The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1553: fortress

The lunar base is strictly not a base, but the appearance of the entire moon surface after it has been completely covered, reinforced, and armed. This natural satellite has been turned into a steel fortress after thousands of years of continuous construction. It is chilled and suspended in the universe. It is a kind of sorrow to use the guns and heavy armor of the forest to point to the direction of the parent star.

The exiled people who had been expelled from their hometowns looked at the direction of their home for thousands of years, hoping that one day they would return to the land that once flourished, but they had to be hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from home. The place is strong, pointing all weapons to the direction of their hometown, because the hometown of their hometown has become their enemy.

In the survivor society established and maintained under such circumstances, it is difficult to have the vitality and vitality that a normal civilization should have.

The lunar base is a hugely disciplined barracks. The factory and the barracks account for 70% of all facilities. On the continuous steel land, there are all kinds of mining supports and assembly wars. The production center of the machine, and the highly intelligent mechanical biochemicals known as “surrogates” are continuously manufactured in these factories, and are sent to the Zenith Sea after a short adaptation and preparation. After a short period of time, half of them will be filled as consumables on the parent star that will never be filled.

Acting like a n-4 for more than a decade is almost a miracle, more like n-6, in the case of a bombing encounter with the eldest son's counterattack, then easily shot down, crashed, changed A pile of broken debris on the mother star.

If you don't meet Hao Ren and his party, the existence of n-6 will be there until that moment.

Carefully avoiding a group of patrol planes flying over the avenue, n-6 poked his head out of the hiding place, but somehow thought of these inexplicable thoughts: about the world in which she lives, the relevant agent The whole life, about her own destiny.

This is the first time she has thought about the issue of her own destiny. To be honest, the lady who is acting is a bit wasteful of this problem.

Perhaps this is the "perceptual problem" that the substitutes often say after serving for more than a certain period of time? N-6 is curious to check the running status of her own logic circuit. She knows that there will be a big difference between those who have served for a long time and those who have just left the factory, even if the former does not download new ones from the big think tank. Logic programs, this difference will also appear over time. N-4 once talked about this topic with herself. The other party called it experience accumulation and emotional development. However, n-6 can't understand these things. Now she feels like she has to understand.

After a period of survival, the logic circuit will start to generate some code that is not related to the main program.

"There are things that are automated everywhere," Lily looked around curiously, and the golden eyes reflected the distant steel buildings. "Cold and clear..."

“This is normal,” Hao Ren nodded. “There is no entertainment in this society, and there is no need for civilian production. What we are going to see is not that the factory is a barracks. The newly produced soldiers and war machines are all stored in their respective In the warehouse, when it is sent out, it is directly sent to the front line through the transport plane. I can hardly imagine that such a society can have a bustling street scene and pedestrians who are wandering around."

Vivienne frowned: "But the activist actually has feelings... at least there is a lot of feelings like n-4, and n-6 ​​is not bad."

Izax nodded: "Yes, they have the foundation to build a normal society, but they don't have this surplus."

Hao Ren did not continue this topic. He looked up and looked at the direction of his own group: a huge "mountain" was in front, it didn't look very far, that is the "fortress" in the n-4 and n-6 ​​mouths. .

The fort is a round steel fortress. When viewed from the sky, it is like a round cake with regular edges and slightly sunken inside. On the edge of the fortress is a neatly arranged black cube structure, huge metal pipes and promenades from these cubes. Extending out, connecting to each other and pointing to the central structure of the fort. At the intersection of them, you can see a centimeter-high alloy cylinder. The cylinder with no doors and no windows, as if it were dark in prison is the place where humans live. The ultimate palace.

It is not like a palace for the creator to live in, but it is the belief and belief of all the agents.

The black cubes that are neatly arranged on the edge of the fortress are actually part of the main brain. They are the superstructure of thirteen giant servers. Under the steel earth, these black cubes have a larger body and a more complex secondary servo. Array, and all these things are connected in the terminal palace. According to n-4, there is a computer room inside the palace, there are also 13 servers, which is the location of the interactive interface and control center of the main brain.

The black cubes that simply touch or destroy the edge of the fortress are useless. The destination of Hao Ren and his party is in the ultimate fortress, the core computer room.

The road map to the fortress is clear and clear, but it is not so easy to get close to it without knowing it. Although the eldest son (the planet devotee in the mouth of the agent) has never executed complex tactics such as sending spies and internal damage, the humans who originally designed and built the lunar base are still habitually setting up layers of checkpoints around the fort and The patrol team, and these designs were also inherited and carried forward by the main brain that took over the management of the lunar surface.

