The office of Tian Jun, Chairman and CEO of Xiao Mi.

Yang Yu, the person in charge of the technical department, has just demonstrated most of the functions of Xiaoyuan’s assistant.

On the big screen in the office, some videos about Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant were played on the short video program Tik Tok.

Yang Yu explained: "The protagonist of the video is a takeaway boy. He uses a Mi mobile phone. After installing Xiaoyuan Assistant, Xiaoyuan Assistant can help automatically take orders according to his requirements, and tell the little brother to pick them up by voice. The route of meals and delivery greatly improved his efficiency."

The takeaway boy is named Li Zhi, from mountains and rivers, and delivers meals in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

In the past, when delivering food, Li Zhi always needs to fix his mobile phone on the battery car with a bracket, always staring at the order to be taken, and then staring at the screen to see the delivery route or return the buyer's information.

Not to mention that this is inefficient and extremely unsafe. Li Zhi said in the video: "I have a fellow who was in a car accident because of a meal delivery a year ago, and he is still lying in the hospital. This industry is very hard but also very dangerous. I won’t do it when I make money and build a house in my hometown.”

Li Zhi said: "I installed Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant and bought wireless headphones a few days ago. Now I don’t need to look at my phone at all. I can communicate with Xiaoyuan on everything. Xiaoyuan will take orders according to my requirements. It can help me plan the most perfect meal delivery route, and can also chat with customers under the control of my voice. It is safe not to mention the efficiency, I already want to promote the voice assistant to my colleagues, which is very convenient Our work."

After the video was played, Yang Yu said: “There are many similar application videos. The appearance of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant has greatly improved the smart performance of mobile phones. When paired with wireless headsets, it frees users’ hands. It’s not an exaggeration that a voice assistant is an all-round butler for mobile phones."

Yang Yu’s team also evaluated the voice assistant. He said: “Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant can maximize the functions of existing mobile phones. We have tested whether it is equipped with a voice assistant. For mobile phones, it is a pseudo-intelligence era. The difference from the semi-intelligence era."

Yang Yu can even come to the conclusion: "The users in the video just now used the Mi phones. In fact, Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant was tried on all brands of Android phones, including Warwick, Blue Factory, Green Factory, etc. If Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant becomes The exclusive voice assistant of a certain brand is undoubtedly a severe shock to the mobile phone industry."

Tian Jun sat on the sofa and watched the video of the takeaway boy repeatedly.

He also just downloaded Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant for a simple test. Tian Jun just made a few simple sentences, and he thought of what to say, Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant actually planned the itinerary for tomorrow’s day perfectly, and even arranged the matters needing attention. All right.

Just imagine, if you have an assistant in your life to help you organize your life, study, and work in an orderly manner, will your life be much easier, and will you save a lot of time to do what you like?

Tian Jun has been in the Internet industry for decades, and the creation of Xiao Mi has subverted the mobile phone industry. He understands the selling points and potential of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

Tian Jun can even think of the ambition of the R&D team behind the voice assistant.

When most users are used to and rely on voice assistants, the ecological chain of mobile phones will be built around voice assistants.

This is a monopoly on users' access to ports. What WeChat wanted to do but failed to do, may be done by voice assistants.

Tian Jun also knows what the technical department is worried about. If Xiaoyuan's voice assistant becomes the exclusive voice assistant of Warwick or other manufacturers, the blow to Xiaomi will be huge.

Mobile phones have developed to this day. As far as flagship phones are concerned, the fluency of Android phones is almost the same as that of Apple, and even many game enthusiasts or game enthusiasts prefer Android phones.

The mobile phone market is currently a red sea. The fight is fierce, and you will be eliminated if you don't pay attention.

How to get out of the Red Sea is only a revolutionary breakthrough.

Tian Jun is very clear that the revolutionary breakthrough must not be the mobile phone’s pixel count reaching 100 million yuan or the ever-increasing storage space of the mobile phone, but its intelligence.

Xiaoyuan's voice assistant brings a direction, integrating all the resources of the mobile phone, and bringing more convenience to users.

Tian Jun said: "We recommend Xiaoyuan's voice assistant to the top in our application store."

This step is very high, and it has released Xiao Mi's goodwill towards Xiaoyuan's voice assistant. Let alone whether to cooperate with the source code company, he said that his attitude is the first.

"Your technology department will provide a complete Xiaoyuan voice assistant evaluation report within two days, and I will try to bring this topic to the board of directors the day after tomorrow.

I think it is necessary for us to send someone to talk to the source code company. By the way, let Manager Zhang of the Artificial Intelligence Department (the department that develops the Xiaoai voice assistant) study this topic carefully. Voice assistants are not only the responsibility of your major technical department. , It is the responsibility of their artificial intelligence department."

Xiao Mi's senior management attaches no less importance to Xiaoyuan's voice than Warwick.

Three days later, the evaluation report on the voice assistant was sent to the board of directors. Xiao Mi immediately decided to let Zhang Zhou, the Minister of Artificial Intelligence, lead the team to contact Origin Technology to see if there is any possibility of cooperation.

