The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 258 Strong Response (Request for Order)

Many biology and physics laboratories across the country, including Mizuki University, Yanjing University, Luzhou University, and Shanchuan University, are talking about the source code group's papers.

The life science and medical laboratories of Origin Group have long been well-known within the academic community. Chlorophagus and digestive bacteria are operated in large numbers in the clinic, saving countless lives.

Based on this reality, the academic world would not think that the life science and medical laboratories of Origin Group published this paper for the sake of a gimmick.

But what exactly are ionizing bacteria?

Is everything described in the paper achievable?

All this has puzzled the academic community.

"Biological and Medical Technology" magazine has obviously become Xia Guo's version of "Nature" or "Cell" magazine in academia.

Everyone is holding papers and analyzing them, and they are launching seminars.

In the School of Life Sciences, Mizuki University, professors and experts sat together, discussed papers, and expressed their opinions.

"I personally believe in the technical level of the Origin Group's laboratory, but this...this paper is really too advanced! I can't imagine what this ionizing bacteria is and what kind of form it takes. exist!"

"Origin Group's subordinate laboratories have indeed created a lot of new technologies, but this ionizing bacteria...maybe we have too little information in our hands to determine the authenticity of the paper experiments."

Most experts and professors still believe in Origin Group's laboratory. After all, this laboratory has created too much brilliance.

But there are also experts and professors who are skeptical about this. They are already among the top figures in biology and have never seen any ionizing bacteria. Of course, they must doubt.

"We hope that Origin Group can produce more convincing data, preferably in kind, otherwise this experiment is really difficult to confirm."

The professors are talking.

Professor Yuan, deputy dean of the School of Life Sciences of Mizuki University, said: “There is another question that deserves our attention, why all the papers of the Origin Group’s laboratory are published in their group’s own journal "Biology and Medical Technology" instead of other In the magazine."

Professor Yuan flipped through the paper and studied it in detail for a while and said: "It stands to reason that this kind of major discovery can completely change the history of biology, and even the history of human industry. Such important academic discoveries are not published in Nature or "Cell" and other world-renowned academic weekly magazines, but published in "Biology and Medical Technology", is this a problem?"

Professor Yuan is the epitome of Xia Guo's academic circles in the past few decades. They have no problem doing research but they pay more attention to the academic content of the paper.

First-rate papers are published in academic journals in the United States and Europe, second-rate papers are published in journals in Toyo and Lion City, and third-rate papers are published in domestic academic journals. This is a deep-rooted impression.

What Professor Yuan said is very reasonable. Since ionizing bacteria are so magical and their future applications are also very wide, why are such papers not published in more authoritative journals, but in journals controlled by Origin Group?

Is it afraid of academic testing?

After Professor Yuan put forward this point of view, many experts agreed.

Many of them, from the Anyang mask to the final digestive bacteria, have been questioning the technical capabilities of the Origin Group.

They locked themselves in the office to study, but suspect that Origin Group is actually an MLM company.

But some professors who have dealt with Origin Group objected to this.

Last year, Professor Liu Tianyun, who visited Jiangcheng People’s Hospital Critical Respiratory Center, retorted: “Professor Yuan, I don’t agree with you very much. What is an excellent paper should be published in American and European magazines? Are you afraid of academic testing?"

Liu Tianyun said: "The achievements of Origin Group are obvious to all. Everyone can see how the journal "Biology and Medical Technology" has been bought step by step to this day.

I personally think that if this paper is true, we should be happy for such a great achievement. I also suggest that our college should strive for academic exchanges and cooperation with Origin Group in a sincere manner."

Said this, Liu Tianyun was a little helpless: "You may not have paid attention to some news. Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology has won some cooperation from Origin Group, and the school's collection points have gradually increased in recent years.

You may not have a sense of crisis, but I am worried that in the future, there will be more and more schools like Jiangcheng University of Science and Technology. With their backing from excellent technology companies, they may indeed one day surpass Mizuki University.Academics must go out and watch, not in the laboratory!"

Liu Tianyun's words are thought-provoking. Finally, Mizuki University sent a letter to the Life Science and Medical Laboratory of Origin Group in the name of the School of Life Sciences, hoping to exchange and learn from each other.

Not only Mizuki University, but also well-known universities and research institutes such as Summer Academy of Sciences and Yamakawa University are actively sending letters to Origin Group's laboratories. One is to apply for academic visits, and the other is to apply for the laboratory to disclose more information about ionizing bacteria. .

Of course, the vigorous and vigorous discussions in the academic community cannot hide from the public opinion community.

Many media professionals who have never read papers have purchased Biomedical Technology, and then directly extracted and condensed the abstract part of the paper, which will be sent out as news.

This is incredible.

The bio-battery immediately became big news in the Internet world.

"Origin Group's new technology? Oh my god! I just read the news and said that if the battery is applied to a mobile phone, it will only consume a little bit of cookie crumbs a day?"

"This... Isn't this an exaggeration? The future of mobile phones will not need to be charged? Is it enough to feed a little biscuit every day?"

"In the future, Xiaoyuan's assistant may really say,'Master, I'm hungry.' At that time, you can feed the phone some cookies."

"If there is such a phone, I think I will buy it!"

Many big Vs on the Internet are also rushing to spot hot spots for traffic.

After all, big V is not professional, most of the evaluation of technology is based on feelings.

For traffic, there are praise and scolding.

"Batteries for microbial power generation?" said "Brother Yiji", a cellphone commentator: "What kind of creature can have such an amazing ability, really give me a dozen, I will eat it!"

The following comments are very dramatic, directly overturned on the spot.

"Brother Yiji, this time you are probably going to meet each other! None of the products developed by the papers published by Origin Group are really fake.

"Not bad! Support Brother Yiji, when you drink the fungus soup, you will become Superman Electric Eel."

Mo Li handed over the official letters from major universities and research institutes to Zhou Xiao and asked Zhou Xiao's opinion: "Do we need to explain more about the paper this time?"

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