The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 264 Is it a dog blood product or the future wind direction?

At the site of the briefing, Mo Li finally informed that one week later, you can buy the X-1 business notebook and game notebook at a certain Bao Xing Rui notebook official store, and the notebook is limited to only 10,000 units.

In Shenzhen, Wang Xingyu was a little confused when he saw the live broadcast of the press conference.

In the briefing session of Origin Group, the Xingrui laptop above is its own Xingrui laptop.

The shell on the back of the laptop screen on the video screen was installed by Origin Group itself, and the rest of it is exactly the same as the Xingrui laptop produced by Wang Xingyu, even the model of the laptop is the same.

And at the press conference site, the announced purchase address is the address of Wang Xingyu Xingrui notebook.

Wang Xingyu put down the goose leg in his hand, a little startled.

It will not be so exaggerated!

The owner of the Xingrui notebook is not someone else, but Origin Group!

"We were acquired by Origin Group?" Wang Xingyu's mind was a little confused.

Origin Group has a market value of several billions, rich wealth, and can compete with Guge and Wei.

Acquired by Origin Group, this...this is simply a big pie in the world!

Wang Xingyu has always been strange, why the other party did not bargain at all when he came to buy, now that he knows the reason, it turns out that there is no shortage of money.

Is it a subsidiary of Origin Group now?

Is it an employee of Origin Group?

The guerrillas suddenly became a regular army, Wang Xingyu was so excited!

Before he recovered, Wang Xingyu received a call from the Life Science and Medical Laboratory of Origin Group.

From beginning to end, Wang Xingyu never met with his boss, and the other party always used WeChat or phone to remotely control the work here.

"Mr. Wang, I will send you some technical information and pictures in a moment. You put the notebook on the shelf according to the information. The shelf time is at 9 o'clock in the morning of next Monday. You can only buy one if you set up an account. Our total quantity There are only 10,000 units, including 300 game consoles."

"Received! Received! I will get the information as soon as I receive it."

Jiangcheng, the briefing session of Origin Group is over, but the controversy aroused on the Internet and in academia has continued, fermented, and exploded.

Some people who agree with Origin Group's microbial battery concept think that this is a product that will change the future era.

"Solving the problem of charging, the scope of application of microbial batteries will be very wide."

"Business people going out are very convenient. At noon, they buy a 450g piece of bread for themselves and eat another 450g piece of bread for the laptop, and the energy is full in an instant."

"I am going to grab this conceptual laptop now, I just want to try what it feels like to feed the laptop!"

"It's actually a great thing to get rid of the restraint of charging. I can put the notebook on the bed and use it for as long as I want. If it doesn't have electricity, I will give it and a mouthful of Happy House Water."

"One hundred grams of Feizhai Happy Water uses 45 calories. Although it is far inferior to rice, it can last a while!"

"Origin Group has really changed the future! A year ago, who would have thought... a special laptop would eat!"

However, many people who do not agree with the concept of the Origin Group's microbial battery feel that the products released by the Origin Group this time are simply superfluous and superfluous.

"What kind of messy products did Origin Group release this time, laptops, laptops, what are laptops? It means to be convenient, simple and easy to carry.

Xingrui X-1 laptop has eliminated the traditional lithium battery compartment, without the bulky lithium battery, of course it is lighter!but?In order to fully charge the battery, more than 400 grams of rice is needed!It’s almost half a catty of rice!Do I have to carry rice on my business trip?"

"Seriously agree with the point of view upstairs! Now both coffee shops and teahouses have sockets. Is it difficult to find a socket location? Now there are sockets in motor cars! It should be easy to find sockets using laptops! And notebooks Computers have been in development for so many years. Many people take their computers on business trips, and I haven’t heard anyone say that they can’t work because of business trips! Hotels will have sockets too!"

"I think so too! If you are on a business trip tomorrow, you can't charge your laptop tonight, okay? Two or three hours should be enough tomorrow! Why do you need a battery? Feeding bio-batteries is quite troublesome! It's not as convenient as plugging in directly."

"The most ridiculous thing is the price of Xingrui laptops. It costs 19999 for a brand that I have never heard of before! This configuration can be bought with other brands of 9000+, OK? It's just crazy for money!"

"Xingrui notebook must be a bad review! What a disgusting product!"

"I'm going to throw up when I look at this product, okay? The leftovers are poured into the battery compartment of the laptop, so I am not afraid of cockroaches, vomit! Product product!"

"Junk products have absolutely no applicable value!"

"The most disgusting thing is that I can understand the convenience that bio-batteries provide for travelers, but do you want to die if you leave a power port? Wouldn't it be more convenient to leave a power port so that the laptop can be connected to a power source! They... They didn't even stay!"

A group of condemned and disapproved scolds, the biggest help to Origin Group is on Hot Search.

Zhou Xiao looked at the changes in the system. This product has not been officially sold yet, and the disgust value and monopoly value are increasing at the same time.

Because the product has not been sold, the monopoly value has increased very poorly.

But it’s easier to hate this thing. I hate you, do I still use you?So the disgust value soared.

Ionizing bacteria: Monopoly value, 0.002% nationwide; Disgust value, 6.4% nationwide.

Seeing this reaction from the system, Zhou Xiao almost vomited blood!

This time the ionizing bacteria, Zhou Xiao really hopes that the ionizing bacteria can be promoted and widely used.

But no one knows that this product just launched is not popular with many people on the Internet.

"Cough cough cough!" Zhou Xiao also had no other way. He promised that he would never deliberately pursue the disgust value this time.

There is only one reason for this consequence-the power consumption of the laptop is too large, and the appetite is too large!

However, Zhou Xiao still has to wait for the market to test, and is also waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Does everyone really hate microbial batteries?

Is it true that 10,000 high-priced notebooks are really only bought by research institutions?

So many mobile phone companies in Xia Guo are really indifferent to biological batteries?

If this is indeed the case, then Zhou Xiao went all the way to the black and asked Origin Group to apply for a mobile phone license and make his own mobile phone.

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