"Wall Street Journal": Google is interested in the source code company, a new intelligent voice assistant company, and expressed its intention to acquire it.

"New York Times": Xiaoyuan's voice assistant from Xia Guo is not inconsistent, and has eaten 30% of Europe's share in one breath, and the usage rate far exceeds Apple's SIRI.As the old owner of the Android system, Google plans to include Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant in the bag.

BBC: In the European market, Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant and SIRI competed. Xiaoyuan won. Many users gave up Apple and went to the Warwick camp.Google showed a keen interest in Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

The Times: Because of Google's deregulation, Xiaoyuan's voice assistant has achieved great success in Europe. However, according to the European information supervision department, Google said that Xiaoyuan's voice assistant still has serious flaws in the protection of user privacy.

Google’s first step is to speak to the media.

The wolf is coming!

When Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant achieved great success in Europe and received praise from various sources of capital, the wolf came.

Zhou Xiao knew that this was another tough battle, which was far more difficult than Hopkins University's false accusation of Origin Technology stealing technology.

Zhou Xiao has spent most of these days analyzing the situation in Europe at the source code company and Ma Xin.

Wang Kai has handed over the European research report to Zhou Xiao.

The research report is very interesting.

Many European users are accustomed to using Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, but if they are asked to choose between Xiaoyuan’s assistant and common software, they still choose the common software.

Ma Xin said: “Google really wanted to help Xiaoyuan’s voice, but I didn’t expect that Google actually used the media to inform us first.”

Zhou Xiao put some reports on the table and said: “Isn’t this the usual practice of Western capital? First, the major capital companies successively announced the valuation of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, and then Google expressed interest. Acquired?"

Before Zhou Xiao's words were finished, a blockbuster technology message popped up on the mobile phone's major consulting apps.

Weibo: "Heavy! Google seeks 10 billion meters to acquire Xiaoyuan's voice assistant."

Headline: "Google offers 10 billion meters to buy Xiaoyuan!"

The Paper: "Google bid 10 billion meters, Xiaoyuan's voice assistant is about to change hands."

Ma Xin also saw the pop-up news and said angrily: "What does Google mean? Acquisitions! Why don't we know about the acquisition of us?"

After seeing the news, Wang Kai, Xue Ninglu and others also felt that Google’s actions were completely unkind. Let alone whether the acquisition was successful, you haven’t even discussed the source code company yet, so why not announce the news!Moreover, the valuation of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant by major U.S. capital is about 30 billion meters, and Google’s price is 10 billion. Isn’t this a humiliation!

Xue Ninglu turned off her mobile phone and said, "No wonder the boss said that Google was uneasy and kind to us in opening up the European market. This is to see our performance in the European market, and then price us, and finally eat us!"

Ma Xin has worked in Warwick for many years, and he has been unaware of his domineering behavior towards overseas capital.

He said: "This kind of thing usually happens to small companies that have just gone overseas and have development potential. If they are not strong, they can easily be eaten."

Zhou Xiao jokingly said: "Now Xiaoyuan's voice assistant is just a beautiful girl with a yellow flower. Do you want to say hello to QJ in advance?"

After everyone had a laugh, they couldn't be happy. Since Google spoke directly to the media instead of just talking.

After media reports, Google officially quoted the source code company for 10 billion meters.

In the acquisition plan, Google is acquiring the entire overseas market share of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant from the source code company, including the operating rights of the overseas market, servers, and the underlying code and algorithms of the voice assistant design.

The evil wolf barely concealed his fangs.

Google's fancy is the core technology of the source code company Xiaoyuan's voice assistant-artificial intelligence!

Although the source code company has never said that it is an artificial intelligence research and development company, everything displayed by Xiaoyuan's voice assistant undoubtedly shows that its artificial intelligence is very strong, and its intelligence is even more than that of some artificial intelligence laboratories in the United States and Europe.

Google's formal acquisition letter was not only given to the source code company but also to Warwick.

The acquisition letter mentioned that after Google completed the acquisition of Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, the profit sharing between Google and Warwick was based on the profit sharing between the source code company and Warwick. The only use period of the voice assistant signed by Warwick and the source code company was also Will be protected (for one year).

But a year later, Google will have the right to apply the voice assistant to Google’s own mobile phones and even other brands of mobile phones.

At that time, Warwick's competitiveness will be greatly reduced.

Among Google phones, Pixel’s sales are relatively poor, but it is a pro-son, and it will definitely be equipped with Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant in the future.

Samsung is a godson, and must be equipped with Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

As for the Xiaguo mobile phone brands such as Warwick, Xiaomi, and blue-green manufacturers, they are outsiders. If you use them in overseas markets in the future, let's talk about them separately.

Yu Jiangdong immediately contacted Zhou Xiao after seeing the acquisition letter.

He expected Google's actions, but he did not expect Google's actions to be so fast. Yu Jiangdong was worried about this.

If Google acquires Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant, Warwick’s chip and voice assistant will be caught by Americans, which will undoubtedly make things worse!

Zhou Xiao replied: "The source code company is studying the acquisition."

Without an accurate reply, Yu Jiangdong was very upset.

Yu Jiangdong said: "Zhou, if your company encounters any difficulties, Warwick will definitely help."

Yu Jiangdong has said this very bluntly, that is, he hopes that the source code company will not sell the source code company because of lack of funds.

After hanging up, Xue Ninglu came over and said.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Ma, many reporters called to inquire about Google's acquisition of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant, and there are still many who continue to hope to interview us."

Zhou Xiao said: "Reply not knowing it."

This is Google’s first card. No Aces have been played. Why are you so worried?

Zhou Xiao is going to ignore Google's acquisition request this time. Do you say that it is an acquisition?The source code company is not a standstill.

Xue Ninglu responded to the reporter one by one, and wrote on the company's official website and official Weibo:

"The source code company has not received the cooperation from Google and has no knowledge of the news circulating on the Internet..."

The employees of the source code company are also a little impetuous. Most of them are just college students who have just graduated from work, and there is no pattern of Zhou Xia and Ma Xin.

They were a little shocked when they saw the news of Google's 10 billion meter acquisition of Xiaoyuan!Although the 10 billion meter knife is more than a lot of valuation, it is also a very terrible acquisition amount!

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