The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1603: Vivienne's true mission

This is the true function of the Genesis Engine.

It is not an "engine" with physical propulsion at all. According to Vivian, it sounds more like a "system engine" that acts on information and modifies the content of the universe at the information level.

The only function of this engine is to rewrite the information registry of the entire universe, and delete the goddess of creation and the owner of the madness...

"The mad Lord of the original state is almost invincible. It was born in the chaos of the ancient times of the dream plane, and is inseparably combined with this universe, although its activities will eventually drag the whole universe into destruction. But it is still one of the cornerstones of the universe's operation," Vivian shook her head gently. "With the power of the goddess of creation, she was able to defeat the mad Lord and even seal the Lord of Madness again and again. But she can never really destroy each other, and in her war with the Lord of Madness, the whole universe will go to the end of the world at a faster speed. This is the inevitable result of the mutual impact of the two forces."

Hao Ren grinned: "So she will choose to go with it."

It’s not surprising that the goddess chooses to go with the Lord of Madness. Because of the clues that have been mastered before, Hao Ren has roughly inferred the decision of the goddess of creation to face this eternal war. Everything that the **** did was to end the threat of madness, and for this purpose she could sacrifice herself.

What really surprised him was the way the goddess of creation chose to do the same and the true face of the creation engine.

As Vivienne said, the mad Lord of the original state is invincible: symbiosis with the universe, life with the heavens and the earth, itself is a component of the basic law of the dream plane, can not be destroyed, but the goddess of creation and this The war of monsters has produced an unexpected change: the Lord of Madness has turned into... another god.

The Lord who has gained a trace of divinity has the possibility of being completely destroyed.

"The golden discs we are looking for are essentially the reservoir of divine power and the 'comparator' that can calculate the divinity. When the creation engine is started, its core system will be recorded according to the golden disc. The divine information retrieves the entire universe, and the information that meets the search criteria is forcibly deleted. This process is like clearing the registry information by looking up keywords. The divine information is actually the 'sample of the goddess of creation. '.

"We found an ancient crystal disc and supporting facilities in Kolo, and speculated that they are prototypes of the creation engine and the gold disc, but we were caught in a misunderstanding, always thinking of the creation of the engine. 'It is used to generate impetus, or something that has other influences on the material world. As a result, the research on those 'prototypes' has not progressed much, but in fact the term 'prototype' is not false, they are produced. The effect is not the corresponding material world, but the information level that is closer to the essence.

Hao Ren nodded and said that he understood the contents of the creation engine and the “deleting the gods”. Then he asked: “What does this have to do with the hub and the ultimate throne? What does it have to do with you?”

"It is to ensure that the world can still survive after the departure of the gods," Vivian explained. "Because the technical power of the goddess of creation is limited, the creation engine she designed is actually quite simple and rude. It directly deletes the true God data of the entire universe by retrieving keywords, but does not have the ability to repair the universe system. The result is..."

"After the data of the goddess and the mad master is suddenly deleted, the basic law of the universe will face a wide range of logical loopholes and data breakpoints!" Hao Ren from the Raven 12345 to make up a lot of theoretical knowledge about the information unified So, this time I immediately reacted. "The Lord of Madness is the basic data of this universe, and the goddess of creation has been active in this world for so long, and her influence has been entangled with the dream plane, so it cannot be split, so Their data can't be forcibly deleted, there must be alternatives, etc. Is it..."

"I am the substitute, except for me, the ultimate throne, the hub planet, and the dizzying network outside the x-star cluster. These things all add up to fill the goddess of creation and the madness. After the blank," Vivian used her fingers to outline the magical lines in the air. She first painted a large circle on the outermost surface. "I also remember that we found a huge space in the universe beyond the entire dream plane. Is the Divine Oscillation Network? It is the network that you detected when you organized a large wave of Earth's heterogeneous 'homecoming visits'. It is based on the star construction and is the peripheral execution unit of the whole system. The unattended divine oscillation can be like a nerve signal. Control the operation of the entire universe."

Then she drew a small circle in the big circle, and countless shiny lines jumped in this small circle, just like those sly fairy.

"This is the ultimate hub of the x-star cluster. This planet is the middle-level processing unit of the whole system. The goblins are actually a neural node. Their bodies, that is, those resonance crystals can process and store a huge amount of information, just like Supercomputers give orders to peripheral execution units. The reason why those goblins are confusing is not because they are stupid, but because the supercomputer has fewer cores..."

