The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1242: Flying over the clouds

Hao Ren did not know what happened between Marcus and Veronica, but he knew that His Royal Highness and the Western General would definitely study the origins of his "Ancient Guardian". This has nothing to do with conspiracy, but the sensitivity and thoroughness of anyone who is in their position and who is qualified.

His "ancient guardian" came out very suddenly, and the places he showed along the way and the world are incompatible with each other are enough to cause others to doubt, even if the princess begins to recognize his identity, but the princess His Highness is not a three-year-old child. There is still some doubt. But to be honest, Hao Ren didn't care about it all.

After he discovered what the enemy of the mortal race in this world is facing, he knew that Veronica would treat himself as his own: in the face of chaotic monsters, all the people of the order world are natural allies.

Not to mention that he still carries more than twenty kilograms of sacred objects.

The team rested in the West Fortress for a night. The chaotic border did not stay up late, but the people living here still need regular work and rest. Therefore, they moved the timetable of the kingdom and used the mechanical clock to demarcate the night and night in the fortress. Hao Rencai See Veronica and Sir Morian again. When I met again, Veronica had changed her clothes. Her broken, blood-stained armor had to be repaired, not a small project, and there was no suitable armor in her fortress, so the Princess’s Highness was dressed in white. The warrior suit appeared, and Sir Morian changed into a casual dress. The old knight combed his hair, shaved his beard, and looked at the nakedness of his body. The waist-sworded sword looked like an old nobleman ready to hunt.

It can be seen that even a short rest of the night has restored a lot of spirit.

"We set off for Wangdu today," Veronica said to Hao Ren at the door. "The guardian, although I said it yesterday, please let me officially invite you again today: I invite you to go to Taros. Wangdu, Baicheng, where you will see my father."

"It's the intention," Hao Ren smiled and nodded. "And after I got your king, there are still many things to help you."

The team completed the assembly in the square behind the fortress fortress, and General Marcus appeared with a team of soldiers who looked quite elite. He bent slightly on Veronica: "His Royal Highness, the autumn of all things, the road to Wangdu is not stable, I have arranged three airships for you, it is always faster than the horse."

Veronica has not said that Hao Ren has been attracted by the three small black spots that are gradually enlarged in the sky.

He clearly saw that there were three aircraft-like things that came out from behind the spires at the top of the fort, and then slowly descended toward it. Soon the three things looked like they were in the field of vision. They look like watercraft after deformation. They have a streamlined hull. The hull seems to be spliced ​​with metal and wood. The sides of the hull can be seen as blades, but wider white plates. Paired in pairs on the ship's gang, it looks like a wing, and at the end of the boat you can see some kind of propulsion device that constantly releases the blue light.

The three "ships" have a magical rune on their surface, and their dynamic form is obvious.

This stuff is the "airship" in the mouth of Marcus, and the humans in the world of Kolo actually have aircraft!

Hao Ren stunned and immediately began to re-adjust his rating of the world's civilization, which has almost become his professional instinct.

"Guardian adults..." Veronica saw Hao Ren's god, couldn't help but ask, "Don't you... haven't seen an airship?"

Hao Ren’s eyes woke up and quickly perfunctored: “Oh, I know the aircraft, but I’ve seen it bigger than this.”

He is not lying, the three airships seem to be at most tens of meters in length, that is, small ships like Nolan are ten times bigger than them, but this sentence falls in Veronica. Another important point: His Royal Highness directly thought of the lost ancient knowledge...

"It's good to have this stuff. We can't use it for too long when we fly back to the king." Hao Ren noticed that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and immediately shifted the topic. "Do you have self-defense firepower?"

"Airships are also warships. Although they can't be compared with the magic warships, they are faster and more flexible, which is very suitable for you," Marcus said. "Beyond the chaotic border, the sky is as dangerous as the earth." But in the kingdom of order, heaven is at least safer than land, so you should not worry about this road. I also brought my most elite wind knights here. They are good at air combat and **** missions. These warriors will **** you. Returning to Wang Du all the way."

"The generals don't have to be like this," Veronica immediately refused. "The war in the West is tight, and you can't reduce your manpower here."

"The big Western defense line, there is no shortage of this team knight," Marcus smiled. "But if you can safely reach the king, you will be able to bring me more than a few knights."

The generals of the West have already said this, and Veronica has to shut up.

