The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 67 Global Cosmetics Exhibition (seeking everything)

France, Paris.

France is known as the world's fashion country.

Most of the luxury brands that are popular around the world were born in France.

Chanel, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Dior, etc. are all French brands.This is enough to show that France has a pivotal position in modern fashion trends.

And Paris is the capital of fashion, and it is full of all beautiful words such as romance and fashion.

Words such as fashion and trend seem to have nothing to do with Xia Guo. In the past ten years or so, the annual French Paris Global Cosmetics Exhibition has explained everything-in the past there were cosmetics from Europe and the United States, as well as cosmetics from South Korea and East. But there will never be Xia Guo's cosmetics.

In the Western world, Xia Guo's products are always attached to the attributes of cheapness and copycats, which are inseparable from fashion.

Of course, such a high-end global cosmetics exhibition will not invite Xia Guo's merchants to participate, and Xia Guo has no fashion brand that can compete with Chanel or Estee Lauder.

But this time, Bagel will participate in the global cosmetics exhibition.

Bagel did not receive the invitation letter. The booth quota in his hand was bought from a second-tier cosmetics company in Europe for hundreds of thousands of euros.

Let the world know about Xia Guo's cosmetics, and let Bagel go to the world. This is the original intention of Bagel and Anyang's cooperation.

This time, Bagel only exhibited one product-Anyang Bagel Mask.

On December 16th, the exhibition officially started. Countless celebrities spoke for themselves on brand booths. The media also focused on the new products exhibited by these celebrities and major cosmetic brands.

Estee Lauder has released a new eye shadow essence, Chanel has released a customized perfume, and even Toyo's SKII has released a new basic care product for rough skin.

The visitors came and went, greedily watching everything at the exhibition, and the girls were even more obsessed with it. They were obsessed with all kinds of expensive cosmetics, like an IT nerd who saw a good-performance CPU and graphics card.

Except for Bagel, there is no Xia Guo brand in the exhibition, but Xia Guo people are indispensable.

Those Xia Guoren who studied or traveled abroad contributed their wallets to Chanel, Dior, Lancome and so on.

One or two thousand one bottle of Aquamarine Mystery Essence from Estee Lauder, buy!

Farman five or six thousand face cream, buy!

Chanel five or six thousand bottles of perfume, buy!


Eye cream, four to five thousand, buy!


Whether these expensive cosmetics can make women more elegant and beautiful, we don’t know, but after spending the money and buying high-end cosmetics, I feel relieved and I am more confident when I leave.

It feels like the whole world knows that I am using luxury goods, only I have money and I have taste.

Perhaps hundreds of years later, the descendants of mankind will see today's women using those expensive cosmetics, just as we watched medieval European ladies applying highly toxic lead powder on their faces. It is incredible and unbelievable.

But for women today, this is fashion!Fashion!

In a remote location of the exhibition, Bagel was set up here, and there was only one product on the promotional display-Anyang Bagel Mask Mud.

Under the logos of Bagel and Anyang, there is the national flag of Xia Guo, and I am telling everyone that this is Xia Guo's cosmetics brand.

Many Europeans didn't know the brand of Bagel, and left with a frown, still wondering how Xia Guo's products are eligible to participate in the exhibition.

On the first day, there were almost no people in Bagel's booth.

On the second day, there were very few people at the Baijicao booth, and most of them left after seeing them without consulting.

The main reason is that the product is Xia Guo, and the popularity is too poor.

Xia Guo, Origin Technology and Bajicao Headquarters are all concerned about the performance of products in European exhibitions, and they also know that such passive waiting for attention is not enough.

Bagel Headquarters finally made up its mind to rectify its name!

As long as there is a place in the European market, some costs should be paid.

Bagel will challenge all well-known cosmetics brands in Europe!

The Bagel booth directly put out a very arrogant slogan——

The big slogan: All the basic care products of the brand are outdated. You only need a box of Anyang Bagel Clay Mask. The use of the Clay Mask has no effect, and the Bagel compensation is 100,000 Euros!

Small tagline: Do you want to have delicate and smooth skin?Bagel Anyang Mask Mud professionally rescues the problematic skin of Omi women.

Omi’s women age very quickly. Usually their skin begins to decline at the age of 22 or 33, with large pores, blackheads, dark spots, etc. Their women are far less than Eastern women that can withstand the ravages of years.This may be one of the main reasons why the cosmetics industry in Europe has developed.

In addition, Bagel also used a thousand boxes of facial mask mud for free distribution.

Bagel is currently not eligible for the sale of facial mask mud in Europe and can only be given away for free.

Users who receive the product for free, as long as there is no effect after using the mask according to the instructions, can apply for a compensation of 100,000 euros.

France’s legal provisions for commercial propaganda are very strict. Bagels must do so if they do such propaganda. If they breach the contract, they will not face a fine of 100,000 Euros but millions of Euros.

Sure enough, this propaganda was so explosive that it attracted the attention of the media and consumers.

French "Le Figaro" reported on the promotion of Bagel: "Xia Guo's cosmetics giant challenged European fashion brands."

"Le Figaro" has not yet understood the reputation of Anyang's horror in Xia Guo, and the whole report is full of prejudice.

It wrote: "This Xiaguo cosmetics brand, established in 1995, is challenging a well-known European brand with a century-old history. It uses a magical mask."

Consumers also stopped and watched the promotion of Bagel.

"Xia Guo's brand?"

"After using this mask, all basic cosmetics of the brand will be thrown away, what a joke!"

"I can't believe Xia Guo's brand."

"Challenge you to get one hundred thousand yuan! Xia Guoren is indeed rich and powerful, but I dare not try, what should I do if I am poisoned?"

International student Zhao Shuyue and students from the University of Paris also came to the exhibition.

Most of the Xia Guo students who can study in France have relatively good family conditions. The main purpose of their visit to the exhibition this time is to buy and buy!

When Zhao Shuyue saw Bajicao Anyang's booth, she screamed: "My God! There is Anyang here! Free delivery! Hurry up!"

Zhao Shuyue received a box of Anyang facial mask clay after registration.

This move made the students puzzled. Louise, a student from Paris, asked in confusion, "Zhao, is this brand famous in Xia Guo?"

Zhao Shuyue told these local female students in Paris very seriously, “Anya mask has been robbed crazy in Xia Guo, and it continues to be out of stock. I waited for a long time and did not buy it.

Louise, don’t you have oily skin? Laura, don't you have large pores and blackheads! Sisters, use Anyang, I promise you will throw away all the basic skin care products in your hands immediately! "

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