The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Chapter 106: Xiao Ai's grievance

After all, they are girls, and they don't have much interest in games. Almost without exception, they all choose the blockbuster movies in it.

However, watching movies in VR is different from watching movies on a normal screen. In order to adapt to the characteristics of VR, Xiao Ai also made some changes to the movies. Although they still cannot change the fact that they are all flat movies, but after Some modifications made their 3D features more prominent.

You should know that even if it is a blockbuster movie, their cinema version is different from the version on the Internet. The theater version is generally two-camera, forming a three-dimensional effect. Generally, you need to use special polarized glasses to watch it, while the version shown on the Internet is different. Yes, even if it is still genuine, it is still just an ordinary plane effect. Without the need for stereoscopic glasses to watch, it only uses the screen to present a 3D effect, which is naturally not as shocking as a theater.

However, after Xiao Ai modified it, the VR headset finally showed a more powerful effect than that of the movie theater, just because in the movie theater, even if it is an IMAX giant screen, there are only two seats for the blockbuster movie, and Xiao Ai The remodeled film source simulates three camera positions to play, showing a complete 3D effect. Of course, the result is that the volume of the film source has increased by three times.

Such a three-dimensional effect, combined with an almost optimized resolution, almost allows people to be in the movie world. It can be said that this movie is no different from the virtual world except that it cannot match the movement of the head to cause the movie to slide.

Yang Qing is already used to it, it was he who guided Xiaomei to improve the film to this level bit by bit, but those new testers don't know.

As soon as I opened the movie, especially a sci-fi blockbuster with special effects like "Transformers", at the beginning, a plane transformed into a Decepticon rushed toward my face, as if it was about to hit me directly, and I screamed in shock.

Yang Qing just sat down and made himself a cup of coffee, and when he was about to take a sip, the voice came.

Although with his mind, he wouldn't be frightened, his rock-steady wrist couldn't help trembling slightly, and the coffee in the cup rippled round and round, but he finally didn't spill it.

At this time, the plot finally entered a stable state, and the girls also adapted to the new way of watching movies a little bit, and began to enter the immersive mode, but the bluffing sound in their mouths did not stop.

It's noisy! Yang Qing frowned and patted the table.

"Xiao Ai, let them go out to play, it's too noisy!"

Following Yang Qing's words, the screen of the VR headset paused at the same time, and the image of Xiao Ai appeared.

For so long, everyone in the company has known that the company has a smart office assistant called Xiao Ai, which is the image of this little girl.

"The director said that your voices are too loud and told you to go outside to play!"

Xiao Ai on the VR screen is a vivid image of a little girl carved in powder and jade. She has shortened her age according to her appearance in the prehistoric times, integrated the mainstream aesthetics of Huaguo, and also has part of the power of runes to create The image that comes out has an absolute affinity, even if it is a tyrannical person, seeing her smile will immediately warm him up.

"Wow, Xiao Ai is so cute!"

Xiao Ai's words did not attract their attention. Instead, her new three-dimensional image made the eyes of all the women start to shine. Fortunately, each VR device was different, so they couldn't see each other, so they didn't discuss with each other.

"The master said, let you go out quickly!"

Seeing their disobedience, Xiao Ai got a little angry, put her little hands on her hips, and shouted.

However, she didn't know that her angry image became more and more cute, and she didn't have any deterrent effect at all.

This time, not only did they not leave obediently, but they opened their mouths one after another to tease Xiaomei. They tried to stretch out their hands, clearly wanting to touch Xiaomei, but they forgot that Xiaomei was just a virtual image there. Just can't touch it.

Xiao Ai has always been Yang Qing's good assistant, whether it is Honghuang or Blue Star. Although in Honghuang, she has greater ability and more jurisdiction, relatively speaking, she is more important on Blue Star After all, Xiao Ai is the source of the technology that Yang Qing relies on now, and she relies on her for food.

Although Xiao Ai was in charge of managing the entire cave in the prehistoric world, except for a few disciples and servants, the rest of the cave were puppets and warriors. She didn't have much contact with people, especially women. .

Compared with women, men are more introverted. Even if Xiao Ai's image was more stunning in the prehistoric times, Yang Qing and his disciples rarely praised her. After all, in front of Yang Qing, she was a servant, but in front of his disciples, she was a Manager, majesty is greater than her beauty.

So even in Blue Star, she doesn't have much experience with people. After all, those people on the Internet are fundamentally different from people in reality, like a master who has fought hundreds of rounds on the Internet. In reality, he is a greasy submissive otaku.

So after being questioned and praised repeatedly by several women, she panicked because they did not carry out Yang Qing's order.

In Xiaomei's heart, the master's order is the first and must be carried out, but if they still stay in the prehistoric, she can use various spells to punish them, but on the blue star, she has not yet The ability to interfere with reality is simply impossible.

So, as soon as her thought moved, it had already appeared on Yang Qing's computer screen.

"Master, they are disobedient and keep harassing me!" Xiao Ai complained with an aggrieved face.

It was rare to see Xiao Ai's expression like this, Yang Qing couldn't help but burst out laughing, but it made Xiao Ai feel even more wronged, her eyes turned red, as if she was about to shed tears.

Although she clearly knew that there was an intelligent life inside and would not shed tears like a real person, but after merging part of the charm runes, especially after her body was powered by aura, even Yang Qing might be injured if she didn't check. Hit.

Naturally, the charm here is far less terrifying than Honghuang, it can control a person's life and death, and at most it can hypnotize some people who are not firm-willed, but it is only a slight influence, and people will have a good impression of Xiaomei's body, but it couldn't be simpler up.

Of course, this kind of charm can only be achieved if it is matched with Xiaomei's own beautiful appearance. If it is replaced by Sister Feng, even if the charm rune is fully fired, it will not have such an effect.

So even knowing that Xiao Ai's appearance was the result of the charm rune, Yang Qing couldn't help but feel a little unbearable.

"Xiao Ai, you little idiot, why don't you just turn off the phone for them!"

Xiao Ai's eyes lit up immediately, and her jade-like fingers snapped, and the screens of several VR headsets immediately went dark.

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