At this time, Mi's thoughts are still to see if we can introduce the technology of Origin Technology at a high price to improve Xiaoai's voice.

Before the departure, the related materials of Origin Technology were also sent to Tian Jun.

Among them, in the column of shareholder structure, it is clearly stated that the shareholder of the source code company is only Zhou Xiao.

Among Zhou Xiao's affiliated companies are Anyang and Origin Technology.

It's all clear why Gao Miao became the spokesperson of Anyang and also spoke for Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

Tian Jun noticed that Zhou Xiao had hardly appeared in the media, and the achievements of this mysterious man were really unexpected.

Zhang Zhou officially led a team of ten people to Jiangcheng. They will contact the source code company.

Shenzhen City, Warwick headquarters.

Minister Ren just spoke with Ma Xin.

Ren Fei did not expect that Ma Xin would actually work for the source code company and take up the position of CEO.

After reporting the incident to Yu Zhendong, Yu Zhendong asked Ren Fei and the relevant person in charge of Warwick's artificial intelligence department to go to Jiangcheng together.

This time, Ren Fei made a military order and must reach a cooperation agreement with the source code company. Under the premise of ensuring that Warwick can use Xiaoyuan's voice assistant, see if the technology of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant can be perfected and optimized by Warwick. Voice assistant little E.

Jiangcheng, the office of the source code company.

Zhou Xiao just finished listening to Ma Xin's report on the upgrade of voice assistant functions.

After more than a month of research, Xiaoyuan added English functions and also supported the mutual translation between Chinese and English.

A small technological update has allowed Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant market to expand from Xia Guo to all English-speaking countries in the world.

The source code company has been very busy recently. It has to deal with various advertising companies that want to cooperate, reporters to interview, and so on. Chen Ye is also called to help and handle administrative affairs.

Chen Ye walked into the conference room and said, "Huawei has sent someone to make an appointment to visit our company tomorrow, and Xiao Mi is the same day."

Ma Xin looked at Zhou Xiao and Hui reported: "My former boss, Ren Fei, also came this time. He may want to discuss cooperation with Xiaoai's voice assistant."

Ma Xin still has to seek Zhou Xiao's opinion.

At present, the download volume of Xiaoai voice assistant has exceeded 3 million. As a third-party voice company, it is unprecedented to have the current results.

But this kind of download volume is still not enough for Zhou Xiao to complete the monopoly task, and the source code company has invested a lot in the early stage, so far there is no sign of return.

If you want a qualitative leap in the installed capacity of voice assistants, it is best for mobile phone manufacturers to directly upgrade the system.

At first, Zhou Xiao didn't talk to Warwick and Xiao Mi because the source code was too small and easy to be eaten.

Now it has a certain degree of influence and there is room for negotiation.

"Mr. Ma talked to them, Xiao Mi in the morning, and Warwick in the afternoon."

Zhou Xiao's decision surprised Ma Xin. Talking to Xiao Mi in the morning and Warwick in the afternoon was obviously not very polite to the two companies.

Zhou Xiao said: "Both of them are the best companies in Xia Guo. I also use a Warwick mobile phone in my hand. Let them talk on the same day not to disrespect them, but to tell them that Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant must get it. The market’s recognition, regardless of whether we are satisfied with the conditions set by Xiaomi or Warwick, consumers have already recognized Xiaoyuan."

Ma Xin was a little nervous. He was fully involved in the growth of the source code company. Tomorrow, negotiating with Big Mac Xiaomi and Warwick will be regarded as an adult gift for the source code company.

The next morning, Xiao Mi's Zhang Zhou team met Ma Xin.

Zhang Zhou couldn't think that the powerful Xiaoyuan voice was developed in such a small company, and it was made by a middle-aged programmer and a group of young people.

The first contact between the two parties would definitely not be able to talk about the actual content, but only had a preliminary understanding of the source code company, Zhang Zhou also understood Ma Xin's ideas, let Xiaoyuan walk into each mobile phone and serve everyone.

When Zhang Zhou knew that Warwick’s team would also come in the afternoon, he chose to live in Jiangcheng to see how Warwick talked with the source code company.

In the afternoon, Ren Fei and others met Ma Xin in the conference room of the source code company.

Warwick has always been in a strong position in the industry. When it comes to business talks, other companies usually visit, and few Warwick take the initiative.

And this time it was led by He Bin, vice president of Consumer BQ, and the specifications were unprecedented.

After He Bin saw Ma Xin, he still put on a high profile: "We, Warwick, can still export talents! Mr. Ma, I didn't expect you to achieve such a great achievement after you left Warwick! We looked at Xiaoyuan's voice assistant, not only users Yes, we also very much agree that the application market has pushed Xiaoyuan’s voice on the homepage for several weeks. This time, I want to communicate with your company about the future positioning of the voice assistant and the cooperation with Warwick."

Ma Xin did not answer He Bin immediately, but looked at Ren Fei and said, "Minister Ren, do you know how our voice assistant is made?"

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