The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 128 Project Establishment! Let's go!

Jiangcheng, the office of the source code technology company.

Ma Xin once thought that the source code company is a very small technology company, but did not expect it to be so small.

A company has more than 100 square meters of office space, which is not even as large as the large conference room of Warwick Consumer BG.

But if you have come, you will be at ease, Ma Xin decided to steadfastly start.

And Ma Xin also received Zhou Xiao's wages on the card in advance, no more than one million soft sister coins.

If you don't count Warwick's arrangement for Ma Xin to go abroad, this salary is actually much higher than Warwick.

In addition to leaving part of the living expenses, Ma Xin quickly transferred the money to Yangliu. The purpose of this is to hope that Yangliu can rest assured that working in Jiangcheng is actually quite good.

After Ma Xin arrived at the company, Zhou Xiao, who had been very decadent playing games, looked like a new person. The first thing he had to do was to continue to recruit people.

The principle of recruitment this time is somewhat different from before. The majors for recruitment are still mathematics, computer software-related and Chinese language and literature-related majors.

However, students majoring in Chinese language must have a good level of both classical Chinese and modern Chinese.

The salary of recruiters ranges from 4,000 to more than 10,000, and the number of recruits is ten.

After the recruitment was completed, Zhou Xiao also carried out relevant restructuring of the source code company and arranged personnel affairs.

The source code company is currently divided into three departments.

Logistics Department, Project Development Department, Product Sales Department.


Ma Xin is the general manager of the source code company and comprehensively guides the company's technical issues.


Xue Ninglu is the director of the project development department, responsible for the construction of the language library of the Chinese language compiler, the construction of Oracle programming software and the subsequent development of other products.


Wang Kai is the head of the logistics department, responsible for the company's logistics equipment.

The company's current financial affairs are very simple, and Zhou Xiao personally controls it.


Shen Dan also serves as the head of the product sales department.

Since the source code company does not have any products to sell, Shen Dan is part-time, and most of her energy is still on product development.

Ma Xin was a little surprised. As soon as he joined the company, he was appointed as the general manager, but Zhou Xiao did not hold any position.

After reading the manual of the Chinese language compiler in detail, Zhou Xiao also formulated corresponding tasks for the company.

The first one is to improve both the classical Chinese lexicon and the vernacular Chinese lexicon, with classical Chinese as the mainstay.

Improving the thesaurus is an important task for enriching Chinese language compilers.

As the castrated version of the Chinese language compiler, Oracle programming software will also have more powerful functions after the dictionary is improved.

The second is to design two software.

Only by designing explosive software can it be officially declared that it is feasible to compile in classical Chinese, and it can completely replace most of the western programming languages ​​and compilers currently on the market.

The first software: voice assistant.

This is Zhou Xiao's decision based on the characteristics of the compiler, the requirements of the manual, and Ma Xin's suggestions.

The biggest advantage of programming in classical Chinese is its rich language library.

There is a certain grammatical and logical connection between the user's vernacular and classical Chinese, and the classical Chinese is directly related to the machine language through the Oracle compiler.

This can guarantee that if the source code company develops a voice assistant, it will explode all voice assistants on the market, including Warwick mobile phone's Xiao E, Xiao Mi's Xiao Ai and Apple's SIRI.

Mobile phones have become a necessity in people's lives, and Zhou Xiao spends a lot of time on mobile phones outside of work.

He has an intuitive feeling that the current voice assistants are not called voice assistants at all, but called voice mentally retarded.

Including SIRI, which used to be so fascinating, can only complete simple voice tasks, and it does not work well with applications.

Ma Xin has done system EMIU design for Warwick for many years. He deeply knows that the potential of voice assistants has not been fully realized. In most mobile phone products on the market, voice assistants are not an important function. Many users even I haven't used the voice assistant several times without using my phone.

Many users use voice assistants only to test this function to see how mentally handicapped the voice assistant is.

Take SIRI as an example.

User: "Hi, SIRI, where is your home?"

SIRI: "I guess the designers got inspired when they walked and chatted, and then they invented me."

Look!The text is wrong!

If the user is asking a more difficult question or wants to complete a more difficult call to multi-system tasks for SIRI, SIRI can only answer with a very mechanical voice: "This is beyond my ability and so on."

What is this not mental retardation?

Voice assistants of other mobile phone brands may be better than SIRI, and some are worse than SIRI, but Zhou Xiao classifies them as spicy chicken.

Why do users use the voice assistant frequently?The reason is not that users don't want to use it, but that voice assistants are really difficult.

It stands to reason that when mobile phone manufacturers developed voice assistant functions, they designed it as a prototype of artificial intelligence, but the current situation is obviously very unsatisfactory.

Zhou Xiaozai's discussion with Ma Xin said: "We are a voice assistant, there are two key points."

Zhou Xiao said: "One is the ability to fully understand human language. Now I don't consider other languages, only Chinese."

"The second is that our voice assistant can not only communicate with users in the way of speaking, but also write and communicate with them. The voice assistant must truly play the role of an assistant and become a terminal device steward, which can help users coordinate the use and manage all mobile phones application."

Zhou Xiao's proposal is exactly the same as Ma Xin's original idea of ​​being an EMIU voice assistant!

Ma Xin is smug: "It's true! Mobile terminals will have huge innovations! But this is the first step towards artificial intelligence!"

The second software: mathematical modeling software.

Mathematics is the basic tool of all modern sciences, including the biomedical laboratories of origin science and technology.

However, Xia Guoren couldn't find any better alternative software besides Matlab.

Zhou Xiao’s biological laboratory has made many new discoveries about bacterial colonies, but it is also restricted by computer mathematics and cannot go any further.

This software is designed for biomedical laboratories.

Of course, Zhou Xiao's ultimate goal is to design Xia Guoren's own operating system and ecological chain, so that Xia Guo's computer Internet can completely get rid of its dependence on the West.

Having obtained these two tasks, Ma Xin deeply felt that he had a great responsibility.

Ma Xin also has a very high fighting spirit. He hopes to prove to himself, to Warwick, and to his former colleagues that his choice is correct, his vision is correct, and he will be able to realize his value in the source code company!

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