The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 110-A sensation in the US medical community

"Xia Guo News": "The Global Medical Peak was successfully held, and the symbiotic protein treatment technology was identified as one of the main treatments for critically ill respiratory diseases."

The headline push: "More than 30 tertiary hospitals in more than 20 cities across the country have signed a cooperation agreement with Origin Technology. In the coming year, respiratory medicine intensive care centers will be established one after another. This is the good news for the majority of patients!"

Hot on Weibo: #Symbiotic photosynthetic green leaf protein becomes the first choice for severe lung diseases#

After the summit, Wang Yulan's Shanghai stock market basically signed a cooperation agreement with soft hands.

The heads of the top tertiary hospitals who came to participate in the summit hope to emulate the Jiangcheng People's Hospital in establishing a respiratory intensive care hospital.

The model of the intensive care center is the same as that of Jiangcheng. The hospital is responsible for establishing the hospital, and Origin Technology is responsible for technical treatment and providing treatment materials (colony, culture fluid, etc.).

The treatment of each critically ill patient needs to be filed with Origin Technology, and Origin Technology confirms that the treatment conditions are met before the treatment can be approved, and the corresponding colony and culture medium can be allocated.

The colony sales unit is a standard green bottle, and the colony of each green bottle can cover 50 square centimeters of skin.

The profit method of Origin Technology is the sale of colonies, culture agents and technical guidance to major hospitals.

The end of the summit means that the symbiotic protein treatment is fully rolled out. As long as the output of Origin Technology is sufficient, the symbiotic protein treatment will become the first choice for the treatment of severe lung diseases nationwide.

In addition to Xia Guo's hospital, many overseas countries are also interested in this treatment technology, but due to various reasons such as medical technology approval, these countries are still under observation.

On this day, Xinlang, Fenghuang and many other media published photos of Wang Yulan wearing a cheongsam at the summit on the front page.

The title is-the woman who changed the way of medical treatment, remember Wang Yulan, CEO of Origin Technology!

Everyone only saw Wang Yulan standing at the front desk, not Zhou Xiao behind Origin Technology.

Wang Yulan is holding various cooperation agreements, and she wants to ask Zhou Xiao for output.

But don't sell all the live pigs here, Zhou Xiao didn't even sell a piglet.

Jiangcheng, the old town.

Ouyang Qiang swiped his phone and smoked a cigarette in the old house. The bed was full of takeaway garbage.

He and Wang Yulan agreed to divorce, almost leaving the house.

It's not that Ouyang Qiang likes to go out, but that Wang Yulan bought the car and house before marriage, and Wang Yulan helped find her job. Moreover, Wang Yulan is very powerful and really makes trouble.

Ouyang Qiang believes that the root cause of the derailment is also Wang Yulan's strong character.

The conflict between the two is a cold war, a suffocating and endless cold war.

Wang Yulan suddenly became gentle that day, which made Ouyang Qiang very touched, thinking that spring was here, but the result was an extraordinary return.

Ouyang Qiang looked at the news headlines on the phone. It was Wang Yulan in a cheongsam.

This was once the woman next to her pillow, but now she has become the boss of a big company. She is so charming that Ouyang Qiang can't recognize her part-time job.

Ouyang Qiang burned a lot of hatred in his heart, why this woman was so beautiful when she got divorced, and she was a mess when she got divorced.

Xiao San is gone, his career is gone, nothing is gone!

Ouyang Qiang took another two sips of wine, his eyes full of gloom.

He is going to find Wang Yulan, it is Wang Yulan who has ruined everything of her!


In New York, Rodel returned to his residence with his mother.

It disappeared for more than ten days, and Twitter stopped for more than ten days. Many media and netizens are looking for the whereabouts of Rodel and Catherine.

The media even came up with conspiracy theories, thinking that Catherine did not succeed in treatment at all, but died.

However, there are also many media who stay at Rodel's door, hoping to find out the truth.

When Rodel and Catherine showed up, the few left-behind media hurried forward to interview.

They also saw Catherine with a ruddy complexion and a nice complexion.

"Mr. Rodel, why didn't you go home more than ten days after returning from Xia Guo."

"How is Ms. Catherine's recovery?"

Catherine smiled hard and said: "I'm recovering well. See if my scalp is green. Now my hair is also starting to grow (chlorotobacter), but there will be a long day."

The head is treated with symbiotic protein, and green bacteria are given for free (optional, after the symbiotic protein is stable for ten days), the green silk can help the symbiotic protein absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.

Rodel said in an interview with the media: “Because we rushed back after the lung removal operation, we went straight to the hospital for recuperation. Now my mother, Ms. Catherine, is fully recovered and I know that there are many of you. Questions, I will go back to update Twitter and publish some materials, including treatment documents, lung CT and other content. Questions you care about will be answered on my Twitter, thank you!"

Rodel decided to fully disclose Catherine's treatment record, hoping to help more American patients.

This feeling was also approved by the Mount Sinai Medical Center laboratory.

The Mount Sinai Medical Center laboratories fought for more than ten days. There was no conclusion other than making Heyman's scalp a useless green. They had no choice but to let Rodel and Catherine go home.

Only when more people have received treatment in Xia Guo and there are more samples, medical laboratories in the U.S. will be able to find out all the data on the treatment of symbiotic proteins.

Blake even plans to send someone to Xia Guo once to receive treatment immersively, and then pass back related treatment.

In the afternoon, Rodel's 10,000-word treatment documentary and detailed information were published on Twitter.

As the editor-in-chief of the life science column of "Science" magazine, doctoral supervisor, medical expert.

The news published by Rodel is extremely accurate, which thoroughly proves that the symbiotic protein is indeed as magical and effective as Xia Guo’s media reported.

Rodel wrote at the end of Twitter: “I hope that the United States can cooperate with Xia Guo’s relevant scientific research institutions and hospitals to introduce symbiotic protein technology as soon as possible; if this technology cannot be introduced, I hope that those who are already in trouble due to lung diseases, The desperate patients contact Xia Guo’s hospital as soon as possible and go to Xia Guo for treatment. If you are friends in Xia Guo, please ask them to make an appointment for you as soon as possible..."

Rodel's long tweet caused a great sensation in the American academic circles!

Xia Guo's medical and technological circles, who have always been despised by the United States, actually used methods other than everyone to treat severe lung diseases!

Moreover, this method is very safe, has a high success rate, and can treat patients as much as possible.

This type of treatment can be applied in the plateau environment, military, marine, aerospace and other fields in the future.

The U.S. biomedical community turned its attention to Xia Guo. Suddenly, Jiang Cheng and Huaxi received many calls for help from patients in the U.S., as well as applications for exchanges from the American academic community.

Xia Guo's biomedical research results have received such widespread attention from the American academic community, this is the only time in history!

Hyman received the email from Origin Technology again.

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