"Kuka hopes to meet with you." Wang Yulan said to Zhou Xiao.

"Oh?" Zhou Xiao was interested, "the middleman said."

"Yes!" Wang Yulan said: "From the conversation I just had with Mr. Yuan, KUKA hopes to meet with you should have been brewing for a long time, but Pingguo has been focusing on the sales of tassel phones in Europe."

Wang Yulan's analysis is very accurate, "If the tassel is on the street in Europe, then Kuka may cancel the meeting or postpone the meeting, but our tassel succeeded.

Wang Yulan smiled and said: "Pingguo has suffered a severe setback in both the Xiaguo market and the European market! The price and sales of the IP12 mobile phone that has just been launched have both dropped, and he can't sit still."

Wang Yulan looked at Zhou Xiao. Her own analysis was whether Zhou Xiao could meet with KUKA.

If Pingguo can open the US market, then it is definitely a good thing for Origin Group.

If both parties say their own things, nothing will be negotiated.It's also good to meet and understand your opponent's ideas.

After all, Pingguo is also one of the most profitable technology companies in the world, and its market value is the world's largest ($935.8 billion), and Origin Group has just set sail, and its market value is not ranked at all.

Zhou Xiao said, "See you! Why not see you! You won't lose a piece of meat after seeing one."

"But the meeting place must be in Jiangcheng, in our home court."

"In terms of time." Zhou Xiao still respected KUKA's arrangement, "You first ask when Mr. KUKA will be free."

Respect is respect, but Zhou Xiao firmly grasped the initiative and said: "The time I suggest is the day after tomorrow."

"I will make arrangements."

Wang Yulan immediately contacted Mr. Yuan.

The news that Zhou Xiao was willing to meet was also conveyed to KUKA through Mr. Yuan and KUKA's special envoy.

KUKA looked at the European sales of tassels in comparison with the sales of Pingguo in Europe at this time, knowing that this time he went to Xia, he could no longer maintain the same high profile as in the past.

KUKA was also watching Xia Guo's news during this time.

Xia Guo's scientific and technological circles have very high voices for the development of chips.

The prohibition of chips will never block the progress of Xia Guo Technology Company, but will only arouse their intrusion.

If Xia Guo Technology Company makes further progress in chip technology and cooperates with microbial batteries, then Pingguo will not have to release IP13 next year.

Pingguo needs change!

It is the biggest change to be able to get the microbial battery of Origin Group.

"The day after tomorrow?" KUKA asked the assistant.

"Yes, the day after tomorrow." The assistant said: "The Origin Group suggested that it was the day after tomorrow, but they still seek our opinions.

Sir, will the day after tomorrow be too rushed?We are not ready for anything yet."

Kuka gave a wry smile, he met a strong opponent.

The other party said that he respected his own opinions, but he also suggested a time. In fact, he hoped that the day after tomorrow would pass.

"If you prepare luggage immediately, notify the person in charge of the technical department and marketing department, and inform Ge Yun (Pingguo Xiaguo President) that we will fly to the Shanghai stock market immediately."

Meet the day after tomorrow!

There are still two days left, but the plane will fly for more than ten hours.

Cook had to rest in the Shanghai stock market for one night before he had the energy to meet Zhou Xiao.

"I'll do it right away."

Soon, the assistant booked the nearest flight to Shanghai.

Xia Guo, Shanghai Stock Exchange,

Pingguo Daxia Country Headquarters.

Ge Yun, president of Xia Guo District, was shocked to learn that the boss was going to Jiangcheng.

It's been several years since KUKA came to Xia Country last time. The last time I came here was to travel and promote Pingguo's iPhoneXsMax by the way.

This time I came to Xia Country, but I went to Jiangcheng to meet with the actual controller of Origin Group.

Ge Yun knew that Pingguo was difficult during this period, but seeing the boss actually came to Xia Country in person, she knew that Pingguo encountered more difficulties than she thought.

When Kuka came to Xia Country, Pingguo Company did not publicize it. After the plane landed, Ge Yun received Kuka and sent Kuka directly to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, KUKA will take a flight to Jiangcheng.

Although Pingguo Company did not announce any news to the outside world, it simply couldn't escape the eyes of reporters.

The New York Times first broke the news!

The title is simple and clear, "Kuka goes to Xia Country!"

The article said: "As the sales of Pingguo's latest IP12 mobile phone suffered a significant drop, the head of the head KUKA went to Xia Guo. We still don't know what the purpose of his trip is. Maybe we want to personally supervise Xia Guo's market. "

Then, Xia Guo's media found some clues.

Some authoritative technology reports from the media:

"Ge Yun, the president of Pingguo Xiaguo District, went to the airport today. It should be to welcome the heavyweights!"

A paparazzi lined up to Kuka wearing a mask.

This time, Kuka came to Xia Country.

The media continued to follow and found more news.

"Kuka heads to Jiangcheng."

Finally, "The New York Times", "The Washington Post" and CNN three media simultaneously confirmed through Pingguo insiders that Kuka will go to Jiangcheng to meet with Zhou Xiao, the mysterious head of Origin Group.

The whole news is like a blockbuster, making the entire scientific and technological circle and the public opinion circle boiling!

"Gosh! KUKA is going to the Origin Group!"

"Is this to discuss business with Origin Group!"

"Do you need a microbial battery from Origin Group or a Singularity OS system?"

"It is hard to imagine that KUKA would actually meet Zhou Xiao!"

After hearing the news, the media rushed to Jiangcheng to guard the door of the temporary headquarters of Origin Group, and some of them guarded the Jiangcheng Technology New District.


When Yu Jiangdong received the news, he was very disturbed.

The success of Warwick mainly comes from the cooperation with Origin Group, which comes from Origin Group's singularity os system and microbial battery.

What will KUKA and Zhou Xiao talk about now?

Will Pingguo use microbial batteries or give up IOS and use Singularity OS?

If so, then Warwick's sales will suffer a huge impact.

Yu Jiangdong hesitated for a long time, and instead of calling Zhou Xiao directly, he contacted Wang Yulan.

Before the call was over, Wang Yulan took the initiative to call.

Zhou Xiao had considered the feelings of Warwick and Yu Jiangdong, so Wang Yulan took the initiative to call.

The purpose of Wang Yulan's call was to tell Yu Jiangdong.

Origin Group and Warwick are strategic allies, and Origin Group, as a native Xia Guo company, will never do anything that infringes on the interests of allies, let alone anything that violates national interests.

With this answer, Yu Jiangdong feels relieved!

KUKA's motorcade still arrived at the Jiangcheng Technology New Area, where he and Zhou Xiao met.

As soon as he got out of the car, he was surrounded by reporters.

Had it not been for strict security measures, KUKA would have been "eaten" by reporters.

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