The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 1623: The end of Amantier

The battle that took place in Amantier broke out in the depths of the earth. However, the damage caused by it has spread to the surface and has raged on almost half of the planet to become a grand natural disaster, even in space. The horrific changes that occur on the surface of the planet are still clearly visible.

Salaman stood on the bridge of the Ayr and watched the real-time picture from the external monitor with the adjutant. The image of Amantier was suspended in the center of the holographic projection, occupying almost three-quarters of the entire picture. It is clear to everyone that near the equator of Amante, the earth is collapsing and wrinkling.

There is a giant temple that can be clearly observed from the high orbit. The huge temple has been broken from the center, and the continuous explosion spreads along the crack of the temple to the surrounding area. In the group, large and small temples and temples are shaking, because the land on which they stand is now like a melting butter, and it is rushing toward the ground, as if it is deep in the ground. A black hole is consuming the entire planet.

There is of course no black hole, the real reason for the collapse of the stratum. Salaman is very clear: like Agudar, a large area inside Amantier is also hollow, and a large number of incomparably strong crystal columns support the outer structure of the planet, while The energy network node that acts as a planetary warship can collapse the entire crust, so there is no doubt that something has happened in the crystal column.

In the past, Salaman received a newsletter from the encrypted channel. After cracking the ciphertext, he learned about the general plan made by Hao Ren and the goblins. So at this moment, seeing the changes in the surface of the Amantier, the head of the army can only be dumbfounded. I muttered to myself: "They actually blown up the pillars..."

"Just blow up a part." The young adjutant added.

"But this is still a crazy plan," Salaman shook his head and smiled. "I have to admit that the "observer" in creativity is far better than the soldiers who are rigid in our standards. I want any guardian giant to perform. It is impossible to do this step in this sneak mission, even if he can successfully drill to the core of Amantier."

"Based on the time that the crust stabilization system can support after the collapse of the crystal column, their battle in that nightmare nest should be nearing completion," the young adjutant said. "But we still haven’t received the message that the action has been successful. They started to disintegrate and they didn’t have much time."

"Amandir's crust is still continually disintegrating. This is the best news. This shows that the freaks still have no spare capacity to stabilize the starship's disaster. The trouble in the nightmare nest is not over yet," Salaman shook his head, then Looking at the other set of holographic projections next to it, "The drones haven't started yet..."

The holographic projection next to it shows the scene of the drone legion. After the guardian and drone corps retreat to this position and are opposite to the corrupter, the actions of those drones appear mysterious in the eyes of the guardians. Secret: A large number of fleets have built layers of barriers around their mooring points, and then more drones have jumped deep into the universe from the depths of the universe. The emerging fleet does not seem to be a combat model.

Then there were drones in and out of that area, and occasionally some large-scale components were shipped in, and I didn't know what to use.

In the latest crew movement, Salaman saw the drones dragging several super-large crystals into the mysterious "worksite". The size of the crystals is no different from the peaks, and the energy response is amazing. .

The drones don't communicate with anyone, and the guardians don't get permission to enter the fleet. It's obviously a very serious provocative signal to use radar or other observing devices to scan the friendly positions, so Salaman and his The soldiers could only look at the mechanical life of the hard-working workers like a worker bee every day, and they didn't understand what they were doing.

By this morning, the drone's actions suddenly ended. It seemed that they had completed the tasks that their owners had confessed and began to enter standby waiting for new orders: this state continues until now.

When speculating about the fleet in Salaman's mind, he saw that the drones on the periphery suddenly re-emerged: they all dispersed around, seemingly to give something a channel.

The adjutant shouted aside: "I received the encrypted communication, and the content film has already won the Xiaojin people!"

This is the same weird secret that the strange observer left for himself. Salaman doesn't understand what the words in this sentence mean, but he knows what the sentence itself means: observation The sneak team led by the person has succeeded!

They have destroyed the nightmare lair and captured the Amantier crystal!

“Reporting that the drone group is starting to act, they are closing the barrier system around the position and sensing an ultra-high energy response in the center of the fleet! The energy response intensity has exceeded the measurement limit! The energy intensity exceeds the measurement limit!”

"They are ready to attack Amantier?" Salaman couldn't help but press his hand on the armrest of the seat. "The observer has not yet withdrawn..."

Hao Ren and his party said before they set out that they were ready for the retreat. However, Salaman did not know the details of the retreat. At this moment, he saw the movement of the drone group. He realized that the final attack would begin, and Amanti Will become the target of the Legion's fire, but until now, he still did not see Hao Ren and the elite team he led to withdraw from the planet.

But just as he was curious, a tiny blue light suddenly flashed through the holographic projection.

The sensitive external monitor immediately noticed the small blue light and put it to the maximum. Salaman finally saw that it was a silver-white spaceship that was the cutting-edge technology starship that the observer was riding.

