The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 208 Heavy, domestic system released!

(Chapter 205 of the previous chapter is **X again. Wait for the editor in charge to go to work on Monday and ask the editor in charge. Please stay calm.)

Regardless of whether the outside world gives encouragement or expresses suspicion, the source code company's domestic mobile operating system will be officially released.

The press conference site was surrounded by the media before entering the venue.

This is a rare occasion in Jiangcheng!

Litchi video: "Good afternoon everyone, audience friends, it is 5 pm in Yanjing time, two hours later, in the venue behind me, the source code company will hold a product launch! You may not be very familiar with source code companies, But I said that Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant may be heard by you. The company that developed Xiaoyuan’s voice assistant is the source code company. This time, the new product released by the source code company is a mobile operating system."

The reporter of Litchi Video was very excited and said: "The domestic mobile operating system! It is reported that the system released by the source code company this time can be used on mobile phones instead of simple TVs or small systems used by TV boxes."

"There are already many reporters waiting to enter the venue. This time, will the new system change the pattern of the mobile phone ecosystem or just a gimmick? We will wait and see."

Xinlang Technology: "Dear viewers, good evening everyone! Xinlang Technology will broadcast the release of the source code company's operating system for everyone tonight. You can follow Xinlang Technology on Weibo to watch the real-time live broadcast. You may be interested in the source code company. I still don’t know very well, the source code company is the same boss as Origin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The largest shareholder is Zhou Xiao!

Origin Technology has created a miracle in the field of biomedicine. This time, Origin Technology's twin company source code company can create the same miracle as Origin Technology!"

In addition to reporters from Xia Guo, many European reporters are also reporting on the spot. They are obviously very interested in the development of Xia Guo Technology.

The source code company has rejected the investment requirements of Guge and many venture capital companies. They have to see what kind of system can be developed by such an arrogant company.

At 6:30 in the evening, on the eve of the official launch of the conference, many spectators have already entered the venue.

This is the first press conference of the source code company, and there is no special invitation letter. Therefore, most of the people attending this press conference are students from local colleges and universities in Jiangcheng, and have business contacts with the source code company. Reporter.

The number of viewers is actually not that large. Who would waste time for a small company?

This time, apart from the dispatch of senior representatives by Warwick, there are no big names.

The main reason is that the size of the source code company is too small, and there are not many friends in the industry.

Backstage, Ma Xin is putting on makeup in a tunic suit.

The boss lived such a long life, except for getting married, this is the second time putting on makeup.

It is impossible to say not to be nervous.

Fortunately, his wife Yang Liu and daughter Ma Jingwen also rushed from Shenzhen to Jiangcheng to cheer for Ma Xin.

"Come on, dad, look after you!"

After the college entrance examination, Ma Jingwen faded away from the youthfulness of high school, and Ting Ting Yuli is a big girl.

Ma Xin said nervously, "I am a big girl sitting in a sedan chair, and I have to make up."

Zhou Xiao sitting on the sofa, drinking strong tea, made him more nervous.

When it comes to money, Zhou Xiao is not nervous about earning less and losing less.

But Zhou Xiao greeted very much about the task.

This time the system task is to achieve a national monopoly value of 60%!

In other words, there are more than one billion mobile phones in the country, and it is impossible for people who follow the new system to reach more than 60%.

If the system fails, the task will fail!

At that time, Zhou Xiao could really sell the source code company home and spend his old age.

Zhou Xiao stood up and said, "I'll go to the toilet, and you can go directly to the stage after a while."

Zhou Xiao went to the bathroom again.

Ma Xin sorted out his clothes, got up from his seat and walked to the front desk. The audience gave Ma Xin a warm applause.

The audience gave warm applause, not many people, but the atmosphere was warm.

Ma Xin walked to the center of the stage and said: "First of all, on behalf of the source code company, I welcome the arrival of the company. It is an honor for the company to be here today, and it is fortunate for everyone."

Ma Xin has a good sense of stage and a little humor.

"Although there are more reporters than the audience, you will definitely feel that your trip is worthwhile after the press conference."

The audience laughed.

Some smiled kindly, but some felt that Ma Xin was overconfident.

Ma Xin didn't have too much nonsense and went directly to the topic of this conference.

Ma Xin said: "This time the source code company will launch the company's latest product-a mobile operating system!"

The name of the system-Singularity OS appeared on the big screen.

Below the singularity OS is the slogan of this conference-change the world and create miracles.

"It's the operating system!"

"An operating system named Singularity OS!"

In Shenzhen, Warwick’s technicians are also watching the live broadcast of the conference.

The technicians are all experienced testers, and the tension in their hearts is no less than Zhou Xiao.

The success of today's conference is related to the future of Warwick.

At the press conference, Ma Xin said against the spotlight of reporters.

"In fact, before today's press conference, many people were discussing the issue of the source code company's release system. Today, when Android and Apple IOS are equally divided, it is difficult to have a third operating system.

Operating systems that have been popular or have appeared but were unknown have appeared on the big screen.

Symbian, HP WebOS, Tizen, Ubuntu, Firefox OS, etc.

Some of these systems are veterans of the past, some are short-lived, and have no reputation.

Ma Xin said: "I think that many of these mobile operating systems on the big screen are unknown to everyone except Symbian. This is the fierce competition of operating systems, because operating systems rely heavily on the ecological chain and there is no ecological chain operation. The system is difficult to move forward. Most of the above operating systems that may have disappeared or are unknown are dead on the ecological chain. Even the death of the Symbian system is due to the ecological incompatibility with Android and IOS."

Ma Xin said: "The system and the ecological chain are both very difficult, requiring a lot of energy and time to polish. Sometimes it is not enough, and it takes a little luck. Few people go this road, but the source code company takes it. Because we believe that the Xiaguo market, which has more than one billion users, should have our own operating system. Someone must go this way."

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