The joke is a joke, Chen Ye asked Zhou Xiao to eat hot pot tomorrow to be considered an apology.

Zhou Xiao, who returned home, continued to study the Oleurobacterium skin mask.

The so-called oleobacter skin mask is the product after gelling the medium containing oleobacter skin.To be precise, it should be a mud mask.

Gelation is a sign of the maturation of Olebacterium spp. on the culture medium.

Applying such a product to the face overnight, the culture medium will fully integrate with the human skin, and the oily bacteria in the culture medium can penetrate deep into the pores to "eat" the oil and dead skin on the skin as food. Then it metabolizes water, a small amount of alcohol, and some trace elements that are beneficial to the skin, etc., which can shrink pores.

The oily bacteria in the culture medium multiply very quickly, and it has already occupied the full medium, and the originally light green medium turns brown.

Zhou Xiao opened the culture medium, and a disgusting smell of sulfide came out.

Correct!The smell of sulfide is almost the same as the smell of stinky tofu or public toilets on the street, or even stronger.

This next week Xiao understands why there is still an option for "disgust index" in the system.

Such a disgusting mask, it is strange that someone is willing to use it!

Zhou Xiao himself certainly didn't want to let such a disgusting black stinky thing on his face.

"Hey!" Zhou Xiao gave up trying, he planned to change the technology products.

The panel information is pulled back, and Zhou Xiao is very interested in many unlocked technologies, such as PC operating systems, computer chips, voice assistants, anti-cancer drugs, and so on.

But I didn’t want to. The system told me that if the first technology product had a dislike value or a monopoly value that did not meet the requirements, it would not be able to obtain the next technology product.

Zhou Xiao looks at the system panel.

[Oleobacter skin mask: monopoly value: circle 0%; disgust value: circle: 0.2%.Promotion requirement: The circle value is greater than 60%.

This 0.2% should be contributed by Zhou Xiao.

If the monopoly value circle is greater than 60%, one piece of low-level technology will be randomly obtained.

If the disgust value circle is greater than 60%, choose to get a low-level technology.

In contrast, it is more cost-effective to make the disgust circle greater than 60%!

The range of monopoly or disgust value is divided into several levels: circle, city, region, national, intercontinental, global, etc., and the 1% disgust value is contributed by Zhou Xiao himself.

Zhou Xiao looked at herself in the mirror, her face was covered with acne marks, her nose was covered with blackheads, her skin was greasy and reflective.

At the age of 23, he lived to be 43 years old.

Zhou Xiao also remembered that when he kissed his first love girlfriend at university, his girlfriend also joked: "I will kiss you without wearing lipstick. If you kiss me, I don't need to apply moisturizer."

Shente doesn't need to apply lipstick or moisturizer, what a horrible metaphor.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened!

It may be hopeless to make Olebacterium skin masque become a best-selling product, but it should become a product that everyone hates.

But Zhou Xiao needs to master a balance. While making people hate the product, it needs to increase the number of people who know it.

Zhou Xiao put on a mask and put the mud mask in the culture medium into the remaining cosmetic boxes for his mother.

When Zhou Xiao used a spoon to scoop the culture medium, a strong stench came out.

This smell made Zhou Xiao almost sickened his dinner.

Zhou Xiao couldn't help but vomit: "It's disgusting! The person who invented this mask is really talented!"

Zhou Xiao packed four boxes, three boxes were given away, and one box was reserved for inoculum for later cultivation.

The stench spread from Zhou Xiao's bedroom throughout the house, even covering up the lo odor that had always existed in Zhou's house.

Zhou Xiao’s mother, Chen Ling, knocked on the door and walked in, wrinkling her nose and said in disgust: “Zhou Xiao, did you bring the stinky tofu to the bedroom to eat? It’s not good for your health to eat less junk food!”

Zhou Xiao cleverly moved the box containing the mask mud and said, "Mom, this is a net red facial mask. The smell is a bit strange. Would you like to try it?"

"Take it away, and quickly throw it away! What the hell! Young people now know that internet celebrities, internet celebrities, who got such disgusting things." Chen Ling was extremely disgusted and asked Zhou Xiao to throw away the mask box.

Zhou Xiao not only didn't throw it away, but he opened all three boxes happily and handed them over, "Mom, you have worked so hard for so many years. This is a little bit of filial piety from your son, you accept it."

The stench of the three boxes came out, almost vomiting Chen Ling.

Chen Ling was about to knock the mop in her hand on Zhou Xiao's head, and said angrily: "You wash your mother like this! Throw it away!"

Chen Ling couldn't stand the smell, she pushed out the room and shut Zhou Xiao's door to death.

The system panel displays information again.

