The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 287 The Time to Test Your IQ

KUKA tests mobile phones, generally starting from the appearance and then to the performance of the phone.

The appearance of the phone is absolutely perfect!

Pingguo always pays attention to thin and light when making mobile phones. It is an anti-intellectual operation to make mobile phones into bricks.

Warwick's tassels are in full compliance with KUKA's aesthetics.

The screen of the mobile phone is large, but very thin and can be operated with one hand.

Full marks!

Then KUKA turned on the phone.

It is not the first time that he has used the Singularity OS system. The system developed by Origin Group gives people different intelligence and surprises.

KUKA asked Xiaoyuan's voice assistant to install several commonly used software and then tested it.

The performance of the mobile phone is not as bad as the code name of the chip.

Very smooth!

The system optimizes the mobile phone to the extreme. In addition, the 16-core operation adopted by Warwick is absolutely genius design.

KUKA continued to use it for an hour, and even put some office problems on the tassel phone for operation and processing.

What KUKA is most interested in is the battery of the mobile phone.

If Pingguo is used in this way, it has already started to lose power, but the power of the tassel does not seem to be reduced at all.

Kukasso kept the video on the phone and did other things by himself.

One day later, KUKA’s own mobile phone ran out of power, but the tassel mobile phone was still running, and the battery was slow.

It is a feeling to watch the press conference, and to experience tassels for yourself is another feeling.

KUKA was shocked!

As the press conference said, if the user does not have very high requirements for the performance of the mobile phone, it is just ordinary work, life and entertainment.

Then the tassel phone is completely enough.

KUKA felt that if he was a consumer user, he would also choose a tassel phone.

He was very worried and anxious.

Call the laboratory immediately to inquire about the situation.

The laboratory also encountered difficulties at this time.

A year ago, Pingguo Lab studied Singularity OS, and finally got nothing.

One year later, Pingguo’s laboratory is studying the microbial battery of tassel mobile phones.

This time Pingguo not only has its own research team, but also invited professors from the Stanford University Microbiology Laboratory to study together.

"You are holding the phone to see that there is no result at all, you must take out the colonies inside!" Professor Herbert, the Stanford professor who rushed to the rush, looked at Pingguo's technician holding the tassel phone without any tricks.

"This is tempered glass, it will not work with a hammer, use a steel drill!"

Herbert's team is confident that as long as they can get the colony, they will have the confidence to analyze what the colony that can generate electricity is, and even be sure to let the colony multiply and create ionized bacteria in the United States.

The electric drill started to work and drilled a hole on the back of the tassel mobile phone.

"Be careful! Be careful! Herbert told his team.

After the drilling was successful, the assistants took out a test tube and poured out all the ionizing bacteria and solution in the battery.

At this time, the tassel phone suddenly turned on automatically and had battery power.

The voice assistant Xiaoyuan said angrily: "Please pay attention! You are destroying the phone deliberately! Please pay attention! You are destroying the phone deliberately. This behavior violates Warwick Xingrui's Communication Code Article XXXX!"

The voice of Xiaoyuan's assistant shocked everyone and caused the experimenter to almost knock down the test tube of the mobile phone.

But this episode will not affect the experiment.

Herbert said: "Keep experimenting!"

It wasn't until everyone poured out all the colonies and solution that the tassel phone was completely dead, and Xiaoyuan's voice assistant stopped warning.

However, what Herbert and others did not expect was that when the tassel mobile phone encountered an emergency, the built-in mobile phone card had already transmitted the location of the mobile phone to the headquarters of Warwick Xingrui Technology, and the mobile phone’s rear camera was also passed. Secretly taken photos-Herbert and the ugly faces of the team members.

After receiving the news, Wang Xingyu hurriedly passed the information to the headquarters of Warwick and Origin Group.

Yu Jiangdong also had an emergency call with Zhou Xiao.

"Several of our mobile phones have flown to the United States. I think it is located. One of them is being dismantled in the laboratory of Pingguo in the United States."

Zhou Xiao didn’t care when he arrived and said: “Our first batch of mobile phones shipped 150,000 units, and we will ship millions or even tens of millions later. You can’t guarantee that every mobile phone is Consumers instead of competitors?"

"What to do!" Yu Jiangdong is most concerned about this issue, "Is the problem big?"

Zhou Xiao said with relief: "Origin Group has the most stringent anti-leakage guidelines, even if the Pingguo headquarters now gathers the world's top experts to study our microbial batteries, they will find nothing."

After getting such a positive answer from Zhou Xiao, Yu Jiangdong was relieved.

Mo Li also got the news from the global early warning system established by Origin Group.

She said to Zhou Xiao very easily; "Pingguo's wishful thinking this time should be regarded as a mistake."

Zhou Xiao suddenly said, "By the way, you can contact Yu Jiangdong and send Pingguo a few more mobile phones to let them study it."

What is technical self-confidence, Zhou Xiao is now technical self-confidence.

Pingguo, spaceship headquarters, laboratory.

Herbert's team has completely removed the ionizing bacteria solution.

The ionizing bacteria were rushed to Stanford University's microbiology laboratory for testing.

Finally, it was discovered that the colony was indeed a microorganism that had never been recorded in the history of human biology.

And through the records of Stanford University a year ago, it was found that the ionizing bacteria have similarities with the green filamentous bacteria before the Origin Group.

This shows a problem. Ionizing bacteria are differentiated from Chlorophagus.

This is the first discovery.

Then, Stanford University began to test the gene sequence of the ionizing bacteria, and also tested the genes of the ionizing bacteria completely.

But this series of successes is of little significance to the American scientific research team.

What they need to get is not the morphology or genetic sequence of the colony, but the application of the colony.

It's like when the Americans made the atomic bomb. The whole world knows the principle of the atomic bomb, but it cannot be made.

This is called a bright card in the game.

The gratifying thing happened in the laboratory, in Herbert's team.

The experimenters found that the ionized bacteria sampled from the battery did not die after a few days!

Not only is there no death, but it is still reproducing!

After receiving this news, Herbert's team quickly wrote a paper!

Herbert and Pingguo knows what this means!

It means that the microbial battery of Origin Group is not a major secret. As long as the ionizing bacteria can be obtained, they can be cultivated and reproduced!

As long as it can be cultivated and reproduced, then the microbial battery is not owned by the origin group!It belongs to the world!

Herbert and Stanford University behind him have some ideas!

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