The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 104-Large-scale commentary rollover scene (4 request)

Jiangcheng People's Hospital, Respiratory Medicine Critical Care Center.

Catherine was lying on the hospital bed, waiting for treatment.

This is the first time for Jiangcheng People's Hospital. In the past few decades, no American has been hospitalized in Jiangcheng People.

In the past, people from overseas were ill. Unless they had no alternative, they could never be treated in Xia Guo. Treatments similar to severe lung diseases would not be in Xia Guo. They usually returned to China for treatment.

This is also the first time for Catherine. She never dreamed that it was not a hospital in the United States that could treat her illness, but a hospital in a second-tier city in Xia.

Not only CNN, many domestic media in Xia Guo also paid attention to it.

More than a dozen patients have been treated with symbiotic proteins and have been discharged from the hospital. This almost marks the maturity of the clinical treatment technology of symbiotic proteins.

The media here hope to get more information, including when the technology will be popularized nationwide, whether the treatment costs for foreign patients are the same as those for domestic patients, whether Origin Technology will cooperate with overseas hospitals, etc.

All of this needs to be answered by the person in charge of Origin Technology and the hospital.

Origin Technology also needs to take this opportunity to expand the influence of symbiotic proteins, and a press conference is imperative.

Catherine is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The name of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease does not sound very serious. It feels much better than lung cancer and pneumoconiosis.

COPD does not kill people immediately, but it is a symptom of long-term deterioration of the respiratory tract.

A late-stage COPD like Catherine is actually quite painful, because she can feel her life slowly passing by, her body getting worse and worse, but her death is getting clearer.

Rodel paid the treatment fee in full and waited anxiously outside, and Catherine was sent to the operating room.

"A lot of media are on the scene, do you want to respond to the next concerns."

In the office of Origin Technology, Zhou Xiao is busy dealing with the equipment purchase and production problems of the new production workshop.

Colony equipment cannot be purchased outside. Zhou Xiao can only contact a number of powerful equipment manufacturers to produce equipment according to the drawings.

Expanding production is the number one priority!

Origin Technology does not have enough strength to completely pry open the Western medical market, and it is absolutely impossible for the United States and Europe to open the market openly to Xiaguo medical institutions.

However, it is also good to attract more overseas patients to Xia Guo for treatment, to gather the wool of western patients, and to increase the influence of technological products.

Zhou Xiao found that when patients outside Jiangcheng use and agree with symbiotic protein treatment, the monopoly value increase index is higher.

Rodel may be able to help himself complete the task ahead of schedule.

"After the treatment is completed, let Mo Li attend the press conference and answer reporters' questions. These little girls should be trained."

From morning to night, Catherine's treatment did not end.

For chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in addition to transplanting symbiotic bacteria to make the patient's blood oxygen saturation reach the standard, the lungs and bronchi need to be cleaned, anti-inflammatory and other treatments.

Because the patient’s lungs have long-term poor breathing, too much mucus and filth have accumulated, which are hotbeds of harmful bacteria, which can easily cause lung inflammation.

Inflammation of the lungs can cause the body's immune system to resonate, leading to fever and other organ problems.

The experimental team of Origin Technology believes that it is better to remove the lungs that have no effect than to keep them.

Otherwise, even if the patient recovers now, there will be frequent lung inflammation affecting other organs in the future.

The recommendation of the Origin Technology team is to remove the lung.

This was agreed by Rodel.

The reporter waited for a day, but there was no news, and there was still no news the next day.

CNN reporters couldn't help but complained to each other: "How come there is no news about Catherine, it won't be dead!"

The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of Jiangcheng Hospital, but there is no comment.

CNN posted a piece of news on Twitter.

"The reporter explored the whole process of the journal entry editor of "Science" taking his mother to Xia Guo for treatment. Three days have passed and no response has been received from the hospital. We suspect that the patient has died.

The following comment: "Sure enough, it is murder!"

"How come to Xia Guo for treatment, Mr. Professor is crazy."

Many netizens also went to Rodel's Twitter to ask Rodel's details.

Rodel simply replied: "Patience."

In the fourth year, Jiangcheng People's Hospital and Origin Technology held a brief press conference at the entrance of the Intensive Care Center to respond to reporters' concerns.

What surprised the reporters was that Catherine wearing a hood was lying on the hospital bed and appeared on the big screen in the form of video.

The CNN reporter froze!Catherine is not dead!She was alive, and her son Rodel sat beside Catherine with a very lucky expression on his face.

As the person in charge of Jiangcheng Hospital, Peng Yufei personally attended this press conference.

He said in his opening remarks: "I know that everyone is very concerned about the clinical application of symbiotic proteins, and I am also very glad that Jiangcheng People's Hospital has become the second hospital that can use this technology to treat patients..."

"We performed a complete symbiotic protein treatment on Ms. Catherine and removed the woman's severely diseased lungs. The woman is currently recovering well and is expected to be discharged in a week..."

Complete symbiotic protein treatment!

Remove the lungs!

This is the first time that Origin Technology and the hospital announced the details of symbiotic protein treatment.

The reporters stopped talking!

Can I live if my lungs are removed?

It stands to reason not!

But Catherine survived, and on the big screen, Catherine was lying on the bed without taking oxygen, let alone using a ventilator, and she looked good.

Before conducting the follow-up interview, CNN did enough homework.

They visited the hospital where Catherine usually seeks medical attention. They also learned about Catherine's friends and neighbors. They knew that Catherine's condition was real and very serious.

"Could it be bought by the people of Xia! Catherine is dead?"

When CNN doubted, Peng Yufei said with a smile: "Ms. Catherine and Rodel are not very accustomed to the climate of Jiangcheng and local food, so they will return to the United States tomorrow and continue recuperating in the relevant US hospitals."

When it was Mo Li's turn to speak, Mo Li said: "Sickness knows no borders. Origin Technology will expand its production line to treat more patients..."

Seeing Mo Li's confident speech, Zhou Xiao said: "This girl has performed very well on the spot and can be trained more."

Chen Ye said mischievously: "Sickness knows no borders, but treatment institutions have borders, and prices have borders. The difference between us is 200,000 and 1.4 million. Isn't it so foreign to CNN!"

Wang Yulan knocked Chen Ye on the head, and said, "Gloating!"

The comments below CNN Twitter have been overturned.

"Catherine is still alive."

"Not dead, still alive."

"They are going back to the U.S., you can still interview them up close."

"Hahaha! CNN fake news!"

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