The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 293: The Task Is Too Difficult

Selling crazy!

Yu Jiangdong did not expect that after the episode that Pingguo IP13 might use microbial batteries, the tassel mobile phone sold crazy!

350,000 units have been shipped in one go.

The market is already in short supply.

As Warwick concentrates all its production capacity to produce tassel mobile phones, the output of tassels has also greatly increased.

After the release of this batch of 350,000 units, when the next batch of mobile phones is put on the shelves, users can buy directly without waiting for an appointment.

Yu Jiangdong smiled, it is expected that the tassel series will create the sales miracle of the Warwick series of mobile phones.

After the previous 150,000 units plus the 350,000 units this time, the total 450,000 mobile phones were sold out, and both Origin Group and Warwick received substantial profits.

Among them, Origin Group obtained a net profit of 890 million.

If tassel mobile phones can reach 45 million units, then the net profit of Origin Group will reach a terrible 89 billion RMB.

A mobile phone can create a profit of 89 billion RMB, which is why countless individuals and companies are struggling to make mobile phones and other consumer electronic products.

Why is Pingguo's stock price so high?

Why Pinguo can become the world's most profitable company is because of the terrible profits of consumer electronics.

And compared with other products, consumer electronic products are purchased in cash, and the payment is fast, which will not cause great financial pressure on the enterprise.

In business, cash is king. It is very good to be able to sell products as soon as possible and get cash!

In major third-party shopping malls, tassel mobile phones have become responsible for appearance and sales.

On many platforms, several series of mobile phones with tassels have become the single-week sales king, leaving Pingguo behind.

Pingguo's continued mobile phone downturn in Xia Guo made KUKA very anxious.

Xiaguo is the world's most profitable market for Pingguo. If Xiaguo's market falls, Pingguo will face severe challenges.

KUKA immediately called an emergency meeting to discuss ways.

The think tank gave a solution to the problem-seeking to cooperate with Origin Group to obtain the right to use the microbial battery.

The think tank said:

"Pingguo's reputation in Xia Guo is still relatively good, and we have always respected Xia Guo people in terms of Xia Guo's major interests, so Xia Guo's consumers still trust Pingguo more."

"We also have a lot of contacts in Xia Guo. Xia Guo is also Pingguo's largest factory in the world, so we and Xia Guo people should have a very deep friendship."

"We need to use these connections to seek contact with Origin Group."

"If Warwick can get the right to use the microbial battery, why can't Pingguo?"

In the face of money and interests, of course businessmen can say anything.

"In fact, think about it, everyone. Except for the design of Pingguo mobile phones in the United States, everything is made and produced by Xia Guo. I think that for this alone, Origin Group should have a reason to cooperate with us."

After Pingguo’s meeting, KUKA decided to send a special envoy to Yenching to meet with people in the scientific and technological circles that Pingguo had a very good relationship with, and then asked him to find a way to contact Origin Group to see if he could help KUKA’s Jiangcheng. Trip.

Kuka wants to go to Jiangcheng.

On the one hand, it is to look at the birthplace of the origin group's microbial battery, and to see what the origin group has become famous in recent years. He is going to investigate and learn.

On the other hand, I hope to discuss the use of microbial batteries with Origin Group.

KUKA who made this decision was actually quite embarrassed. He had known that today, he would not promote the use of microbial batteries for IP13.

After the meeting, KUKA's envoy went to Xia country in a low-key manner.


Jiangcheng, Origin Group.

"Heavy award!" Zhou Xiao said to Mo Li: "This time the life science laboratory has done a lot of hard work, so I must give a huge award!"

"How much is the reward?" Mo Li instantly turned into a small fortune fan.

Working at Origin Group basically won't worry about money, but of course, the more the better.

Zhou Xiao turned his head and said to Wang Yulan: "Take out 100 million in cash to reward the relevant teams of the life science laboratory and the source code company!"

Wang Yulan was shocked.

"Ah!!!" Mo Li screamed when she heard this number!

One hundred million in cash was awarded to the team of the laboratory and the team of the source code company. The average number of each person was hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. A person in charge like Mo Li can become a multimillionaire in seconds.

The reason Zhou Xiao is so proud is to encourage the laboratory staff to endure loneliness and continue to work hard.

It is also necessary to tell the major laboratories and subsidiaries of Origin Group that as long as they have significant research and development results, they can get heavy rewards.

And this time during the research and development of ionizing bacteria and the cultivation of heterogeneous digestive bacteria, the life science laboratory has been working overtime almost continuously for six months, day and night, which is indeed very hard.

If Zhou Xiao is the chief designer, then Mo Li's team is the construction staff. Without them, Zhou Xiao would not be able to complete the research and development of ionizing bacteria.

Origin Group's local tyrant reward policy has once again become the focus of attention of the entire network!

This time, the wind reviews are surprisingly good. For the technological revolution that can change the energy use of mankind, what is a little reward?

"Study hard, study science and engineering, and go to work at Origin Group is the right way!"

Zhou Xiao checked the monopoly value in the office.


Seeing this value, Zhou Xiao was in a mess!

There is still a long way to go before completing the task!

In view of this, the shipment of mobile phones cannot reach 20 to 30 million units, and the task is impossible to complete!

Zhou Xiao was about to talk to Yu Jiangdong, and it happened that Yu Jiangdong called.

This time, Yu Jiangdong informed Zhou Xiao of important news.

"We have re-organized the overseas market and are ready to return to Europe." Yu Jiangdong's joy was beyond words.

"At present, all of Warwick's production capacity is operating at full capacity and it is expected to be able to meet the needs of the European market."

At present, the European market does not have a ban on Warwick’s new tassel mobile phones, which is also the most appropriate time for Warwick to enter Europe.

"We are preparing to hold a European press conference in Munich next week. Of course, it is expected that the United States will definitely take some measures against tassels, but I hope that before these measures are implemented, Warwick mobile phones can become a hot product in Europe!"

Of course, Zhou Xiao blessed Warwick: "Tassels will definitely become a hot style in Europe!"

If Warwick can pry into the European market, it will be able to complete 30 million shipments ahead of schedule, and Zhou Xiao will be able to complete the task as soon as possible.

A week later, the Warwick Europe conference was held in Munich, which attracted the attention of the entire Western media and European netizens.

The overall price of the tassel series mobile phones in Europe is 700 yuan higher than the price in Xia Guo!

Pingguo pays close attention to the market performance of tassels in Europe.

If Warwick once again blows up the technology whirlwind in Europe, Pingguo will really be in trouble.

At the same time, the Pingguo middleman of a science and technology institution in Yanjing contacted Wang Yulan and expressed his willingness to meet Wang Yulan.

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