The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 355 This man is covered in rain and dew

New York, headquarters of Forbes magazine.

As the world's most well-known business magazine, the most important thing about Forbes is to regularly update the global rich list, the global technology company or financial company competition list, and the global company wealth list or valuation.

This is a very cumbersome thing. After all, some companies involve more than a single field. Forbes needs to estimate the company's valuation and growth based on its own algorithm from all the data centers it collects.

When Forbes began to select the top companies in each industry, it found an incredible situation.

In the field of consumer electronics, Pingguo still ranks first with more than 40 billion meters of knife. This is still the performance after the impact of Warwick’s tassels. Shanxing ranked second with 39 billion meters of knife. Affected by the chip ban, The profit is only more than 10 billion meters, ranking behind.

But a company has emerged strongly-Origin Group!

Origin Group ranked in the top 50 with a profit of 4 billion meters. It just showed up. If you don't focus on it, it is really not so obvious.

Although the profit of the Origin Group is not high, the data shows that the potential index of the Origin Group is very high, far surpassing many companies such as Warwick, Xiaomi and other Xia Guo enterprises, second only to Shanxing, and ranking third.

Then Forbes looked at the profit and potential of companies in the automotive sector.

Origin Group ranked in the top 50 with a profit of several billion meters. Although its ranking is not high, its potential index ranks first. It not only leaves behind Tesla, Idea, Bidi and other new energy car companies, but also Throw away traditional car companies such as Toyota and Volkswagen.

It is estimated that in two to three years, the market value of Green Liquor under the Origin Group will exceed Tesla (390 billion meters) and become the world's highest market value car company.

In the field of popular cosmetics, Anyang, a subsidiary of Origin Group, is far ahead. Anyang's profit last year was as high as 20 billion meters, more than ten times that of Estee Lauder, which ranked second, and Anyang's market value was as high as 100 billion soft girls. Currency, this benefited from the continued increase in the share price of Anyong.

The most exaggerated thing is in the field of new energy. Origin Group's subsidiary Lu'an Environmental Power Co., Ltd. last year's profit was only more than one billion meters, but many professional investment institutions value the company's 100 billion meters.

The impact of new energy on human society has just begun, and the company has unlimited potential.

In the medical and health fields, there are still origin groups.

Although "Forbes" did not get the profit data of Origin Group in the life science and medical field last year, according to the average medical expenses and the number of patients with severe diseases of the lung and digestive system, Origin Group's profit in the life science and medical field should be in the tens of billions. The valuation is as high as 100 billion meters.

"Forbes" summarized that the profit of Origin Group last year should be more than 33 billion meters, and the valuation of the entire group company was as high as 50 million meters.

This result shocked Forbes.

Except for the cosmetics industry, Origin Group is not ranked in the top three in each list, but the sum is very scary!

"Forbes" counts the world's most profitable companies.

The number one is Saudi Oil Company, with an annual profit of 110 billion meters.

Luang Company’s valuation is as high as 100 billion yuan, which is based on Saudi Oil Company as a reference.

At least in the automotive sector, it is an inevitable trend that new energy will replace fuel, and Greenland has high growth potential.

Pingguo ranked second, handing in last year's answer sheet with a score of 4.6 million meters.

If there is no Warwick tassel mobile phone to disrupt the situation, Pingguo's profit last year exceeded 60 billion meters.

Ranked third is Xia Guo’s ICBC, which is a monopolistic financial institution with a huge volume, which is completely incomparable with the previous two companies.

The fourth is Shanxing, 39 billion meters.

The fifth is Xia Guo’s CCB 38 billion.

The sixth place is Origin Group!

Moreover, "Forbes" did not get the complete profit data of Origin Group. If it can obtain complete data, the profit of Origin Group last year may be much higher than this figure.


This is a big impression of Forbes.

The year before last, Origin Group had just climbed into the Global 500, and at the bottom of the ranking. This year, Origin Group's profits will be ranked sixth. This growth rate can only be described as terrible.

Last year's profit was not the most terrifying aspect of Origin Group. The most terrifying thing was the growth space of Origin Group.

Not long ago, Origin Group released DNA memory, which is to eliminate traditional semiconductors.

It is expected that DNA memory will become the best-selling memory next year, and it is almost predictable that the profits of Origin Group will surpass Shanxing.

When DNA memory was selling well, "Forbes" directly covered the Origin Group with the title "Origin Group, the Terrible Tech Monster".

"Forbes" lists in detail the industrial chain and layout of Origin Group, and lists the profitability and industry valuation of each subsidiary of Origin Group one by one.

This report shocked the Western world and was widely reprinted by Western media.

BBC: The terrible Asian dragon, Origin Group is eroding the original technological advantages of Westerners.

"Washington Post": In the future, the tech world will be ruled by Origin Group. The release of DNA memory has sounded the death knell for Shanxing.

The Wall Street Journal: Morgan’s valuation data for the company’s Origin Group is greater than that of Forbes magazine. Many Wall Street institutions believe that the future market value of Origin Group is more than 500 billion meters.

The Western science and technology community has surprisingly discovered that all the industries involved in Origin Group are related to the future of mankind.

The DNA memory just released represents a new generation of computer hardware technology, and the microbial battery represents the future energy of mankind.

When the future direction of technology development is not in the hands of Westerners, this feeling is very bad. It seems to Western technology companies and capital circles that someone is holding a sword behind you. When you are not prepared, he will Give you a sword and kill you.

"Forbes" magazine said in the final remarks, "Please face up to the revision brought by Origin Group, otherwise you will be severely thrown off the car by the times."

This comment is very pertinent, and it is also a direct criticism of the Western giants that have ignored the technology of Origin Group. Please pay attention to Origin Group. Please pay attention to Origin Group.

Following the publication of Forbes magazine's article on Origin Group, many weighted stocks of consumer electronics, semiconductors, and new energy vehicles in the US Nasdaq index began to plummet, and then Dow Jones and S&P were brought into the ditch.

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