In the center of the small circle, Vivian condenses a blood-red rune with magic.

"The ultimate throne, it is in the crystal mountain, we have not seen it, but I can already perceive its existence. In the blueprint of this system, I am sitting on the throne of the final, responsible for running all Command," Vivienne pointed at himself, "equivalent to the central processor, which is equivalent to the operating system, but these statements are not very accurate, because this set of things is not quite the same as the 'computer', the most accurate statement is still ' The highest node, the queen of the goblins. In the past, the goddess of creation created the 'highest node' to protect her 'final forgiveness' and sent me to the world of the world, but according to the program. I will eventually return to this place."

The scene was quiet for a few seconds, Hao Ren quietly looked at Vivian, and finally broke the silence: "So... this is the real mission that the Goddess of Creation has left for you."

"Yes, my task is to replace their position and role after the influence of the goddess and the mad master is completely removed from the universe," Vivian sighed. "And this whole plan and the finished product. , named after the "final network" after the gods, the final order of the universe."

Hao Ren couldn't help but think of some of the words and deeds of the creation goddess before the fall when he talked with the Mulu trio.

The goddess of creation once raised such a question: Is there a **** or a god?

He simply thought of this sentence to the sacred war that broke out after that, and thought that this was the arrangement and foresight of the goddess of creation, but now he realized that the goddess of creation said It's a bigger but crazy plan:

In the universe, the concept of "God" is completely erased, not only to kill God, but also to clean up all the influences caused by God, to remove all interference from the universe, whether as the goddess of creation, It is still the owner of the madness who is "infected" into a kind of **** creature, and all sweep away.

Then create a new world that does not exist in the gods and does not exist in madness, and that operates on the laws of nature.

The “final network” described by Vivienne does not have the same “power” as the gods. It is actually a basic database and a low-level program, which contains various basic parameters required for the operation of the universe, such as the concept of speed of light. And the value, the way the basic force works, the expansion and contraction coefficient of the universe, etc., which replaces the position of the goddess is not to add a new "manager" to the universe, but to fill the various causes caused by the departure of the gods. Missing constants, Hao Ren knows the meaning of this thing: the system environment, or the runtime library.

It is the product of the creation goddess' efforts to clear the influence of the gods. Its initiation means the end of the gods.

It is not the "mythological era" on the earth, but the true true generation.

"The same is true of what we know," said Salaman, who was silent until now, and finally spoke up. "But the Lord of the Thrones said more in detail."

"Or call me Vivian, this name sounds a bit embarrassing," Vivian put on his hand, "Salaman, what do you think?"

"Since the guide has been returned, you should return to the Throne of the Throne as soon as possible," Salaman said of course. "The Throne of Thrones has great power, as long as you start the various systems left by your mother, All the evils of this world will not be worth mentioning. As for the creation engine, I just heard that you are already assembling it. With the help of the final network, it should be completed soon."

The head of the giant army deeply trusted his "mother" and made quite optimistic reasoning at the moment. It is as if the crisis of the universe has really been lifted. However, Vivian did not express his position, but turned his head. Looking at Hao Ren, revealing a smile: "Hao Ren, what is your opinion?"

Hao Ren smiled and said: "I object."

Salaman snorted and exclaimed: "What?"

"I oppose Vivienne's sitting on the throne. At the very least, I can't do it now. I can't do it until I understand the operating mechanism and safety of that thing."

Salaman seems to be trying to control his emotions: "Do you know what you are talking about? That is the only hope in the universe!"

"First, of course, I know what I am talking about, because I am a person with identity. Second, a final throne can certainly not be the only hope of this universe. Because there is still me here. Third, the ultimate throne." Just two hours before the blue screen, you forgot?"

Salaman: "..."

Then Hao Ren turned to Vivian: "And to be honest, what I am most worried about is that once you get on the 'final throne', there will be something unpredictable. I have seen more similar scripts, such as you. When you sit up, you become an ai, or you can fit in with the whole network when you sit up, and become the same as the goblin. If you sit up, you can't get down, and the throne will let a big ice block freeze. There are twenty-five violent community activists who are singularly dressed to come to the scene..."

Vivian left a small bat and squatted on Hao Ren’s chest: "It’s gone when you say it!"

(Recommended a book, "I am filming in a different world", to be honest, it is extremely tender, but the brain is worth looking forward to.)

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