[Oleobacter skin mask: Monopoly value: circle 0%; disgust value: circle 0.4%.

Yes, my mother contributed a little bit of disgust.

Zhou Xiao happily took a box of facial masks and walked out of the room, and went straight to his father who was sitting in front of the TV and said, "Dad, you are getting a lot of aging recently. Do you want to use an online celebrity facial mask, it just tastes a bit big... "

Dad: "Oh..."

[Disgust value: circle 0.6%]

Early the next morning, Zhou Xiao was called by Zhu Biao to the chairman's office to give a lecture.

"Give you three weeks! You didn't show me a plan! The things you handed over are not creative at all!"

Zhu Biao patted the table again, and his anger was written all over his face, "Look at Su Yu! Su Yu's product plan has been reviewed and put into production! How can you compete with others like this?"

Su Yu is also the backbone of the technical department. He has a sleek and sweet mouth. He has heard of some background. Therefore, every technical task is the lightest and easiest for Su Yu, and Zhou Xiao is the most difficult task.

At the same time, Su Yu is also one of Zhou Xiao's competitors for the post of deputy minister.

Zhou Xiao said in his heart, Su Yu's plan is much simpler, just to change the packaging on the basis of the existing products, but what about his own?

Zhou Xiao said listlessly: "Mr. Zhu, the standard you gave is that the cost of a piece of soap cannot be more than fifty cents. In addition to the soap itself, this fifty cents must be added with palm oil, proteolytic enzymes, lipolytic enzymes, and amylolytic enzymes. In addition, aloe vera extract, wormwood extract, motherwort extract must be added, and in addition, the packaging must be exquisite... it's just a celebrity endorsement.

Zhou Xiao made a five-character gesture in front of Zhu Biao, "Boss, the cost is fifty cents! The prices of the past two years, I can't find any way other than thinking about the flavors of the processing industry, or would you please give me some advice."

The boss's office is not soundproof, and the members of the technical department outside the conversation can hear clearly.

Chen Ye and others couldn't help laughing when Zhou Xiao said this.

In fact, everyone knows that this is an impossible task, but they dare not raise objections in person.

Only Zhou Xiao, who just came to the company, is not afraid of being outspoken.

Zhu Biao took a deep breath and nodded and said: "If I can do it, I won't be able to hire a graduate student with a high salary! The cost will be increased to 60 cents for you. You must come up with a plan within a week. However, if there are no rules, I will start today. Deduct the performance of the technical department 500 as a disciplinary measure. I will deduct money if I can’t get it out next week!"

Bah, damn capitalist!The idea was to try to deduct money, and to adopt a continuous system to provoke the masses to fight the masses.

After returning to the office, Zhou Xiao relayed the news that the boss had deducted money.

"Ah! Money deducted again..." The members of the technical department called out to the desperate need of life.

Su Yu said in a strange way: "Hey, there are always so many people in the technology department. If they don't do well, they will affect the team. I really don't know how such people get into the company.

Zhou Xiao didn't think it mattered, because he had worked for so long and had never won the performance award written in the contract once. Zhu Biao would always find various reasons to deduct it.

People always adapt to animals with strong ability to deduct 500 yuan performance award. Everyone will always find some reason to comfort themselves.

Li Qiang sighed and said: "Today the stock lost 500 less, which is considered a deduction."

Chen Ye hurriedly complained: "Brother Qiang, how about today Saturday, the stock will not open."

Li Qiang was so angry that his chest hurts, "I take it as the A-share market opened plummeting today, uncle, I am short!"

Chen Ye turned her eyes, glanced at Zhou Xiao, and said, "Today Zhou Xiao invited everyone to eat hot pot. I will treat you as if I invited you, ah... it's much more pleasant to think about it!

Zhou Xiao glanced at Chen Ye in a low voice, "I only said to invite you alone, but I didn't say to invite the entire technical department!"

Chen Ye, who had a thick brain line, reacted and quickly covered her mouth.

Everyone in the technical department cheered and said, "Wow! Really! Zhou Xiao, please have dinner! After doing this, I feel much better."

Zhou Xiao said helplessly: "I have been in the company for a year, and I haven't invited all my brothers and sisters to dinner. Thank you for your concern for me today."

Zhou Xiao's kindness was misinterpreted by Su Yu.

Su Yu took it for granted that this was Zhou Xiao wooing everyone for the deputy ministerial election next week.

Su Yu said: "Oh, Xiao Zhou, it's not a coincidence! I have something to do today, I can't go, or another day, I will invite everyone."

Many colleagues in the technical department who have good relations with Su Yu also said that they were not free at night.

Zhou Xiao is not angry, and saves money if he is missing.

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