Hao Ren, they saw a lot of patrols and sentinels along the way: there are guard guards who take small combat vehicles, there are also electronic monitoring stations fixed in some places, constantly scanning around, but more is a kind Known as the "patrol aircraft", it is a kind of disc-shaped intelligent aircraft. They are only basketball-sized. They are usually three or six sets. They are distributed throughout the moon and the fortress is especially dense.

They are the eyes and ears of the main brain.

It is not difficult to eliminate these "ears and ears". A siberian savage that is refined into a fine can be used to kill all the squads, but this will inevitably cause riots throughout the lunar base. The overwhelming generation of the Legion Corps is probably enough to completely overwhelm this small team led by Hao Ren.

Hao Ren is indeed a gold medalist, but in this place the gold medalist is not invincible, even if Wei Wei'an a small bat can corona a hundred ordinary agent soldiers, when she really met a million troops, she also There are no 10,000 small bats to throw...

Therefore, Hao Ren is very cautious on this road. The n-6 can guide the team to bypass the main monitoring equipment. The data terminal constantly senses the patrol units in the vicinity, and gives an early warning. With these two boosts, they have Surprisingly close to the place so close to the fortress.

Hao Ren originally wanted to try to let the data terminal fly over a distance and then take everyone away by space transmission, but the moment the terminal started the space device, it sensed that at least 70 radar signals were concentrated, so the idea can only be give up.

Obviously, although the agents have not been able to point out the time-space transition technology, their radar is not a scorpion. The abnormal energy fluctuations and electromagnetic radiation before the space door is opened are enough to cause the main brain to be alert, considering the completion of the space transfer. Short stuns and perceptual disturbances can cause everyone to lose their combat power, and Hao Ren must give up this overly risky approach.

Fortunately, Hao Ren’s "good play" arranged in the Zenith has played its due role. The attention of the main brain is almost entirely attracted by the battle in space. A large number of left-behind troops on the base of the moon. Although there are still a considerable number of squadrons stranded on the moon to maintain the necessary force of the base, their number has been greatly reduced.

Hao Ren and his entourage crossed the road until the fortress, and the dark steel building finally appeared in front of them.

“The fort was built on the basis of a crater. It was originally an underground bunker with an alloy shield excavated from the bottom of the crater.” The n-6 looked at the black barriers in front of the eyes, and there was no pride in the tone. But it has undergone numerous transformations and enhancements over the thousands of years, and now, apart from this circular contour, it has basically not seen what it used to be. Its outer shell is covered with sensors and electronic eyes of the main brain. The entire black city wall is made of activated metal. Any contact with the external wall will be transmitted to the main brain in real time. How do you plan to deal with this?"

Izax looked at the black wall not far away: "In the air or underground?"

N-6 shakes his head: "There is a layer of repulsive shield in the air. Although it is not comparable to your shield technology, the repulsion shield itself has a 'perception'. The main brain can also use the shield to perceive what has entered it. The fortress is not viable underground, because the whole underground is covered by a layer of hemispherical activated metal casing, which is impossible to sneak into it."

Vivian thought thoughtfully: "It sounds like the entire fortress is wrapped in a barrier... This structure gives the impression that it can be detached from the base of the moon at any time."

N-6 looked at her and said after two seconds of silence: "You guessed it, the whole fortress was really designed to be free from the independent structure of the moon. This great project was completed 3,000 years ago, and the follow-up perfection And the amendments have been intermittent and continue to this day. It aims to preserve the last light of the survivor society when the situation is extremely irreversible: if the lunar base falls and the zenith space station is destroyed by the planet devourers, then the fortress will rise. Empty and fly to the universe, become a new 'zenith Ark', humans and the main brain still have a glimmer of hope to find a place to live in the universe.

"At the same time, the substitute has already buried a annihilation reactor inside the moon that is enough to push the entire planet out of orbit. If the fortress really arrives on the day when it has to flee its home again, the substitute will detonate those annihilation after the fortress takes off. The reactor, the moon will then change orbit and eventually crash into the parent star. We don't know if this will eventually destroy the planet devourer, but at least... we can go home."

This plan makes people breathe a sigh of relief, and Lily has widened her eyes: "You are crazy?"

"We just want to go home."

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