The soldiers were well-trained, and the airships were also ready for the start of the work. The generals in the West did not like the cold, so soon Hao Ren and Veronica and one of them boarded one of the "spaceships."

The magical furnace of the airship made a low humming sound, and the floating runes and the royal wind runes flashed one by one. Hao Ren felt the shock of his foot and left with the unique "Kolo Indigenous Aircraft". On the ground, everything in his vision slowly sinks down.

General Marcus stood on the ground and waved at the rising airship. Hao Ren glanced at the probe beside the ship's railing and waved his hand, then turned to Veronica to talk: "Talk General Marcus is really tall. He is... the amount, are you stunned?"

He was surprised to see that Princess Veronica, who had always been a hero, was full of dishes at this time. She was standing with her sword standing away from all the sides of the ship. She tried to stretch her face to maintain the majesty and calmness of the week. But unfortunately, the stiff expression and the continually gaze of sight completely sold out the real situation of the Princess Royal Highness:

She is afraid of heights.

"Amount... Veronica?" Hao Ren was a little worried, and couldn't help but open his mouth carefully. "What, don't you be afraid of height?"

Veronica was involuntarily tightened, and then continued to look at the sword with a serious face. Every word in the speech was squeezed out of the steel: "I am certainly not afraid of height."

"Then you..."

"I am seasick."

Hao Ren: "..."

Suddenly he felt that the Princess of the Princess was more approachable.

The situation of Veronica's seasickness is actually more serious than it seems. Hao Ren also guessed that the Princess of the Royal Highness had some altitude sickness: although the aircraft of Kolo World is wonderful, it is obviously not so good in terms of comfort and other details. The developed, large airship is actually a large wooden ship that is forced to lift in the sky with floating magic. It lacks sealing technology and does not prepare any oxygen chamber. People who are not suitable for this environment will easily feel it. Uncomfortable. It’s just that Hao Ren didn’t think that this magnificent British princess had such a weakness.

After insisting on the deck for a while, Veronica finally bowed to the power of nature and was escorted back to the room by several guardian knights.

The three airships have climbed to a sufficient height. They crossed a large arc in the air, bypassing the hills around the Fortress in the West, and began to fly inland to the kingdom.

Hao Ren did not feel any discomfort with this flight. He stood with the Sir Morian in the bow and looked at the horizon in the distance while observing the movements in the sky clouds.

The other two airships were guarded on both sides. The distance from the "flagship" was only a few hundred meters. When it reached the height of the fog, the two ships shuttled between the fog. .

This scene is full of fantasy style.

"General Marcus is a descendant of the giants of the winter," Morian suddenly broke the silence. After seeing the doubtful look of Hao Ren, he smiled and explained, "Answer your question."

"Winter Giant?" Hao Ren repeated it subconsciously, which is another strange word.

"Their hometown is in the land of the eternal winter, the country of glaciers and frozen soils. Their kingdom was destroyed in the chaotic tide of three centuries ago. Later, the remaining giants of the winter joined the country of Frost Witch and Ice Dragon. According to the ancient covenant signed by the ancestors of the various ethnic groups on the frozen soil, the giants who lost their motherland also divided a quarter of the tribes to the kingdoms of other continents, at the expense of lifelong loyalty, in exchange for the assistance of the future resumption of the country. General Marcus is one of the descendants of the giant of the winter. He has guarded our country for one hundred and twenty-seven years. The fortress of the West has never fallen in his hands."

The old knight said, adding another sentence: "He is straightforward but too straightforward, and his relationship with the royal family has always been cold, but there is a high hope among the traditional soldiers."

Hao Ren nodded. Although he did not mean to be close to the Talos aristocratic class, he still silently recorded this useful information.

Then he looked up and looked at the gloomy sky in the distance.

The airship has completely crossed the western mountains. On the side of the order barrier, the power of chaos and darkness is weakened to the naked eye.

The ink-colored masses in the sky are gradually transforming into ordinary clouds. White clouds begin to appear in the dark clouds. Some of the light scatters from the thinnest clouds, and the ground below becomes more and more clear.

The three airships crossed the last dividing line and the surrounding light suddenly brightened.

Hao Ren blinked his eyes in an instant, and he looked at the hot glow of the sky, and the heartbeat was inevitably quickened:

He saw the sun of Colo.

This world is still shining with stars. (To be continued.)


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