The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 227 I am not a villain, but more direct

Girlfriend Tingting: "Asha, your boyfriend is so skilled! Why didn't I know before!"

"Tianla! What brand of camera do you use, it's very good!"

Asha: "I didn't use a professional camera, just use a mobile phone to shoot, and I didn't use a professional P-picture software, it's the integration of the shooting application in the Singularity OS, just choose the shooting mode."

Asha's answer surprised everyone!

Such a classic photo is actually not taken by a professional videographer, a professional camera, no professional P-picture software, but a camera application integration of Singularity OS for taking pictures of Xiaobai's boyfriend.

The news made the girls quite heart-warming!

What is the favorite of girls?

Others admire my beauty, dress and where to go to play.

Photographs are the most direct way of expression, and the shooting succeeded in capturing this.

Many netizens are asking where to download the app, but they are told that only Singularity OS can be used.

Because the underlying code and algorithm of the camera are written using the Oracle compiler, the logic can only be used in Singularity OS, and Android and IOS cannot be used.

This makes everyone very disappointed!

But don't underestimate a woman's determination to pursue beautiful things.

There were girls who could buy Meitu phones for taking pictures, now there are girls who change systems for taking pictures!

It doesn't matter if you don't change it yourself, what is your boyfriend doing!

Because of the shooting, the number of users of Singularity OS increased sharply.

This is a win-win result, because the product has successfully won the favor of capital.

Many capitals such as Gaoling, Sands, Daiso are discussing financing with SuiPai, and even some capital directly quoted 100 million soft sister coins in the angel round.

A small company with only more than 20 employees has successfully realized its value because of Singularity OS and Oracle compiler.

When the reporter interviewed Suipai's CEO Chen Liang, Chen Liang said with a deep sigh: "Suipai was not actually called Suipai before, but Guangying Meitu.

Chen Liang recalled the past, and smiled bitterly: "You may not have heard of such a name, because we are also making Meitu and beauty cameras, but we have been overwhelmed by some products on the market!

So I am very grateful to Singularity OS. Singularity OS has given many creative small companies opportunities. Singularity OS is really a very good platform. Regardless of the birth of your company, as long as your products are easy to use, your products are Be able to appear in front of users."

Chen Liang has a lot of gratitude for Singularity OS. "Singularity OS is Xia Guoren’s own operating system. All intellectual property rights are in our own hands. The ecology also needs to be built by everyone. I hope everyone can make good use of this platform. , To create our own Internet world!"

When the number of users of Singularity OS exploded beyond 20 million, major APP companies could no longer sit still.

Twenty million users is definitely not a small number. Some small European countries have a population of less than 20 million.

Many APP companies are still thinking about how to enter these European countries, but they don't want to lose 20 million users in their hands.

The number of 20 million users is definitely to be valued!

The major commonly used APP companies have announced the establishment of the Singularity OS ecological department, using the method provided by the source code company to compile their applications into application integration suitable for Singularity OS, and then find ways to optimize it.

Retaining existing customers is the number one priority. Only in the case of retaining customers will you think about how to develop applications that are truly suitable for Singularity OS.

These companies include the Cucumber Video that held a conference some time ago and said that they would abandon the Singularity OS and let employees concentrate on the development of Android and IOS platforms.

Chen Jinchu, CEO of Cucumber Video, is very depressed.

The "Late Tang Dynasty" originally to be bought out by myself was actually bought by Singularity Video!Not only can you buy it, you can also watch it on Singularity Video for free.

In addition, unexpectedly, all the major APP companies began to enter the Singularity OS platform, and Cucumber Video appeared to be slow.

20 million users!It's not a small number!

Chen Jinchu immediately forgot what he said that day to give up the Singularity OS, and immediately organized technical staff to put Cucumber Video on the Singularity OS platform in the form of application integration.

If I don't take this step again, the market share of Cucumber Video is really not unknown to Singularity Video.

However, Chen Jinchu did not expect that any product on the Singularity OS platform must be reviewed by the platform, and third-party models cannot be applied online.

Cucumber video only reported its own application products brazenly.

"Haha." Wang Kai, who was in charge of the review, couldn't help but smile when he saw the application integration of a cucumber video in the national video.

The team member said: "Didn't the Cucumber video say that Singularity OS is going to be finished, they will never touch Singularity OS."

Wang Kai is neither a gentleman nor a villain, but he holds grudges!

You video brother, you can do this kind of thing secretly. Under the circumstances of Singularity OS at the time, your choice is worthy of everyone's understanding.

But if you open the conference to say categorically about this, and intentionally or unintentionally release the video of the conference, this is to cheat the Singularity OS.

"Brother Kay, will their application integration be reviewed?" the technician underneath asked Wang Kai.

"Brother Kai, do you want to report to President Ma or Zhou Zhou?"

Wang Kai said: "What do you report? Mr. Ma has everything to do, so he has to report this little thing? Return it to Mr. Zhou! Mr. Zhou is so busy every day, he will disturb his old man with this little thing?"

Wang Kai stared at the computer screen and said, "You guys, why do you want to report to your superiors whenever you encounter something? Don’t you have any responsibility? Cucumber Video’s application integration should be overwhelming. The company has operating guidelines and audit specifications. Strictly auditing in accordance with the regulations is not the end? It will pass if there is no problem, and it will be rejected if there is a problem. What is the system used for? All these questions?

The employees gave Wang Kai a thumbs up silently in their hearts!

Leaders are leaders, and they think differently from employees.

Anyway, Wang Kai said a lot, and everyone only heard the words "strict review".

This is the approach that fully complies with the regulations.

"Strict review" put the cucumber video in a miserable way.

Cucumber Video Headquarters.

Chen Jinchu personally urged the technical staff to complete the application integration and go online on Singularity OS, which all waited until two o'clock in the morning.

Singularity OS audit department sent audit information.

"Sorry, the application you submitted violates the rules. Please check and resubmit."

This makes the technicians dumbfounded.

Chen Jinchu watched that the application integrations of video sites such as Aiqiyi and Penguin Video were all launched on Singularity OS, and it would be really late if he didn't go!

He anxiously said: "Violation, what kind of violation is it, hurry and investigate!"

The technicians stayed for another hour, revised and resubmitted what they thought were unsafe, and then waited for the result with panic.

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