The major media and news have reported:

"Warwick's new series of tassel mobile phone configuration is exposed, it is expected to be Kirin 710 chip..."

"Unable to obtain high-end chips, Warwick can only use the Kirin 710 chip produced by Xiaxin International's current highest technology."

"Warwick completely abandoned the MATE series and P series this year, and even the sub-brand glory also gave up. Instead, it independently created the sub-brand Tassel, but the exposed chip...Kirin 710 is really shabby!"

"Through the company's Tianyan inspection, we found that although the tassel series mobile phones belong to Warwick, they are produced by Xing Rui, a company jointly established by Warwick and Origin Group. Xing Rui was the company that produced 10,000 microbial battery laptops last time. ."

"It is certain that the tassel series mobile phones will carry microbial batteries, but the chip... is really incomprehensible. Will you pay for this kind of mobile phone?"

A big V directly commented: "Warwick actually adopted Kirin 710 this time, which is an obvious sales feeling! I hope consumers will pay for the feelings of Warwick and domestic products!"

Some media have made voting projects.

The subject of the vote is: "Will you pay for Warwick's feelings?"

There are three options: A, buy Warwick tassel computer; B, will not buy; C, wait and see.

The result was that 300,000 people participated in the vote.

60% of people choose not to buy, 30% choose to wait and see, and 10% choose enough to buy.

This vote is already very telling. It is enough to realize the feelings once or twice, but consumers will not pay the bill if the number of times increases.

In the age of voting with feet, only your product is good enough to win the market.

Many netizens are also discussing this topic, and some comments are very ugly and harsh.

"Oh my God! It's been a few years, and I'm still using Kirin 710 chips! What is Warwick doing!"

"I don't know where the Honor 8X that I threw at is the Kirin 710 chip. These were all bought two years ago. Why does Warwick take out the Kirin again? Think of us as fools?"

"Warwick has also made a tassel series separately. It seems that Warwick is really lacking in chips."

"Whatever you want to do with ads, I will never buy it! What can this chip be used for? Can you play Lianliankan?"

"I heard that the tassel series of mobile phones were developed jointly by Warwick and Origin Group. They will use ionizing microbial batteries, but the advantages of the battery will never make up for the disadvantages of the chip."

Netizens' complaints about it, whether they like it or not, but this also proves that Zhou Xiao's propaganda is correct.

This kind of propaganda has successfully attracted everyone's attention, and topics like ## have always dominated the hot search list of this Weibo.

As long as you pay attention!

As long as you pay attention, the product is half successful.

As for whether the product is good or bad, you have to wait until the phone is released.

The news that Warwick is about to release a tassel mobile phone also spread to the Android camp and Pingguo.

After Xiao Mi, a member of the Singularity OS Alliance, learned of this news, everyone was sweating for Warwick.

Of course, Xiaomi’s engineering team knows what level the Kirin 710 chip is.

This is the level of the thousand yuan machine used two years ago!

There is a huge difference between the performance of the thousand yuan machine two years ago and the current one. Warwick actually used the very rubbish Kirin "710" when there was no high-end chip available.

Xiao Mi also took a sigh of relief in her heart. The chip, the chip is still the chip.

Without the chip, the once powerful Warwick was so embarrassed!

Warwick uses Kirin 710, which has the smell of broken jars, and Xiaomi is a little worried that Origin Group will be dragged into the water by Warwick.

The Blue Factory and the Green Factory were also shocked!

They think that if Warwick doesn't have a chip, then don't make a mobile phone for now, at least it won't be ashamed, but the mobile phone that makes this kind of garbage chip does not know whether it is disgusting itself or disgusting consumer.

"Do you really treat consumers as stubborn fans?" An engineer in a mobile phone company said.

Samsung was elated to hear the news!

The largest overseas competitor, the death of Warwick is definitely beneficial to Samsung.

South Korea, Samsung headquarters.

The technicians have obtained the data of Warwick Tassel from some more credible media in Xia Guo.

Technicians can conclude without analysis that this chip is rubbish!

Happy inside Samsung!He also concluded that Warwick used Kirin 710 mainly to consolidate the rural market and low-consumption student market in Xia Guo.

Samsung concluded that starting with the tassel series of mobile phones, Warwick's mobile phone business began to shrink and marginalize, and in the end, even if it is immortal, it will become a niche brand.

California, Pingguo headquarters.

The Pingguo engineers who received the news were also a little surprised.

Pingguo has always regarded Warwick as his biggest challenger. He did not expect that the chip used in the new machine that Warwick announced this year was the old Kirin 710.

Pingguo did something immediately after receiving the news.

Price increase!

The price of the upcoming Pingguo 12 horses will increase!

All series rose 10%.

This price increase is of course aimed at the Xia Guo market.

In the Xiaguo market in the past many years, Pinguo’s only competitor was Warwick’s high-end flagship machine (Samsung launched the Xiaguo market very early, and Xiaomi’s popularity was not enough).

In today's Xiaguo market, Warwick has no high-end, Samsung has not recovered its vitality after being out of the game, and Xiaomi is not hot enough, and the high-end market is only Pingguo.

Even if Singularity OS will divert some users to Xiaomi, it will not affect the overall situation of Pingguo.

Pingguo, win!

If you don't increase the price or harvest a little leeks at this time, that would be stupid!

A week later, Pingguo's IP12 was released.

Although it is still mediocre and all the performance is within everyone's expectations, it is a Pingguo.

The price of IP12 is also announced.

The lowest IP12, 128g price is 6599 yuan, which is almost 600 yuan more expensive than the IP11 released last year.

High-end users who have become customers of Singularity OS are determined not to buy Pingguo, even if they can't wait for Warwick, they will wait for Xiaomi.

But those loyal fans and swing users of Pingguo, looking at the high-end Warwick hopeless, seem to be unable to show their identity for the time being with a small microphone, so they gave up the easy-to-use Singularity OS and reinvested in Pingguo's embrace.

On the first day of sales in Xiaguo, the sales of IP12, IP12pro, and IP12PROMAX reached a terrifying 230,000 units on the Jingdong platform alone!

This is just the number of sales on a platform!

At Pingguo headquarters, CEO KUKA showed a long-lost smile.

At Warwick headquarters, Yu Jiangdong looked ugly, Pingguo, it was still terrible!

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