The richest man starts with black technology

272 The Market Waiting to Cannibalize

Wang Xingyu went to Jiangcheng to meet with his boss, Ma Xin, to learn more about the structure and future development model of Xingrui Technology.

The cooperation with Warwick this time only involves the field of mobile phones and tablets, not the field of notebook computers for the time being.

In other words, apart from the 10,000 laptops already shipped, Xingrui Technology will not have a notebook production plan for the time being.

One of the people of Xingrui Technology is that the notebook will become an orphan!In the future, second-hand is definitely more expensive than first-hand. Buying Xingrui notebooks is a high-interest wealth management product.

Warwick’s team will also be stationed in Xing Rui Technology, and the two parties will jointly produce a new generation of Warwick’s cutting-edge mobile phones.

The day after Wang Xingyu arrived in Jiangcheng, Warwick also sent Ren Fei's team to Jiangcheng.

The scene of the source code company is very lively.

Ren Fei will represent Warwick as the vice president of Xingrui Technology, and will be responsible for the production and sales of mobile phones together with Wang Xingyu.

After three days of organization work meeting, the new Xingrui Technology team returned to Shenzhen to start the research and development of new mobile phones.

Jiangcheng Convenience only provides batteries and design concepts for mobile phones, and everything else depends on members of the new team.

The new mobile phone is named the Warwick Xingrui tassel series, which is completely different from Warwick's MATE, P series and sub-brand glory.

The tassel also has a very good meaning, telling everyone that this is not just a mobile phone, but a convenient and fashionable handicraft.

The news of the blockbuster cooperation between Warwick and Origin Group has spread, which is expected and unexpected.

It is expected that because the microbial battery developed by Origin Group is far more practical on mobile phones than laptops, it will be sooner or later to use on mobile phones, but people are still uncertain about what mobile phones they will use.

Unexpectedly, everyone thought that the Source Code Group should make its own mobile phones this time, or cooperate with Xiaomi, Blue Factory, Green Factory, etc., because these mobile phone companies have obtained the chip qualification again, and did not expect the Source Group I chose the most difficult Warwick to cooperate.

Cooperating with Warwick can’t get chips, but can only make low-end mobile phones, and it is very likely to become an affiliate of Warwick and be sanctioned by the United States.

The cooperation between the two parties has also caused great repercussions internationally. Major media and netizens around the world have commented on this cooperation.

Xinlang Technology: The troubled Warwick has reached a cooperation with a new technology enterprise source code group. In the absence of high-end chips, whether Origin Group can change the decline of Warwick is questionable.

Headline Technology: Warwick’s MATE series and P series have been discontinued a month ago. The main reason is that there is no chip.This time, the cooperation between Warwick and the source code company will not change the fact that there is no chip. Can mobile phones without high-end chips really open the market?Can microbial batteries really save Warwick?

"Wall Street Journal": Warwick and Origin Group are married. Warwick’s dowry is a mature mobile phone manufacturing chain and sales chain. Origin Group’s dowry is microbial batteries.However, all the scientific and technological costs of Origin Group rejected Western inspections, and even refused to publish papers in any academic journals in the West. We do not know whether the microbial battery is true or not, and how effective it is, and we doubt it.

There are also many analysts analyzing and judging what kind of impact Warwick and Origin Group will have on the mobile phone market.

A year ago, when the Singularity OS was released, the Singularity OS camp put a lot of pressure on Pingguo and the Android camp.

Warwick relied on the singularity to survive last year.

Brands such as Xiaomi also embraced Singularity OS, forming a dual-track operating system for Singularity OS and Android.

Pingguo’s sales in Xiaguo suffered a heavy hit last year.

But soon, when the United States banned the sale of chips to Warwick and the United States introduced multiple policies, the overseas sales of Xia Guo brand mobile phones also suffered from Waterloo.

Pingguo and Samsung frantically grabbed the market that Warwick lost overseas last year, and the overseas shipments of the two companies set a new high.

After all, the Pingguo and Android camps (represented by Samsung) actually achieved historic sales last year.

This year, Pingguo's life is actually better.

Because Warwick is basically unable to ship in the high-end market, even though Xiaomi uses Singularity OS with a high-tube flagship chip configuration, it still cannot compete with Pingguo in the high-end field.

There are some people with relatively iron heads. They have never used Mi's mobile phones, nor have they seen the Singularity OS system at all, but they think that Pingguo phones are more high-end, and they want to buy Pingguo.

Many professional evaluation organizations have given high praise to the mobile phones of the Singularity OS system, and they all believe that the performance is far beyond Pingguo, but Pingguo just wants to make a fortune in silence.

There is no way.

After all, Singularity OS has just come out, and Pingguo has been in business for more than ten years. This status cannot be shaken in a day or two.

This time, Warwick will definitely launch a mobile phone that does not require charging, but the chip is a big problem. Whether it will be accepted by consumers is still a question mark.

Many mobile phone companies have also received this news, with different reactions.

Xiao Mi welcomes this!

Xiaomi, Warwick and Origin Group have reached an alliance when Singularity OS came out.

Don't think that the death of Warwick is good for Mi.

Both are Xiaguo technology companies. Today, after Warwick is dead, the remaining market will not be left to Warwick, but will be taken away by Pingguo.

When Pingguo and Samsung got the news, they were a little confused.

A microbial battery that does not need to be charged?

Although Xia Guo's major news reports during this time, Pingguo and Samsung are both skeptical.

The Samsung Group includes Samsung Chemical, which is regarded as the world's leading chemical company, and its battery business is also a global leader.

The new generation of lithium batteries designed by Samsung are not able to achieve battery degradation without charging for a few days. Origins Group has come up with a term that has never been heard academically to make a biological battery. It is so easy.

Therefore, Samsung is not optimistic about the marriage between Warwick and Origin Technology. While consolidating its global market share, Samsung is trying to re-enter the Xiaguo market. Warwick has vacated about 40% of the market.

Pingguo is not very worried either. Since Pingguo appeared on the Xiaguo market, its sales have been invincible except for the setbacks last year.

For example, on a certain platform website, the shipment volume of Warwick’s latest MATE series high-end machines is only more than 600,000, while the 128GB sales volume of Pingguo 11 has reached 3 million+, which is a terrible gap.

Now Warwick can’t make high-end devices. Because of its low brand value, Xiaomi can’t enter the ranks of high-end devices with Singularity OS, so Pingguo is now very happy.

Warwick, which has high-end chips, can’t beat Pingguo. Now, how can Warwick without chips be Pingguo’s opponent?

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