The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 194 Warwick's bleak prospects

(I didn't correct the typo, wait fifteen minutes and read it again.)

On the surface, the settlement between Warwick and Google for the smooth sales of MATE40 equipped with Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant in Europe is not a problem in itself, because this kind of settlement is a win-win situation.

Warwick makes money, source code companies make money, and major apps in the United States make money, but Google does not make money.

Google may have some agreements with major APPs to obtain a portion of profits from advertising profits and payment services, but this kind of profits is almost negligible compared to the source code company’s share.

Could it be that Google is a good person, watching you Warwick is pitiful, so let Warwick a horse?

The world of technology and capital is very cruel, it is a life and death struggle.

In this market, only the boss survives, and there is no place for the second and third.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to count on Google's kindness.

If Warwick sells mobile phones honestly, then it and Google will definitely get along well, each earning their own money.

But when Warwick is involved in the system and ecosystem, Google will not be so benevolent.

Now Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant is getting bigger and bigger in the European market and its profits are getting more and more. Zhou Xiao always has a feeling that the U.S. technology oligarchs represented by Google are raising pigs.

With this idea in mind, Zhou Xiao took the initiative to call Yu Jiangdong, senior vice president of Warwick and CEO of consumer business.

This time, Zhou Xiao used his personal cell phone to call.

Yu Jiangdong looked very happy when he received Zhou Xiao's call.

Warwick's MATE40 still achieved good results when the chip output was insufficient and only the AB models (mixed and matched by Unitech and Kirin) were still made. The source code company has contributed.The first person Yu Jiangdong to thank was Zhou Xiao.

"Zhou President! Hello, hello!" Yu Jiangdong is now in a meeting at the company, but when he receives a call from Zhou Xiao, he immediately leaves the conference room to answer the phone outside.

Zhou Xiao said: "Yu, I would like to know the content of the negotiations between Warwick and Google in Europe. Although I should not be concerned about the content of your negotiations, I think it is related to the survival of source code companies overseas."

Yu Jiangdong said: "Zhou, I will send the information to your company's mailbox, and let my vice president He Bin come to Jiangcheng tomorrow to explain some things to you."

After hanging up, Zhou Xiao felt that it was necessary to personally understand the situation in the European market.

"Brother Kai, Brother Kai!" Zhou Xiao shouted.

Seeing no one answered, Ma Xin shouted: "Fatty Wang!"

Wang Kai came from the office, "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Ma."

The company's efficiency has improved, and Wang Kai's staff has also been recruited, and Wang Kai does not need to do many logistical services himself.

Now, the income is higher, the things are less, Fatty Wang is getting fatter, and he has become a greasy middle-aged man.

"Do you want to lose weight?" Zhou Xiao asked.

"The company still has this benefit?" Wang Kaile said.

"Well, a 10-day trip to Europe, and lose weight while traveling." Zhou Xiao arranged a task for Wang Kai and said: "You find a few brothers, take Shen Dan with you, and go to Europe to learn about the actual market of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant. Although source code companies have missions in Europe, we do not have the most direct understanding of the European market. We hope that your research can provide some help for the company's decision-making."

Wang Kai knew that this time the mission was no small matter, and he was no longer joking, "I will make a research plan immediately."

The next day, He Bin rushed to the source code company to have an interview with Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao learned all the content of the negotiations between Warwick and Google.

Warwick compromised on certain patents and paid Google patent fees.Google made concessions on MATE40 and Xiaoyuan's voice assistant, letting go Europeans' use of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant on Warwick.

In the short term, Google is making a lot of money.

Google and Warwick have been fighting for this patent for several years. Now that Warwick makes concessions, Google will get a lot of money.

But in the long run, letting the sales of the Warwick MAET40 equipped with Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant in Europe seriously harm Google’s interests.

He Bin said: "We should not be naive to think that Google and the tech giants in the United States have such a good heart to allow Warwick to participate in their games."

He Bin looked at Zhou Xiao helplessly and said, "Mr. Zhou, the most fundamental reason why they let Xiaoyuan voice assistant enter the European market is that they have taken a fancy to the potential of Xiaoyuan’s voice market. Xiaoyuan’s voice is irreplaceable. , Google and Apple are eyeing it."

Zhou Xiao asked with a smile: "So, waiting for Xiaoyuan's voice assistant to bloom all over Europe and have a huge user base, waiting for the source code company to have huge profits in Europe to be cut by the US technology company?"

He Bin did not expect Zhou Xiao to see the problem so thoroughly. "Warwick relied on Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant to compete for the European market. It was actually a very failure! But there is no way. Warwick’s current situation is clear to Mr. Zhou. We I don’t even know if a new mobile phone with better performance will be born at this time next year."

Warwick’s situation Zhou Xiao certainly knows that no one dares to take orders after designing a chip with a competitive price, and he has no ability to build his own.Developed a relatively good mobile phone. As a result, GMS was banned by Google. Finally, relying on Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant to turn over and win a battle in Europe, I also held the heart of not having a good meal.

According to the current trend, Warwick may really withdraw from the high-end market next year.

He Bin knows that Zhou Xiao's concern is that Xiaoyuan Voice's server is now in the hands of Europeans, and the voice assistant is also operating in accordance with the security and privacy rules formulated by the American technology company (Google).

Google Mingli opened Xiaoyuan's voice assistant to the European market, actually step by step to bundle Xiaoyuan's voice assistant with European profits and its own specifications.

At the right time, especially when most European consumers are using the plug-in version of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, Google and other Western technology companies can tighten their ropes and ask Warwick and source code companies for wild prices.

If in the future source code companies make 500 million euros in profits in Europe each year, Google asks you for a protection fee of 100 million euros, would you give it or not?

If you don’t give it, Google once again banned the application of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant on Android in the name of privacy. At that time, European consumers were accustomed to using the plug-in version of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, and it was difficult to go back to the era of downloading plug-ins over the wall.If you do not give it, then you will lose 400 million euros in European profits.

If the profit of the source code in Europe reaches more than 1-2 billion euros in the future, Google hopes that you will only keep a small portion of the shares and sell the Xiaoyuan voice assistant in Europe and even overseas to Google at a considerable price. Are you selling it or not?

Of course, you can not sell, but you will completely lose the European market and a lot of wealth you have already acquired.

From the perspective of Western logic, the most painful thing for a new type of company is not not having it, but losing it after gaining it.

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