The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 74-Lucky Year-end Award

Zhou Xiao's alcohol intake is not good, and now his head is a little confused, lying on the sofa and sleeping.

The next day, Wang Yulan came to the office early, and at a glance she saw Zhou Xiao who was lying on the sofa and was asleep.

Jiangcheng is south of Xiaguo’s heating line, and there is no heating in winter. In addition, Zhou Xiao felt very hot after drinking yesterday and did not turn on the air conditioner, so the room was very humid and cold.

When Wang Yulan saw this, she was shocked, and hurriedly touched Zhou Xiao's forehead on the edge of the sofa. It was not cold but hot. It was fever.

"Hey! Hey!" Wang Yulan patted Zhou Xiao's face lightly, Zhou Xiao did not wake up.


Wang Yulan gave Zhou Xiao two ears with a little force, and Zhou Xiao woke up.

Zhou Xiao was a little dazed. He dreamed that he was eating roast chicken. Why did his cheeks and melon seeds hurt?

Wang Yulan hurriedly poured a cup of hot water and said, "What wine did you drink in the office by yourself last night? The financing was successful, and the land was negotiated. Are you not happy? Hurry up and drink some water, we go out for breakfast, and then Go to the hospital and you all have a fever."

Wang Yulan cleaned up the desk in the office, still chattering: "This is almost the New Year, can you save some snacks? How can you sleep on the sofa!"

Zhou Xiao was saying that when she dreamed of eating roast chicken, her cheeks hurt. It turned out that the tonsils and gums were inflamed, but her face hurts...

"Sister Lan, what are you doing with my face?"

Wang Yulan: "Just see if you die."

Zhou Xiao: "..."

Zhou Xiao's almonds were painful, and her whole body was aching, and she was dizzy.

"Sister Lan, I'll go to the clinic to get some medicine. You remember the docking plan today and set the site selection plan for the factory."

What kind of work are there at this time!

Wang Yulan sighed deeply helplessly, rolled her eyes and said: "The general plan for the plant has been determined. I will let Chen Ye go over and take a look. What kind of car are you driving like this, and I will take you to the hospital."

Wang Yulan took Zhou Xiao to eat breakfast downstairs, and then drove Zhou Xiao to the hospital.

Zhou Xiao lay in the passenger seat of the Audi A7 and said, "It's really comfortable to sit in a good car. I'll buy one tomorrow."

Wang Yulan looked at Zhou Xiaorushuang’s eggplant Yan Qiuqiu, and she couldn’t help but say: “I think your mother is right. You should find a wife to take care of your life. Compared to your academic skills, you His ability to live is simply pitiful!"

Zhou Xiao chuckled, watching Wang Yulan Baijie's neck and her focus on driving, she felt warm in her heart. It would be nice to have a sister who can take care of herself.

Zhou Xiao has a bad cold, so she can't live in the office.

I didn't want to go back home. I would be urged to get married when I returned. I simply found a hotel near the company and stayed in. Every day, some people brought meals to Zhou Xiao from the company.

At the hotel, Zhou Xiao also studied the symbiotic photosynthetic green leaf protein in depth, and found that there are almost harsh conditions for the evolution from green fibrobacteria to the symbiotic photosynthetic green leaf protein.

Zhou Xiao needs a perfect biological laboratory, and needs capable technicians to accomplish this task.

Zhou Xiao formulated a detailed laboratory construction experiment plan and equipment production principle in the hotel according to the technical product manual.

In addition, green leaf protein already belongs to the medical field, and there are cumbersome procedures for successful experimental production to clinical practice, which cannot be done by a small technology company.Zhou Xiao can only speed up the construction of the laboratory and the manufacturing of equipment, and think about other things later.

In Jiangcheng Industrial Zone, Origin Technology's mother fungus production plant, workers have built a new fully enclosed laboratory in accordance with Zhou Xiao's requirements.

Another week is the Spring Festival, many construction companies are preparing for a holiday, and the construction period of the laboratory is about one month.

In order to catch up with the construction period, Zhou Xiao directly set a high price, requiring enterprises and workers to catch up during the Spring Festival without holidays, and Origin Technology also offered a 1 million soft rice coin for catching up work.

The construction unit will reward 50,000 yuan for completing the construction of the laboratory one day in advance.

One week before the Spring Festival, Origin Technology released all its financial data last year.

Among them, the revenue of subsidiary Anyang Company reached 160 million soft sister coins, and the net profit was 96 million.The higher profit margin is due to the sharing agreement between Anyang and Bagel.

Origin Technology's revenue reached 36 million soft sister coins, all derived from the sales of the mother bacteria of Chlorobacillus, with a profit of 14.4 million soft sister coins.

At present, in addition to the 150 million meters of money obtained by financing, there are 80.4 million soft sister coins in the funds of Origin Technology's account.

150 million meters of knives are used for the large-scale construction and development of Origin Technology, and more than 80 million soft sister coins (16 million soft sister coins of the parent company Origin Technology) belong to Origin Technology’s cash in stock.

Origin Technology was established less than half a year ago, and it has become the most profitable technology company in Jiangcheng.

Compared with most of the real estate companies in Jiangcheng, Origin Technology is still a scum, but in terms of room for growth and future potential, Origin Technology slaps all real estate companies.

Origin Technology is not a listed company, and Zhou Xiao has no obligation to publicly announce the company's financial situation.

However, Origin Technology has made such achievements in a short time, and Zhou Xia believes that it is inseparable from the efforts of employees.

The current formal employees of Origin Technology are divided into three categories, senior managers (Zhou Xiao, Wang Yulan, Chen Ye), middle-level technical and experimental staff (20), administrative staff and factory workers (85).

The company has just started, and the salary is not high, but it is not bad in Jiangcheng. Without calculating bonuses, the average annual salary of senior management is 400,000, middle management is 300,000, and workers are 100,000.

This is about to celebrate the Spring Festival. Although the employees are very satisfied with their treatment in the company, they all look at the company eagerly, hoping to take more money to go home for the New Year.

Zhou Xiao made the decision. In the first year, all shareholders of the company will not pay dividends, but they will pay bonuses so that employees have a sense of belonging in the company and are willing to pay for the company wholeheartedly.

Zhou Xiao, who had a better cold, and Wang Yulan discussed the distribution of the year-end bonus at the hotel.

Zhou Xiao intends to hold a company's annual meeting, do some colorful activities, and also set the bonus standard.

The top level is 1 million, the middle level is 400,000, and the workers are 100,000.

"so much!"

When Zhou Xiao generously said this number, Wang Yulan was taken aback.

One hundred thousand bonus for workers!With the addition of wages, the annual income of workers can reach 200,000, which is even higher than that of civil servants and white-collar workers in Jiangcheng.

In Jiangcheng, white-collar workers working in better companies have an annual income of between 120,000 and 150,000, while the annual income of ordinary civil servants in Jiangcheng is in the early 120,000.

When the wages of ordinary workers are higher than the average wages of local public officials, the social effects caused by this will be very far-reaching. In the future, whether outstanding talents will go to the company or want to be civil servants just as they are now. This is really something to think about.

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