The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 200 The Source Code Company Has No Response

(Too annoying, the last chapter was blocked)

"We severely criticize Xia Guodu's voice assistant and Xiaoyuan's voice assistant. The assistant seriously infringes the privacy of users and endangers European national security. We will take measures to protect the safety of European users from being violated..."

"Our relevant departments have begun investigating the theft of user privacy and national security violations by the Xiaoyuan voice assistant. We will definitely take measures to help European countries maintain national security. We strongly request our technology companies to take action to stop Xiaoyuan voice assistant’s We will definitely take measures for this kind of behavior!"

"We are with Europeans!"

"This is a major threat from Xia Guo Technology Company. The United States must say no to Xiaoyuan's voice assistant. The privacy and data of Europeans must not be in the hands of Xia Guoren. We will help Europeans get rid of Xia Guo's control. "

For one week in a row, relevant U.S. departments and agencies made a strong voice to condemn a science and technology company in Xia State with national power. This kind of thing is very rare.

What makes Xia Guo’s netizens angry is that the source code company’s Xiaoyuan voice assistant has no market in the United States, and users in the United States have never used the official version of the Xiaoyuan voice assistant. What does he condemn in the United States?

"Quite speechless! The Americans condemned Xiaoyuan's voice assistant for endangering the safety of European users in Europe. Did they stretch their hands too long?"

"The U.S. is really hateful! European users have not said that their privacy has been stolen. What did the U.S. jump so high for?"

"The International U.S. wants to help Europe resist the invasion of Xia Guo Technology Company again, ha ha."

"As far as I know, Xiaoyuan Voice Assistant and Warwick have reached a cooperation. The services of Xiaoyuan Voice Assistant in Europe are all represented by Warwick mobile phones. The server is also located in Europe. What steals privacy?"

"All the news about the theft of privacy was exploded by the European self-media, and none of them is a real hammer. We have to believe this kind of news."

"The U.S. capital first uses the trick. If the Xiaoyuan voice assistant was invented by a U.S. company, do you think the U.S. Congress would not say that?"

"Yes! When it comes to privacy theft, aren't Microsoft and Google's backdoors upright? Why don't the United States mention it!"

Security agencies and Internet regulatory agencies in Europe, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and other countries have also expressed their opinions that they will strictly investigate the Xiaoyuan voice assistant's use of improper means to steal user privacy issues, and will also strictly investigate whether the Xiaoyuan voice assistant has protected users' privacy. The act of sending to Xia Guo.

The relevant departments of the United States have expressed their views again.

"We suggest that European countries immediately ban the use of Xiaoyuan voice assistant for their own national security, and we will provide European countries with security technology."

European countries immediately responded to the appeal of the United States, saying that they would ban the use of Xiaoyuan voice assistants in Europe within 50 days and investigate them.

"Slot!" Yamaxin has always been gentle, watching the United States and Europe sing and swear. "Blocked! Blocked again! Europeans are crazy! Do they know how much convenience the Xiaoyuan voice assistant brings to European users? , How much time has been saved for business people!"

"Our products serve the Europeans, and I have never thought of entering the American market. The Americans are so concerned about the privacy of Europeans!"

Zhou Xiao said very easily: "The methods and acquisition of Tik Tok are exactly the same. Next, the United States should tell us that if the Xiaoyuan voice assistant is operated by a US company, it will be very safe."

In this incident, Warwick was the most affected.

On the one hand, Warwick contacted the source code company, hoping to discuss solutions, on the other hand, held a press conference to explain the sales of Warwick mobile phones in Europe and the privacy management of users.

In order to reassure European consumers and respect them, Warwick’s press conference was held in Bolin.

At the press conference, President of Warwick Europe, McClind said to reporters earnestly: "Warwick has been in Europe for more than 20 years and has been adhering to the entrepreneurial spirit of customer first. We have a good relationship with many European countries and companies. Warwick is also committed to protecting the privacy of consumers. So far, there has not been a case of customer intentions or leakage."

Warwick's global strategy has penetrated into the soul of the company. Therefore, almost all major overseas companies hire local people as executives, and they also have a very good relationship with local management departments.

McClind said: "As for the Xiaoyuan voice assistant, it is embedded in Warwick's system and conforms to Warwick's privacy use and protection rules for users. Warwick will never reveal the privacy of users."

"In addition, the sales of Warwick mobile phones in Europe are in full compliance with local regulations. We have placed the operating server of Xiaoyuan Voice Assistant in Germany and accept the privacy supervision of the European Union. Therefore, some media in the United States and Europe have criticized Warwick and Xiaoyuan Voice Assistant. The accusation made by him is completely unnecessary! We firmly oppose this behavior and will resort to legal means."

Compared with Lengtouqing source code company, Warwick has a mature operating system in Europe, including legal means.

But Westerners are like this. You talk to him about business and he talks about the law with you. If you talk about the law with him, he will be a gangster to you.

The rules of the game are made by Westerners, and of course they will be used only if they are in their own interests, and those that are not in their own interests will be resolutely opposed.

Even if Warwick held a press conference in Europe to explain some situations, this will not change the fact that Western capital hopes to swallow Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

The United States and many European countries are still worried about the Xiaoyuan voice assistant whose servers are located in Europe, and continue to insist on their own opinions, and will prohibit the operation of the Xiaoyuan voice assistant in Europe.

Countdown to 40 days!

The relevant US department said at this time: “Unless Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant is sold to a US technology company, otherwise it will not be trusted. Xia Guo’s technology company is a robber and will never be trusted.”

The relevant departments of the European Union have also sent letters to Warwick and the source code company respectively, requesting that the Xiaoyuan voice assistant must be sold to American or European technology companies within the remaining 40 days, or the Xiaoyuan voice assistant must be completely withdrawn from Europe!

The powerful decree made Warwick helpless.

Warwick even prepared for the worst and was forced to abandon the Xiaoyuan voice assistant to prevent Warwick from completely withdrawing from the European market.

Warwick without the help of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant, Warwick without chips may lose most of the European market, and the loss to Warwick is immeasurable.

Yu Jiangdong was prepared to go to Jiangcheng to have an interview with Zhou Xiao under this situation.

In order to survive, Warwick even made some compromises with Europe, expressing its willingness to establish a privacy regulator in Europe to specifically monitor the privacy of Xiaoyuan's voice assistant.

But if the hungry wolf wants to eat you, it will never negotiate with you. Even if they talk, they will talk about how to eat.

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