Xue Ninglu returned to the source code company with Yu Jiangdong's sincerity in cooperation.

With Warwick’s commitment, the Singularity System will be able to test the system on a small scale as originally planned.

Xue Ninglu reported on the negotiations with Yu Jiangdong and mentioned that Yu Jiangdong said that we should not talk about the profit of the system and the ecosystem for the time being.

Zhou Xiao also agrees with Jiangdong's proposal. It is undoubtedly too early to talk about profit before the system and ecosystem mature. Now it should be the basis for the two parties to work together to lay the foundation for system application.

Warwick can abandon profits and support the source code company to make the system first. This vision and courage shows that Warwick is definitely the best partner for cooperation.

Zhou Xiao began to arrange the test.

When designing the Singularity System, it was mainly designed as a blueprint based on Zhou Xiao's vision for the application of smart devices in the future, but whether there are any BUGs in actual use, and whether there are unreasonable places, this needs to be discovered and improved in testing.

The Singularity System is currently absolutely confidential and belongs to the top secret of the source code company and Warwick. Therefore, the scope of testing is limited to the core layers of the two companies and the core technical personnel of related departments.

After the negotiations between Xue Ninglu and Yu Jiangdong, Ma Xin met with Yu Jiangdong three more times to formulate a plan for the future market entry of the Singularity System.The two parties established a joint department for the starting point system.

There are a total of ten people in the department, which are the core ten people of both companies.

These ten people are also a test team, and the test platform is Warwick's high-end models such as MATE40 and P20.

Warwick also established a separate cloud server department for Singularity Systems.The establishment of this department is to make preparations when chips are not available in the future and low-end chips run singularities.

Although the matter is strictly confidential, the employees of Warwick have heard a little bit of news.

"Recently, Mr. Yu and their behavior are so strange. Why do they go to the movies and go shopping every day. Before, Mr. Yu was in the company every day, but he didn't have this leisure."

"That's right! Mr. Yu still goes to watch movies and go shopping during working hours. I have been in the company for so many years, but I have never seen Mr. Yu go shopping alone!"

"And I found out that Mr. Yu is taking a taxi to work these days, and he hasn't taken his own car. It's strange!"

"It's more than just shopping. Mr. Yu bought coffee downstairs by himself that day. What did Mr. Yu's assistant do?"

"Speak less, do more, and don't gossip! It's better to spend more work on your total energy."

Yu Jiangdong is indeed a work house, except for the necessary entertainment, he basically works in the office.

The office has the best coffee in the world, so there is no need to go downstairs to buy coffee, let alone go shopping alone.

Yu Jiangdong was indeed a bit abnormal during this period, because he was testing the Singularity System himself.

This matter is related to the life and death of Warwick. The experience of others is not enough, and Yu Jiangdong will personally be an internal beta user.

The content of the test is not only business office, but also home life, outing consumption and so on.

Yu Jiangdong regards himself as the most ordinary consumer, not the CEO of Warwick's consumer business group and the company's vice president, so that he can find problems in the test.

It stands to reason that there must be some modifications from the actual product to the test to the final shape.

But this time, the internal test exceeded many people's expectations. The Singularity system has no bugs at all on the mobile side (the system on the PC side will be promoted in the internal test after the mobile terminal is applied).

System design was originally a very complicated thing. The source code company not only designed the system on its own, but also did not have any bugs. The gold content of the technology surprised Yu Jiangdong.

Yu Jiangdong has attributed the source code company to an infinite potential company comparable to Microsoft.

Yu Jiangdong looked at his MATE40 with pride in his heart!

Warwick is about to fight back!Even withdraw from the European market completely!Warwick will also take this solid step!

Young people like Zhou Xiao dare to take such a difficult step for the development of Xia Guo's science and technology, so why dare Warwick?

In the office of the source code company, Zhou Xiao looked at the system panel.

[Domestic operating system, monopoly value: 0% nationwide, disgust value: 0% nationwide]

The value of the system changes dynamically.

Moreover, in such a large area of ​​the country, the value contributed by the twenty people in the internal test was directly rounded up, so the displayed value of the system is still 0.

Zhou Xiao also got the test report of the internal test team. The system is flawless and can be used on mobile platforms.

On this day, the source code company has completely launched the European market, and Warwick’s mobile phones in Europe have also abandoned Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant.

This day was a good day for Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao called Ma Xin.

"Lao Ma, contact Warwick. The source code company is going to officially release the mobile singularity system in a week... We will hold a press conference! The location is at the Jiangcheng International Convention and Exhibition Center."

Since its establishment, the source code company has been more mysterious in the impression of the outside world. It seems to be hiding behind Warwick. This time the source code company will take the initiative to stand up and challenge Guge and IOS.

Ma Xin looked very excited, he had been waiting for this day for a long time!

Ma Xin said: "I will make arrangements right away!"

The failure of source code companies in Europe was not due to lack of strength, but an improper defeat by American technology companies.The reason is that Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant still relies on the Android operating system.

In this case, the source code company develops its own operating system and tells the world in the form of a press conference that without the support of American technology, Xia Guo's technology companies can also live very well.

Yu Jiangdong got the news about the new system of the source code company's upcoming conference, and he immediately organized a high-level meeting.

Yu Jiangdong formulated Warwick’s strategy. After the source code company released the new system, Warwick immediately announced that high-end Warwick phones such as MATE40 and P40 could support the new system and encouraged users to update and use the new system.

In addition, after Yu Jiangdong reported to the board of directors, he also took more radical measures.

For the new sales of MATE40 and P40 models, there will be two systems for users to choose from. If users choose the Singularity system, the price of the phone will be discounted by one thousand yuan!

For users who choose the Singularity system, the system cannot be flashed back to the Android system.

Warwick formulated such measures to tell consumers around the world and tell Xia Guo's major technology companies.

If the Android system is used again, no matter how well the relevant technology companies develop, it will be the life of the fleece. Xiaguo Technology can only hope for Xiaguo's own operating system if it is self-reliant and deeply rooted.

Yu Jiangdong personally called Zhou Xiao and said: "Warwick will do its best to promote the singularity!"

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