted the suitcase, put it down, and looked around with some vigilance. "You won't sell me to Darcy. I agree to help you."

This guy is also cautious. Probably in his thoughts, the vampire Zack has something to do in the West, and he will prepare some chips to push his decision and avoid threats. If you do n’t agree to help Russell and Logan in Vega, help Darcy catch such things.

"Don't worry, if I want to sell you, I won't introduce you to Cliff." Zac smiled and waved his hand. "I'm talking about being a normal human being. That one was killed by your proper defense The wife of the dead detective. You know Grande did his funeral. "

"I heard Cliff said." Bell did relax a little, but his face was not so good. "Why should I bring her, I don't know her at all."

"She entrusted me and wanted me to find out the truth about her husband's death."

Bell ’s response was very realistic. “The truth is that Darcy has harmed her husband. The story ends.” Bell made clear his attitude. He would not bear the responsibility of the death of a police detective in Patton. .

Zach understood Bell ’s idea very well. “The story is indeed true, and I ’m not going to change anything. But for me, I feel that for you, this woman can confirm the witness that Darcy tried to persecute you.” Carefully Feeling Zac ’s words, “Since Darcy has n’t given you any experience of living a good human life in the Demon Society, this evidence of Darcy ’s persecution will be the only gain from your Patton trip.” Zac gave Time allowed Bell to absorb, "Don't worry, think about what I said."

Bell thought about it, frowned, and stayed quiet for a while. "You mean I should leave myself a hand to deal with Darcy after I return to the west."

"That's what I meant." Zach nodded. "Your secret inheritor identity is safe with me. You can count on this, but Darcy?" Zack didn't say an answer.

Bell himself knew the answer, "Darcy hurt me once, and then hurt me a second time!" Said with a gritted tooth, and then, "what about that wife? Why didn't you bring her?"

This change is also fast enough, no way, all are quick-minded guys.

Zach shook his head slightly, "I'm not sure, she decided not to come." As I said before, Zack didn't understand why Madame Levine's attitude changed suddenly. Although this is already the case, Zac still "this is her contact information and information." Zac handed out the information prepared at Grande and gave Bell, "I am the person entrusted, I cannot force My clients do anything, and all I can give you is this. "

Bell caught it immediately, glanced at it, and received his luggage. "Thank you."

Now Zac is ready to say goodbye, "Nice to meet you, goodbye."


Compared to the seeing off of the generals in Grande, how far off is here ~ Zac and Cliff have nothing to talk about, say goodbye, go back to Grande.

Halfway back, beside the pile of dirty clothes, two vampires were still fighting.

"You all have my most sincere support, come on." Zac continued to ignore the battle that was bound to have no results, admiring the spring, and continuing to return to Grande.

The time was right. When Zac stepped into the Grand, James was taking back the gun full of silver bullets, "Ravencchi? This is a rare guest ~"

Not surprising at all, James dare to scream at Grandry, Zac, "Why did he come here!"

"I don't know." To answer honestly, I never get the thanks I deserve. Zac never expected anything from James. Observing that Kate was sitting impatiently in the car, Zac knew that James didn't have to deal with it by himself. His eyes signaled Ravench and went straight to the office.

Sure enough, while James was trying to follow Ravenci on the second floor, he was waiting, hehe, Mrs. Lance, "My dear, how long do I have to wait?"

Bye, James ~

"What about Grande's other vampires?" Ravenci started the conversation first.

Zac pointed south, "What about fighting there. Do you want to know?"

"Now let it happen ~ but if you have the opportunity, I don't mind if you introduce me to the vampire who was buried by Allen ~"

Zac is good at finding information points in each other's words. We all know this ability. Rivenchi's words contain an important message.

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Are you still working for Papa at midnight?" How did you come to this conclusion? ——The vampires in the Grande are all Hank Lesenbull and Roy Zmithi except Zac. Zac did not deliberately hide this information, anyone can know it. But the fact is that there is no one, what's the reaction to the gathering of three second-generation vampires in Grande?

The reason will be said separately.

First Hank, we know that Hank got the identity of the descendant of Lesenbull, because Frank was returning Grande's favor. Frank is grateful for the existence of the old Hank who made Zac settle in Grande. Then everyone thinks about the magic feast, and in particular, what will Rut Lemblas think of this? To be simple, before leaving Barton, the ancestor of Lesenbrunn would also lay an egg next to the tortoise that was suppressed, and continue to suppress the prestige of torto in Grande. Do n’t laugh, everyone who is familiar with the Grande knows that Old Hank is determined to drive Zac away. So if Grande needs to continue to play for the Lesenbula clan and boycott Zac's candidate, Old Hank is the most perfect.

Therefore, the Hamilton over there would not react to Hank's existence. While the Cappadocia members who had been awakened at the feast of the clan, Nenad might know the truth, but apparently he would not remind Hamilton of anything. As for Revrow, Sid Revrow has already explained to Zac that he is unwilling to be caught in others, and he will not suddenly add to Barton's Rosembra, which has overwhelmed Hamilton, who had limited leadership. And what misunderstood actions.

Then talk about Roy Zmithi. Hamilton, who was buried in Alan ’s funeral, had also guessed the situation of Roy Zmithi coming to Barton, and had expressed his attitude, only reciting the mission order from the side of the magic feast. Regarding the execution of Roy Zmithi's mission, Alan Funeral has neither the right to question, nor the ability to supervise. So no one can do anything except know that Roy Zmithi is in Grande.

