The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 185 Is Origin Technology Crazy?

The patients in the United States already know that they are being played by the capital of the United States, and the United States does not have any technology to treat their own diseases.

Go to the best hospital, the doctor will give you chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or targeted therapy, and then wait for death.

It can't be cured completely!

Only Xia Guo can completely cure his disease!

But the number of patients in this part of the United States is too small.

Even if some of them are rich, it is not enough to influence the decisions made by the entire U.S. capital machine.

In the United States, patients fell into despair, and Xia Guo netizens could not understand the actions of Origin Technology.

Origin Technology held a press conference.

As soon as the news came out, it really attracted the attention of the global media.

This should be the first time that Origin Technology accused of theft against Hopkins University.

The press conference was held in the lawn in front of the Origin Technology Life and Medical Laboratory in Jiangcheng Science and Technology New District.

There is no way. There are too many reporters who signed up this time. The conference room of Origin Technology's office cannot accommodate so many reporters. The only choice is to be outdoors.

This is also the first time that Origin Technology's technology industry zone has been unveiled.

The media participating in the press conference included Xia Guo’s major official media and self-media. Overseas ones included BBC, CNN, “The New York Times”, “The Times”, Reuters, AFP and so on.

Since Jiangcheng is not the most important first- and second-tier cities in Xia, overseas media have not set up institutions in Jiangcheng at all, and many reporters came from the Shanghai stock market immediately.

Zhou Xiao was too lazy to attend the press conference. He played the air conditioner in the laboratory.

Wang Yulan appeared in front of the media in a cold-eyed dress.

The reporters kept taking pictures and broadcasting live.

CNN: "CNN reported on the spot that Origin Technology held a press conference to prepare to respond to the judgment of the Maryland Supreme Court."

The New York Times: All the evidence has been published in the court. Now, depending on how Origin Technology returns to the court’s decision, we expect Origin Technology will refuse to implement the judgment in Maryland. At the same time, Origin Technology does not have any assets in the United States. It will be deadlocked.

Litchi News: "Origin Technology finally chose to hold a press conference after a long period of silence. It is expected that Origin Technology will not have a good solution to the judgment of the U.S. court. If it loses its business in the United States, it will be more difficult to go abroad in the future. "

Xiaguo News TV: "Genesis Technology is in a very embarrassing situation now. The inability to go abroad is the biggest sorrow of Xiaguo Technology.

At the beginning of the conference, Wang Yulan did not talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

She said: "I know that in the past few months, everyone has been concerned about the lawsuit between Origin Technology and Hopkins University, because Hopkins University has filed a lawsuit with the Maryland Supreme Court and the verdict has been passed. ."

Wang Yulan held the verdict received by Origin Technology in her hand, and read the key points in Chinese and English in front of everyone.

"Genesis Technology compensates Hopkins University with a billion meters of knives for their technology losses. Genesis Technology will publicly apologize to Hopkins University to express its guilt for stealing their technology. Genesis Technology also needs to ask Hope Kings University made a technical confession and informed the other party of all the core technologies of our digestive bacteria and artificial digestive system. Because our technology was developed by stealing technology from Hopkins University, Hopkins University has the right to know... Oh, yes, if we do not complete the above content within 45 days, the United States will close the medical travel project and impose sanctions on the executives and bosses of Origin Technology and Origin Technology..."

Wang Yulan's aura is very full. She said these words word by word in front of the reporters. The reporters saw disdain and coldness on her face.

Wang Yulan’s expression has shown that Origin Technology is not easy to deal with, and this press conference is definitely not a compromise.

Wang Yulan chuckled twice and said: "Origin Technology should be very grateful to the Supreme Court of Maryland here, because it allows us to see the high level of justice in the United States."

Having said this, Wang Yulan tore off the verdict in front of all the reporters.

This move attracted the cheers of many reporters from Xia Guo.

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

"That's right! That's right! To show the attitude of Xia Guoren."

"It's really ridiculous that a Xia Guo enterprise has to accept the verdict of the Americans!"

A CNN reporter whispered in English: "To tear up the verdict is to contempt justice."

The reporter from Xia Guo who can understand English, he retorted: "Despise your sister! Origin Technology is the technology company of Xia Guo Enterprise Xia Guo, and it is a matter of your country!"

Although this is rough, it also won enthusiastic applause from people around him.

Wang Yulan continued to speak.

She said: "I and Origin Technology will not respond to the decision of the Maryland Supreme Court, and we will not respond to the allegations of Hopkins University.

We are Xiaguo Company, and all our business activities are in Xiaguo. Even if a small number of American patients try to get treatment at the hospitals established by Origin Technology, this kind of thing happened in Xiaguo."

Wang Yulan smiled and said: "Xia Guo Company is engaged in business activities in Xia Country, but it has been punished by the Americans. Has the U.S. justice reached too long?"

Reporter Xia Guo once again gave Wang Yulan a warm applause.

Wang Yulan pressed her hand to calm the reporters.

She said: "I wasted your precious time today. Please come here. The main task is not to respond to the so-called sanctions of the U.S. Supreme Court, but to announce something."

The reporters calmed down and waited for Wang Yulan's speech.

They know that the things that Origin Technology wants to announce must be related to the US sentence.

Wang Yulan said: “Origin Technology was born in Xia State and based in Xia State. The primary task of all our technological products and medical technology is to serve the people of Xia State. At present, our medical resources are relatively tight, so we have made some treatment plans for overseas patients. Adjustment."

Wang Yulan smiled and looked at CNN’s camera and said: “Origin Technology announced that from today onwards, non-Xia Guo International patients will be treated with green mycelium hair transplant treatment and symbiotic protein treatment in hospitals that cooperate with Origin Technology, and Follow-up clinical digestive system treatment...the price of treatment will rise by 50%."

As soon as the news came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Western media think that Origin Technology is crazy!At this time, what Origin Technology should do is to find a way to solve the treatment problems of patients who have already made an appointment as soon as possible. It was unexpected that Origin Technology would choose to increase the price first!

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