The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 117-Come out and get beaten (please order!)

Whether it is modern vernacular or classical Chinese, it is just that the way of expression is different, which will not affect the call and understanding of the compiler's integrated mathematical formula.

The expression of mathematics mainly relies on formulas, and words are only auxiliary.

For example, if and or correspond to such, or etc., it has nothing to do with classical Chinese or modern Chinese.

However, the comparison between Classical Chinese and Modern Chinese should be more logical, with more regular grammar and more concise.

Xue Linglu and Shen Dan obviously misunderstood Zhou Xiao's meaning, and used their strengths to do this in the simplest, most concise and beautiful language.

The two spent a whole week, starting from "Children's Learning Qionglin" to the Four Books and Five Classics, they worked hard and conscientiously.

Xue Ninglu whispered to Shen Dan: "It's not bad to work here without having to work overtime. Let's be serious and cherish this job opportunity."

Shen Dan nodded repeatedly, "Yes! Yes! The working environment is comfortable, there is no clock in and out of get off work, and there are not many right and wrong in the office. What we do is what we like. If I can pay my salary this month, I really decide to stay. , Work conscientiously and work steadily."

The two decided to work together to give play to their professional advantages and move the full text of "Kangxi Dictionary" into the program.

Zhou Xiao was showing her parents to see the decoration plan given by the designer, and suddenly sneezed, wondering for half a second, "Who is thanking me?"

The application of the Chinese compiler is a very long process, and Zhou Xiao is not in a hurry for the time being. Everything must be done step by step, one by one.

In the past few days, Chen Ye came out with a house decoration plan designed by a designer.

Zhou Xiaozhun don't ask for the opinions of his parents, and start the renovation when the parents agree.

Chen Ling and Zhou Gang have no opinion on the decoration, as long as they can live in.

Two moved from the country to the city, and lived in the old community for decades, and developed a mentality that is easy to satisfy.

Now the son is promising, and the two are also very happy.

Regarding Zhou Xiao's career, Zhou Gang and Chen Ling also reached an agreement. They didn't understand or bother about it. Young people have a young life.

"Uncles and aunts, you see, the current design is a modern and simple style. The purpose of this design is to have good lighting and strong practicability."

"Random, random!" Chen Ling looked at Chen Ye and smiled from ear to ear. "Little Chen, my surname is Chen. Three hundred years ago, our two Chen's ancestors were still one family."

Chen Ye smiled sweetly, "Auntie, uncle, are there any changes to the design?"

"No, the aesthetics of young people is stronger than that of old people." Zhou Gang was very satisfied.

Chen Ye filled the teacups of the two old men with water and said, "Where are the old people, uncles and aunts, look so young!"

Zhou Xiao stared at Chen Ye. Did this Nizi eat honey this morning?How weird to speak, the former Chen Ye could not say these cute and happy words.

Generally fierce:

"Hurry up and sign the contract, I'm still busy."

"I have something you come tomorrow."

"Hurry up, catch fish?"

Chen Ye glared at Zhou Xiao, and Zhou Xiao touched his nose without even touching it.

Chen Ling asked, "How much does the decoration cost?"

Chen Ling and Zhou Gang have their own plans. They have been in business for decades, and they still have some savings in their hands. The money was originally to pay Zhou Xiao a down payment after waiting there. Now their son has his own business and buys a house. You don’t need to worry about things, then this part of the money will be used for decoration.

Chen Ye was about to answer with the quotation, and Zhou Xiao rushed and said, "This is a simple dress. It may cost more than 200,000 yuan for the base dress and furniture."

Chen Ye understood Zhou Xiao's meaning at once, and calmly pressed down the list of one million renovation costs below and said: "Because it is a simple package, it only needs more than two hundred thousand."

Zhou Xiao explained: “This real estate has a hardcover room, but I am afraid that the decoration materials are not good, so I decorate it by myself. The waiting time will be longer, but rest assured.”

Zhou Xiao gave each of them a living allowance of 10,000 yuan each month, and they had basically no problems with their lives. Zhou Gang and Chen Ling could also accept the renovation cost of more than 200,000 yuan.

Zhou Gang said to Zhou Xiao: "I won't talk to you anymore. I will pay your mother and I for the decoration money. You can do your business outside. Don't worry about the decoration."

There are many ways to deal with things. The decoration money will certainly not be paid by parents, but it is definitely not a face-to-face refusal. Zhou Xiao raised the monthly living expenses to 20,000 per person. Isn't it solved in less than a year?

"Listen to you." Zhou Xiao replied happily.

After talking about the decoration, everyone went shopping in the community again, and Zhou Xiao sent them home.

Before leaving, Chen Ling took Zhou Xiao’s hand and said, “I think Chen Ye’s girl is pretty good. Mom won’t introduce you to a girlfriend. You should take good care of yourself. A man wants to start a family and start a business first. Your father also got married first, and then worked together to start a family business."

Zhou Xiao nodded repeatedly without refuting.

Parents, the most important thing to make them happy is Zhou Xiao's own business or not.

On the way back to the company, the driver drove in front.

Zhou Xiao and Chen Ye sat in the back row, and Zhou Xiaoruo said meaningfully: "Chen Ye, you performed well today."

Chen Ye smiled triumphantly and said: "Uncle and aunt are not elders, I must serve them well and make them feel happy."

Chen Ye picked up a bottle of mineral water and took a sip, peeking at Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao pretended not to see it, and said, "It seems that some people don't want to reproduce asexually."

Chen Ye: "Cough cough cough cough... Master Zhang, drive slowly! This car is unstable!"

Driver Zhang: "Okay, Mr. Chen, I have been a driver for so many years. This is the first time I have opened Hongguang. This car is a test of craftsmanship."

In the afternoon, Zhou Xiao gave herself a vacation, and went to the source code company at ten o'clock in the morning after a lazy sleep.

Thinking of the young girls from the source code company, Zhou Xiao bought some fruits and snacks.

Zhou Xiao has never asked much for the working environment. As long as you complete the tasks in your hand within the specified time, you can do whatever you want.

The most important thing at work is the hardworking, careless employees, 5+2, white+black, fish is still fish.

Zhou Xiao put the fruits and snacks on the table and said with a smile: "Ladies and sisters, you have worked hard, come over and eat some fruits, let me see how you have progressed this year?"

Fatty Wang came over, took the cantaloupe and stuffed it in his mouth, and whispered to Zhou Xiao, "I can't direct these little ladies. They have their theoretical system, and I don't understand it anyway."

The girls couldn't restrain their smiles when they saw Zhou Xiao brought fruits and snacks.

"Wow, there are fruits to eat!" Xue Ninglu was the first to come over, brought a box of grapes, and said, "Thank you! Boss!"

"You eat, I'll go and see!" Zhou Xiao smiled and walked to Xue Ninglu's computer, looking at the perfection of the content of the language library program.

The smile condensed on Zhou Xiao's face, he was almost about to suffer a heart attack.

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