So there was a phenomenon. In all the events of Barton, in the Grand, which is always at the center, initiator, and promoter, the vampire's 'quality' pole drama increased. It is common sense that Grande should be the most watched interracial group in Barton now, but-unconventionally, no one pays attention to Grande.

At this moment, finally came a person who had historical conflict with the vampire, Alpha. Conflict, dog blood, should have happened in Grande. But what he said was actually "help me introduce vampires elsewhere".

There is only one reason for this abnormal phenomenon, there is only one more abnormal god, Papa Midnight.

Of course, if we are more objective, we do n’t have to push all the anomalies to the **** of witchcraft. Zack does n’t know much about Revenge, but what he confirms is that this guy once induced James when he was a hunter And Louise, let these two people who played a major role in Zac's side temporarily believe the hunter's idea.

What do you think this is? The higher one is called charm. When he wants to express it to others, people are willing to listen, or have to listen. This is a talent.

Zach felt that if such a person wanted to meet someone, even a vampire, like the one in Alan's funeral, he would not need Zac to introduce him. Therefore, Ravencue's initiative to ask for such a thing can only represent a little, which has nothing to do with Ravencue's own wishes. Ravench, who spoke this kind of request, was just Alpha who listened to the orders of his creator Papa at midnight.

"Don't leave me a little mystery ~" Rui Wenqi waved his hand with a smile.

Zac didn't respond to this self-deprecating, "Why look for me? Let Spella arrange it for you."

"No way ~" Rivenchi shrugged. "You can't let the Demon Banquet have the impression that I represent the wizard and contact them."

"So ..." Zac had a little interest, "Who are you representing? Papa midnight?" Zac knew that Papa midnight must not be the answer, because, "Does Papa need any referrals at midnight?"

"Ah ~ I hope I am still a hunter ~" Rivenchi is not interrupting, he is expressing, "I don't need to talk to you, I just want to find a way to get rid of you ~"

This is also a far cry from the threat. It is a very black joke. Understand, now that Ravenci is Alpha, he should also think about how to get rid of Zac.

Zac laughed. Under this very black joke, Zac heard Ravenci's helplessness. No matter who Ravenci would represent now, he continued to ask. He was embarrassed to act. Forget it, then complete him, "Well, I think, Papa let you come back at midnight, not only he got a new man, I can understand that you have a new task." Zac looked at It's very open. Zac has always been so enlightened about Papa's arrangement at midnight. If he can't resist, he will let it go. "You can't say it now, I don't force it."

Zac thought for a while, "Introduction is only a trivial matter, and I can help you." The transition is necessary, "but you have to give me a reason to help you." Zac's thoughts are always so thorough, "I don't want to go to the time Bella came to me and complained. I have taken her son astray once. For the second time, I wo n’t carry it. "

If you still remember, Zach did not let Ravenci go astray, but Ravenci almost killed Zac. Zac said this just to match the black joke just now-if you want to kill me, I also want to get revenge, but we are all civilized people, chatting here.

"You don't need to control Sibella ~" Rivenchi waved, "I don't live with her ~ and she made it very clear that she would not support me as a werewolf ~"

This made Zac a little surprised. The last time I saw Ravenci was at Fenway Stadium, I did n’t have a chance to talk too much about Ravenci ’s return to Barton ’s life. James had exposed Louise ’s image. right now……

I can't seem to talk. Rivenchi continued to wave his hand, "If it weren't for getting rid of her and the wizards around her, I would not come to you to make this request."

"Okay." Zac heard a hint of dog blood family conflict, and consciously avoided. "Still, I still need a reason to help you. I don't have to give Sibella a reason, I have to give myself a reason." A deliberate glance at Ravenci, "The last time you showed up at Grande, you hurt my family." Zack was already very righteous, and he didn't mention any personal grievances.

"It's fair ~ I'm also prepared ~" Rivenchi had a smile on his face. "A few hours ago, you called a woman named Levine in the North District and said it should be the same as now. I'm right about the incident related to Darcy, the inheritor of the North District Police Station. "

Zac blinked, "Then?" Stabilized first, and needed more information to make a judgment.

"You should have accepted the commission from Mrs. Levine, but when you called to take her to face the truth of the incident, she suddenly changed her mind, right."

"Correct." Zac uses the affirmative way of ‘I ask you questions, and after you answer, I will tick you’. Continue to stabilize, Zach will not show any special emotions before he hears information that he does not know.

"Do you want to know why?" Ravenci should have played the same idea as Zac, but Ravenci was the offensive player. What he wanted was for Zac to give 'tell me more' performance. Before it was given, he would continue to move forward and force Zac to give up.

"I don't think very much." Zack just didn't give Ravenci the answer, "It's just a personal commission, and changing my mind won't affect my reward."

Now that both sides are betting, Ravenci is betting that this commission is more important than the relaxed look Zac is showing now. Zac, bet that Ravenc did n’t understand the commission so much—we watched Zac give Bell information to Mrs. Levine in the farm, did n’t he? This entrustment is still very important to Zac. Bell must live alive in Vega to save Rogan and Russell.

Hey, the two looked at each other and it was so stiff.

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