The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 173 It's Unbelievable, But Please Try

"Biomedical Technology" has been completely revised after it was acquired by Origin Technology. Zhang Sheng, who became the head of the journal, changed it into an AB journal after obtaining Zhou Xiao's consent.

As in the past, the A version of the journal continues to have bad money and publish papers that cost money.

After all, journals and magazines have so many people to support, it's not just bad money!

Origin Technology only gave Zhang Sheng 3 million soft sister coins to maintain the operation of the magazine. This amount of money is not too much, and the main thing is to rely on the journal to make blood.

Journal B is attached to Journal A, sometimes sometimes not.

Journal B is to publish important academic papers of Origin Technology. If others are willing to contribute and are of quality papers, Journal B will also publish them.

Excellent papers are not available in every issue, and Origin Technology cannot have important research results every month. Therefore, the publication time of the B journal is not stable.

"Biomedical Technology" has successively published papers on "Symbiotic Protein" and "Digestive Bacteria". Even though the entire journal is still rubbish, it has become an important academic journal that universities and research institutions have to subscribe to.

Zhang Sheng is also a business genius. After most colleges and universities have ordered "Biomedical Technology", he can publicize "Biomedical Technology" externally. Many colleges and universities must recognize it. This kind of publicity will make more people spend money on "Biomedical Technology". "Biomedical Technology" publishes papers, and magazines also have more opportunities for bad money.

In this case, "Biomedical Technology" is out of stock!Those who spend money to wait for the manuscripts of the paper are queued for a few months.

This is the first time since the publication of "Biomedical Technology"!

When will "Biomedical Technology" completely eliminate category A journals?Just wait until the number of papers in Category B journals goes up.

"Biomedical Technology" B Kan published "Digestive bacteria can completely replace the digestive system in the human body".This paper is actually a subdivision and deepening of the first "Digestive Bacteria", but it has important significance for biology and clinical medicine.

The paper described in detail the complete experiment with mice and the effect after the experiment.

Whether it is process or data, enough to support "Digestive bacteria can completely replace the digestive system in the human body" will cause a sensation in biology and medicine.

This time, professors from universities such as Mizuki University and Xiaguo University of Science and Technology did not miss "Digestive bacteria can completely replace the digestive system in the human body."

After returning from Jiangcheng, Professor Li Yude, who was still complaining that Origin Technology did not give him a chance to cooperate, saw the latest papers of Origin Technology, and he felt mixed.

Li Yude said to other professors in the school: "Mizuki University has missed an opportunity! This paper means that the use of natural organisms by humans has reached a new level!"

Li Yude regretted why he didn't read the paper earlier and cooperated with Origin Technology earlier.

He nagged: "Why did Origin Technology entrust such an important technical cooperation to a second-rate university? We missed an important opportunity!"

Li Yude’s colleague said: “Don’t you know that Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology seems to be the alma mater of Origin Technology founder Zhou Xiao?”

Li Yude was stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't know the news, but he said again: "How easy is this for his alma mater. If Zhou Xiao wants to, he can study for a PhD at Shuimu University!"

The doctoral exam of Mizuki University is certainly not good, but it is not necessarily the case.

Li Yude sighed that if he obtains the qualification to cooperate with Origin Technology, Mizuki University may now be both biological and medical.

Origin Technology's bold scientific research innovation has also caused a lot of controversy in Xia Guo's academic circles.

When Origin Technology developed the symbiotic protein, it was criticized, and this time it stimulated the nerves of relevant personnel.

A big V forwarded some university professors' comments on the latest experimental results of Origin Technology.

"When Origin Technology was developing symbiotic proteins, I had already commented on them. Their experiments completely violated human ethics and medical ethics! Even if symbiotic proteins were implanted in the human body, this time they implanted the bionic digestive system. Are people still people?"

"I firmly oppose Origin Technology's use of the results of the paper in clinical experiments this time. Such experiments violate ethics!?"

I don't know who posted the general paper of the paper "Digestive bacteria can completely replace the digestive system in the human body" on the Internet, and named it as a horrible title "Transforming Humans."

The spread of the Internet is very fast, and soon news about the origin of science and technology transforming the human digestive system was reported by major media.

In the paper published by Origin Science and Technology, the fat white mouse Er Fat has also become the standard picture.

If the network news is spread like this, it is still objective and fair, but the second and third pictures are a bit more rhythmic. One picture is a huge scary mouse from the movie "Mouse and Cannibal City", and the other is full of blood. Photo of pus biochemical man.

This point is very obvious, thinking that Origin Technology's laboratory is unethical.

Zhou Xiao also saw the report on Weibo and smiled.

He said: "With the rise of Xia Guo, the domestic public opinion environment is quite complicated. You never know whether it is a person or a ghost who posts Weibo. Even if he is a person, you do not know whether his white heart or yellow heart is. I think that all scientific research that is beneficial to the development of biomedicine and patients is good. If there is no dispute about scientific research, there will be no scientific research."

Zhou Xiao was in a good state of mind, but Mo Li was very angry.

The experts and big Vs on Weibo are so refreshing. They only care about their own mouths and criticize you if they want to criticize you. They never know that Mo Li and others have been fighting in the laboratory for almost a year. Of course, they can't see the researchers. To explore the unknowns of mankind, they worked all night and night, and they did not see the significance of such results to the advancement of medicine and biology.They only see the fan value and immediate benefits.

Mo Li angrily said: "We just completed the scientific experiment quietly, and the laboratory is not an entertainment circle. Can these people find nothing to do?"

Zhou Xiao comforted and said: "Maybe we hurt someone’s interests, so the articles that should have been published in the journal will only appear on Weibo, but we don’t care. Origin Technology is not a soft sister coin, and it can’t do it. People like it."

Zhou Xiao has enough confidence to say this. The development of science and technology is an irreversible historical rule. No one can stop it, let alone Weibo's saliva.

Those who post Weibo with ulterior motives may wish to prevent Origin Technology from applying relevant digestive bacteria to the clinic, but not everyone is a fool and follows Weibo's rhythm.

Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai City invited Origin Technology's biological and medical laboratories to Shanghai Stock Exchange with great sincerity to place the clinical application of digestive bacteria in Zhongshan Hospital.

The Gastroenterology Department of Chungsan Hospital ranks among the top in the country, and there are also a large number of patients with serious digestive diseases.

Applying for clinical trials in the name of Fudan University and Origin Technology has a very high probability of rapid approval.

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