But Ma Xin is very artistic in recruiting people according to Zhou Xiao's requirements.

The focus is to recruit fresh undergraduates, graduate students, or the backbone of some small companies.

These people don't have very high salary requirements. They start from the first level and can integrate into the company well.

And those engineers who have worked in Microsoft, Apple or other large companies with an annual salary of millions of dollars may not necessarily see the salary given by the origin code company. Even if they come, they will be busy and unable to truly integrate into the company.

The source code company wants to make a system, and already has a systematic outline guide. What it needs is an executor, not a designer.

As soon as the recruitment news of the source code company came out, the temptation for the graduates was great, but those in the workplace felt that the source code company was not sincere.

"The source code sets out the recruitment conditions... The company's equity and salary hierarchy are obviously beneficial to young people. For the veterans of large companies, they are not attractive at all. They only rely on those who have just graduated. Can a source code company work?"

"It seems that the cost of recruiting fresh graduates is low, but the cost of training is not low. In the IT industry, it takes about two to three years to train a person. It is also possible to train people and others will resign after turning around."

Ma Xin didn't care about these remarks, he knew what he was going to do.

There are also some particularly outstanding employees who are willing to hop to a source code company. Ma Xin is willing to pay the annual salary of these people up to one million with the part of salary plus bonus. But this part must first pass the interview. His vision for the future must be consistent with The source code company fits well.

"I have worked at Microsoft for fifteen years. I was once stationed to Redmond to work. I have rich experience in the IT industry..."

43-year-old Lu Jian recently resigned from Microsoft due to family reasons. He has submitted resumes to many companies, including source code companies.

Recruitment is not a trivial matter, Ma Xin and Xue Ninglu jointly interviewed him online.

Ma Xin: "You said on your resume that you achieved the position of software architect at Microsoft, with an annual salary of 200,000 meters?"

Two hundred thousand meters of knives, more than one million soft sister coins.

In order to confirm the real information of the high-end talents, the source code company spent a lot of money to hire several high-end headhunting companies, and can accurately query the information of these people at any time.

Xue Ninglu quickly found Lu Jian's information through a headhunter, and he was indeed a Microsoft software architect.

Xue Ninglu first asked: "Since you can get such a high annual salary at Microsoft, why not continue to work at Microsoft."

The answer to this question Lu Jian has long been thought of: "I have worked at Microsoft for more than ten years. I still hope to change to a new environment. Your company can become famous in such a short time. I think I can realize my Second dream."

The actual situation is that Lu Jian has always been eager to get a green card from the United States, but because the United States has tightened its policy on Xia Guo, he could not get the green card, so he had to leave the United States and return to Microsoft Xia Guo Suhang Company.

Microsoft Xia Guo's salary was a lot worse than that of the United States, from more than one million yuan to 600,000 soft sister coins, which triggered the idea of ​​leaving.

Lu Jian took a fancy to a potential source code company, so he nominated himself.

Xue Ninglu asked the second question: "What do you expect from your annual salary?"

Lu Jian’s answer is also very clever, "I think I can bring some changes to the company, but your company is still in its infancy, so I only hope to get the same annual salary as Microsoft."

Microsoft's architects, it should be a million to start any Xia Guo company!

"Okay, thank you. Please wait for our email notification."

Here, Ma Xin absolutely does not need to interview, he and Xue Ninglu have obtained all the information of Lu Jian from senior headhunters.

When working in the U.S., Lu Jian asked his children to study in a bilingual school, hoping that they could study in the U.S. after receiving the green card.

It is a pity that Lu Jian did not get a green card, and he apparently concealed this fact during the interview.

Even if Lu Jian has very high technology and is helpful to the source code company, Ma Xin dare not use it.


The source code company handed over to Ma Xin and Xue Ninglu, Zhou Xiao was completely relieved.

A week later, good news came from the life science laboratory. Digestive bacteria can reproduce themselves under certain conditions, and the reproduction effect is quite good.

This completes the important part of the digestion colony experiment-reproduction.

The corner of the kitchen of the life science and medical laboratory has been completely transformed into a clean pool.

Leftover meals in the kitchen, plastic bags for buying vegetables, etc., put everything in it and become a veritable garbage disposal pool.

As soon as the colony decomposes, it turns into carbon dioxide, water, etc., and the traces are invisible, that is, the smell of digestive bacteria is more than ten times that of its ancestor Bacteroides spp. The smell is unpleasant, suitable for unmanned, sealed wake.

The people in the laboratory also made horrible jokes:

"Be careful not to offend your colleagues and roommates, or see you in the colony pool."

"Horrible! Fortunately, digestive bacteria need a specific culture medium to survive and reproduce, otherwise it is really possible to flood in tropical hot areas!"

A joke is a joke, which also proves that digestive bacteria have a very wide range of uses.

Compared to helping digest food in the human body, it is obviously easier to dispose of garbage.

However, a key step is needed for digestive bacteria to move from the laboratory to the application, to be able to get more application experiment data, and then get the application license.

Zhou Xiao has calculated in detail the future market potential of digestive bacteria.

If the digestive bacteria are used for environmental protection, the current garbage and sewage treatment in Xia Guo has not been fully activated, and there will be 500 billion. If all of them break out, the output value will be even more.

If digestive bacteria are used in the medical field, Xia Guo's digestive cancer patients will increase by about one million every year, and the treatment cost per person is more than one hundred thousand, which is also a scale of hundreds of billions. The survival cost after treatment starts to be even more expensive.

Regarding the medical field, making money is of secondary importance, and the most important thing is to improve the survival treatment of cancer patients.

Therefore, digestive bacteria have great potential.

Before the Spring Festival, Zhou Xiao planned to organize an outdoor experiment to lay the foundation for the application of digestive bacteria after the Spring Festival.

"Mo Li, you said that the paper still has some data missing, right?"

"Experimental data, the conditions for approaching the laboratory are limited, and everything must be used outside the laboratory."

Zhou Xiao clapped his hands and said, "Well, you can prepare a stainless steel constant temperature bacteria liquid tank. Let's take a day off today and take samples outdoors tomorrow to perfect the last piece of the experiment. This time, Origin Technology's life science laboratory will become the world's best One of the excellent biological laboratories."

Zhou Xiao is ambitious, and the members of the laboratory are also very interested!

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