The giant python kept eating the middle-aged man, and the man lost his ability to resist, with only his limbs still twitching slightly.

Yu Longsheng took this opportunity, took out his multifunctional military shovel, and began to cut and shovel branches.

The trees in the rainforest were lush and leafy. Yu Longsheng easily found a few long and straight branches. He swung his knife and chopped them down. He cut off the excess branches and soon collected five long and straight branches. And straight sticks.

Boys have no resistance to wooden sticks, and they can't put it down in their hands. As long as they hold the wooden stick in their hands, they will make all the rape flowers bow their heads.

Yu Longsheng then began to cut off one end of the stick, carving out sharp thorns.

In this way, the five pointed spears were completed in Yu Longsheng's hands.

At this time, the giant python was raising its head to swallow the middle-aged man. Only a pair of calves of the middle-aged man were still exposed, and the rest of the body had been swallowed by the giant python.

On the shore, Yu Longsheng raised a pointed spear, raised it above his head, and fired it at the giant python like throwing a javelin.

"call out——!"With the ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air, the powerful force gave the spear unparalleled speed and destructive power. The spear penetrated through the python's body, which was thicker than a bucket, and then broke through the shackles of flesh and blood and flew out, submerging into the river.

The snake's blood splashed and its scales flew off.

The giant python that was attacked roared violently"roar...hiss"……", and at the same time began to twist his body and spit the middle-aged man out of his mouth.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Yu Longsheng didn't hold back, and projected the second pointed spear with slightly less force than before.

This blow, due to the python's irregular twisting, did not cause penetrating damage. It only caused a deep scratch with bone visible. It wiped off the python's scales and broke the python's skin. The python's flesh and blood was submerged in the river.

At this time, the giant python finally spit out the prey in its mouth. The snake's body squirmed and the middle-aged man covered in mucus was spit into the river by the giant python.

What greeted the giant python's arrival was Yu Long Sheng's third pointed spear.

This pointed spear entered and flew out of the giant python's upper body, and then plunged into the giant python's lower body.

At this time, there were two transparent blood holes in the python's body, one with deep bone scratches, and a sharp spear piercing its lower body.

Let’s not say that snakes have tenacious vitality. After being decapitated, the snake head can still maintain vitality for a long time, and can even inject venom to kill or injure humans and animals. It can also grow long without eating or drinking in an oxygen-deficient environment. Time survives, and there are often rumors that venomous snakes have been soaked in wine for months or even a year, and then come to life after opening the lid, and even hurt people.

Ordinary snakes still have such strong vitality, let alone these mutated giant pythons that rely on blood orchids to break the limits of life, death and body.


Even though it was severely injured, the giant python was still full of energy. With a roar, it swam quickly in the water, stirring up waves of water and rushing towards Yu Long Sheng with great momentum.

Before the giant python could rush to the shore, Yu Longsheng opened his bow from left to right and fired two sharp spears at the giant python, blocking the direction of the giant python. At the same time, he held a multi-functional military shovel in his hand, ready for close combat at any time..

Power is speed!

Although the giant python is agile, it is still too big and has no time to dodge the sharp spears coming from it.

The previous sharp spear added a new penetrating damage to the giant python, which remained on the giant python, and the power it brought hindered the giant python's progress.

The last sharp spear hit one of the giant python's eyes, entered from the giant python's skull, and passed through the giant python's mandible. The giant python's head was smashed to the ground by the huge inertia, and the snake's head was held tightly by the sharp spear. Firmly anchored to the ground and unable to move.

Three sharp spears were stabbed into the giant python's body. The entire body of the snake was rolled into a sphere, struggling painfully on the ground. The snake's tail hit the surrounding trees and vegetation in all directions.

Five minutes later, the giant python was still struggling in place, full of energy. On the other hand, the sharp spear on the ground was about to break off the ground due to the giant python's struggle.

Yu Longsheng got impatient and ran around the giant python towards the river. He picked up a stone about half a man's height, easily raised it over his head and threw it at the giant python.

"With a pop, the giant python's head was completely crushed by the stone.

Without the bag, the giant python's body slowly calmed down, twitching and squirming slowly.

Yu Longsheng stepped forward, Picking up the multifunctional military shovel, he started to cut open the giant python from its abdomen to the tail, cutting off the giant python's heart and gallbladder. As for the snake meat, Yu Longsheng simply gave up. After all, the giant python's body surface and mouth were still contaminated with The blood of the middle-aged man was mixed with the blood of the python itself, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Yu Longsheng wrapped the snake's heart and gallbladder as big as a casserole in a huge leaf.

He ignored the river with the dead bodies floating in it. Yu Longsheng took out a bottle of red wine from his backpack and washed away the blood on the multifunctional military shovel.

Before the flames of the cruise ship were extinguished, Yu Longsheng cut a slender wooden stick and skewered it on the snake's heart, and began to burn it directly. Roast the snake's heart.

The snake's heart is constantly turning in the flames with the rotation of the wooden stick. Yu Longsheng continues to turn the wooden stick with one hand, and picks up the snake gallbladder with the other hand and puts it to his mouth.

After biting the snake gallbladder, what comes out is bitter and astringent. Bile, Yu Long Sheng resisted the smell in his mouth and began to swallow.

After drinking the snake bile, Yu Long Sheng opened his mouth and took a few sips of red wine to suppress the discomfort in his mouth. Taking a deep breath, Yu Long Sheng began to feel a The heat flowed out from his stomach, spread out from his abdomen, and flowed into his limbs and bones. Yu Longsheng seemed to be soaking in the hot spring, and his whole body felt warm and lazy.

While enjoying this heat flow, While cooking the barbecue, sprinkling some red wine on the snake heart from time to time as a seasoning, he kept scratching and cutting the snake heart with a multifunctional military shovel. At the same time, Yu Longsheng also used the [Feast] skill.

Not long after, A fragrant"wine-flavored snake heart" was done.

With the red wine, Yu Longsheng began to gnaw.

After eating, Yu Longsheng felt an obvious feeling of fullness.

You know, Yu Longsheng usually Either you spend a lot of time and energy eating, or you use high-nutrition and high-energy foods such as energy cubes; but today you just ate a serving of snake heart and snake gall, which basically filled your stomach. This was completely impossible before. It was unimaginable.

At this moment, Yu Longsheng completely regarded the giant python in the rainforest as his own and as his own food reserve.

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