The silver-white spacecraft apparently opened up a series of fast-moving devices, so that she did not use the time-space engine, she directly flew out at a speed close to the speed of light, and a layer of shield that was greatly enhanced by temporary charging. It is like a heavy curtain covering the entire ship, and the spaceship's armor deck is floating with a layer of projection coating on which two lines of text that Salaman does not know.

喧哗 喧哗, the star river is the fastest.

Nolan was like a lightning bolt from the space to the base of the corrupter. When she crossed the blockade of the Corruption Corps, she opened the mirror-inducing device. Thousands of ellipsoidal metal devices were thrown into space from the projection port and then changed. Cheng and the giant turtle Yantai are almost identical mirror projections. A large group of projections quickly exchange positions in the universe and cross the corrupter's defense platform from all directions. The latter has already reacted. A large number of interceptors and distortions are quickly launched. The anti-aircraft artillery fire also violently fired. However, Nolan’s speed was so fast that all the active tracking methods of the corrupter could not lock her figure, and those covering the barrage without aiming only destroyed the latter’s release. Several mirrored baits.

In the ever-cassing nightmare nest, the influx of corrupts has surrounded Hao Ren and his entourage, and the out-of-control distortions and nightmare derivatives around him are in the midst of a temporary impact on self-disciplined machinery and armed unmanned institutions. Hao Ren and his friends have retreated to the most central position of the defensive circle, relying on various long-range attacks to continuously shoot down those monsters that occasionally leaked in.

Lily, the big white dog form, took off in the previous battle. At this moment, she was squatting behind her. Elizabeth and she leaned against her furry big tail. They were accepting the battlefield treatment of the Nangong in May. In fact, almost everyone has accepted it. Round treatment, now everyone is taking turns.

After disintegrating a brain with a poisonous arrow in a corner and secretly releasing a mental attack, Vivian looked back and looked at Hao Ren: "Is the spatial signal still unstable?"

Hao Renfei quickly glanced at the data terminal that was not far away: "Those monsters must have guessed that we have to withdraw, and the interference they released is very strong, but we have already read the space signal."

The data terminal also shouted: "Nolan has already rushed over, and should arrive at the connection point very quickly. The space signal is strengthening! This machine needs a little time to recalculate the coordinates! Not much, just a few minutes!"

Izaks tore a two-and-a-half of the distortion rushing in front of him. He laughed at the same time he threw the two wrecks out. "Hah, this time can still be made up after the brain dies. The combat power of these shards can’t be seen.”

Nangong Sanba smiled and said: "There is still a lot of quantity."

Hao Renxi doesn't care: "There will be a lot of things to be taken away anyway."

At this moment, Nolan finally broke through the planet's near-Earth defensive circle in Amantier, and then slanted over the equatorial rift with an elegant and thrilling anti-parabola.

"Space coordinates have been recalibrated! Start transferring!"

A white light shrouded everyone. In the white light, Hao Ren slowly raised a **** against the corrupt monsters that were constantly coming in.

"bye bye"

The white light dissipated, and everyone disappeared in front of the corrupters in such a way that the original left was only a large cylindrical metal device that was constantly flashing red light.

After a few seconds, a powerful shock wave rushed out of the earth's crust, and a mushroom cloud rose from the control center.

In just a few seconds, Nolan has re-entered into space, and everyone on the bridge watched the mushroom cloud rise slowly. Finally, Nangong Sanba couldn’t help but break the silence: "When the drone group is over there. Are ready to open the cannon, do you still have such a meaningful meaning?"

Hao Ren's face is inscrutable: "What do you know, this is called a character card, but those who are forced to do high have to leave a mark after Zonro, and Zorro has a z after it!"

The data terminal slammed on Hao Ren's head: "I heard that after the incident, I left the words to stay with the cards, and you left to leave a king to blow up.

Hao Renxi didn't care, just haha, looking up at the scene in space.

The stunned army of corruption is like a locust, chasing after Nolan’s chasing, but all of them are slammed by the female driver’s foot, and in the farther space, the drone’s position has been opened. After all the masks, barriers, and camouflage were removed, a huge space structure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

It was a temporary assembly facility. Several hill-like pale blue crystals were arranged in a spear shape. A large number of silver-white metal beams and connecting beams connected the crystals into one, and at the front end of this spear-like facility, The powerful energy flow has gathered to become a dazzling light.

If you are a familiar person, you can see at a glance that these crystals are actually part of the nucleus research station...

"The annihilation of the spears is finished," Nolan's holographic image stood on the bridge, full of joy and enthusiasm. "Let the gangs who can't catch up with the aging mother's exhauste go to hell!"

Nangong used her tail to lick her brother in May: "I always feel that Nolan is not exactly the same after the start of the car."

Nangong 38: "Hey, whisper, don't let the female driver hear."


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