The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 239 Crazy behavior (for subscription)

The anchor of the Litchi Video filmed in detail the game played by the technicians of the source code company at the scene, and said with a very exaggerated voice:

"My God! The technicians are really playing games, they are not affected by the attack at all, and they are really playing online games to eat chicken!"

"Not only are people playing games, there is also a technician who turns off the email and continues to look for spam websites, clicks on various advertisements and false links... I am also drunk..."

The live broadcast of the Litchi video is here, and the netizens in the live broadcast room frantically brushed the barrage.

"It's terrible defense ability! More than 20 million attacks, unexpectedly unscathed!"

"I just watched a big V commenting on the dark red attack points, saying that even a professional computer security company can't handle an attack of this intensity! The source code company is really good!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I also saw the news. Just now, the former Penguin Security Manager commented on Weibo that it is difficult for Penguin Security Manager to defend against an attack of this intensity. It also costs a lot of cost to attack the other party. Attacking ordinary users is not cost-effective."

"Singularity OS is amazing! I watched it on the Internet and heard that the more famous international hacker organization has also appeared."

Zhou Xiao and Ma Xin had been watching the game for more than two hours, and they were about to leave.

Zhou Xiao looked at the statistics on the background, and the number of viewers on various domestic platforms has exceeded 30 million!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this competition for source code companies is the largest on the Internet.

"Let's go, we should go back to the company, that should be it." Zhou Xiao smiled.

Ma Xin also breathed a sigh of relief. The most violent attack should have been two hours before the start of the game. There should be no problem now.

The world's most secure operating system is none other than Singularity OS.

Ma Xin gave Xue Ninglu a good comment. This Nizi played the computer Xiaobai to the fullest. Really, WIN system computers played in the same way as Xue Ninglu. The computer was full of viruses and the system went on strike.

Why are all viruses and attacks ineffective on Singularity OS?

Because the technical principles are different, just like the tobacco mosaic disease of plants cannot infect humans.

Moreover, there are many data exports for Singularity OS, but there is only one entry-only one can be screened by the server built by the source code company and Warwick, and the incoming data can be analyzed. If the application set is of the category content, the useful data will be added to the platform. , All other useless data is discarded.

In this case, how can computer viruses affect Singularity OS?

Singularity OS does not need to install any anti-virus software at all, nor does it need to shut out viruses.

However, you are invalid!

The scene of Zhou Xiao and Ma Xin leaving was captured by many media. The reporters did not know Zhou Xiao but knew Ma Xin.

One after another commented: "Mr. Ma has left the scene! This means that the source code company has secured a victory!"

"Who is the person around Mr. Ma? Is it the mysterious boss behind the source code company?"

The audience also saw this scene and stood up to give warm applause to the two!

This applause is spontaneous, because Singularity OS is really amazing!

There is only one source code company that can challenge global security companies and hackers on their own!

Ma Xinhe bowed his hands in kindness to everyone as a thank you.

Weiruan headquarters.

The engineers at Shars and Wei Ruan were sweating profusely.

After Weiruan launched round after round of offense, there was no effect!

The unproductive engineers began to speculate wildly.

"Could it be that the server in the exhibition center has been specially processed? Is it physically isolated?"

"What do you mean is that the server is fraudulent? If there is physical isolation, no matter how we attack, it will definitely be invalid."

If the server of the source code company in the exhibition center is physically isolated, then the tens of millions of PC version Singularity OS users are not physically isolated!

Visoft is still discussing whether the source code company should apply physical isolation. Some underground hacker alliances in the United States have already launched more ruthless moves.

The kings of these underground forces, national-level security protection to them, hackers who are like paper, can't break the system protection of a Xia Guo company?

The jealous hackers made a daze.

"If you really want to destroy the Singularity OS, you don't need to worry about the servers in the exhibition center at all. We only need to make the ordinary users' systems go on strike."

The people who came up with this idea were very selfish and very ruthless, but they got the approval of many people.

For these people living in the underground world of the Internet, their rules are the rules, and they have to prove their strength, so they don’t care about the life and death of ordinary users.

Soon, the hackers gave up attacking the server of the source code company in the exhibition center, and targeted the tens of thousands of users of Xia Guo using Singularity OS.

The best way to destroy a system is to destroy the users who use these systems, not the symbolic server.

They exhausted their tricks and began to launch a crazy attack on tens of millions of users.

Forty million mobile users were also attacked at the same time.

The security center of the source code company immediately received a warning signal!

IPs distributed in various places launched large-scale attacks on ordinary users of Singularity OS.

Zhou Xiao saw the news as soon as he returned to the company.

Some people should be crazy and start chaos.

But what impact does this have?

The source code company did not announce this news to the public, but there have been Internet security companies on Weibo that discovered this problem and reported it first.

"Urgent news, Singularity OS users are aware that there may be unknown attacks specifically targeting Singularity OS users."

"It's too exaggerated! It is aimed at the users of the entire Singularity OS!"

But the users of Singularity OS are still confused so far.

What attack?Why doesn't everyone feel at all.

Those who use computers and mobile phones don’t feel that there is a problem.

Users with Singularity OS said on Weibo: "What attack? Why don't we feel anything?"

After some discussion at the headquarters of Visoft, Visoft gave up participating in the security attack and defense competition of the source code company.

Finally, an engineer said: "Our code can enter, but there is no response. This problem was encountered by Guge. At the beginning Guge wanted to implant the code to see what the bottom layer of Singularity OS was. The code disappeared after entering It's..."

"This is that Singularity OS is completely different from traditional computer code. We have entered the trap set by the source code company. They don't need to be defended because all traditional attacks are invalid."

The engineer said with some frustration: "At present, not only us, but no individual or organization in the world can pose a threat to Singularity OS."

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