The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 1038: 1037 [Stilwell and Peanuts]

   Let’s go back to Lao Jiang’s book publishing event. Why didn’t the scholars around him stop him?

   is very simple, because Lao Jiang is "a lonely man".

Let's take a look at Stilwell's diary written in 1943. The "peanut rice" in the diary represents Chang Kaishen. This is the unique nickname Stilwell gave to Lao Jiang. people.

"Very simple meal, no ceremony, but God! That atmosphere. No one dared to say a word or make an opinion in front of this supreme being... No arguments, no questions, just blank faces and Cold decency."

   "Peanut was an hour and a half late, and he was a little restless during the ceremony... Everyone around peanut became stone again, and He (Ying Qin) sat there like a sculpture without opening his mouth at all."

   "The Destiny of China" was written by Tao Xisheng, and Chen Brai also wrote a part.

   These two were born in the pen, how could they not know the clumsiness of this book? Even if they write brilliantly, all the ideas and views in them are Lao Jiang's, and they can only lie in the ideological framework proposed by Lao Jiang. Those specious and contradictory arguments are already the limit of what Tao Xisheng and Chen Bray can do, and at least they can confuse some radical nationalist readers.

The sad thing about    Lao Jiang is not that no one dares to speak to him, but that no one tells the truth to him.

Let's move on to Stilwell's diary: "He confirmed all of my most pessimistic views, Peanuts isn't really a dictator. He issues orders, everyone bows and says yes, but no one does anything. He understands China. The whole situation of corruption and corruption, but he has no power to cure it... He also knows all the bad conditions, but he can't do anything... He wants to be a moral monarch, a religious leader, a philosopher. But He is not educated... He doesn't like to hear unpleasant things, so everyone only talks about what he likes, it is impossible to reason with him... If anyone contradicts him, he will be furious... He issues a lot of orders, like It's snowing, everyone's doing their own thing, he never knows what's actually done. He's afraid of the people, afraid of people talking, so he tries to stop them from talking. It's stupid... He has no reason to be afraid, let them talk ... He also doesn't have to be afraid of the Communists, he could have used them."

Stilwell was just a passing visitor to China. He didn't live in China for a long time, but he already saw the situation very clearly: "After the war, China will be in great trouble. Peanut only understands what is happening around him. , and this country is too big for him to control completely. Stubborn, stupid, ignorant, domineering, intolerant, unreasonable, unintelligible, ungrateful and greedy.”

  The Battle of Shipai we mentioned in the previous chapter, although Lao Jiang declared it to be the "Battle of Stalingrad in China", he was quite generous and determined to live and die with the country and the death of the king. But in fact, Lao Jiang was frightened. He thought that the Japanese invaders were about to break through the Three Gorges and enter Chongqing.

  Stilwell wrote in his diary: "During the Yichang incident (the Japanese attack on Shi Pai), he was so nervous that he even threw teapots and vases on visitors."

   What made Stilwell most speechless and angry was that Chang Kaishen did not discuss with any military and political officials on such a major matter as the expeditionary army entered Burma for the second time. Stilwell asked He Yingqin, Minister of Military and Political Affairs, to hold a meeting to discuss the battle plan. He Yingqin said that he knew nothing, and Stilwell wrote in his diary angrily: "Obviously, if He (Yingqin) does not know, no one in the Ministry of Military Affairs will know. So, with whom does Peanut negotiate? With the chef, maybe, or his partner, God! Above all else, this arrogant little thing (referring to Lao Jiang) will decide the fate of several countries... This great The dictator who starved his troops and was the biggest fool in the world...he thought he was the Lord incarnate when in fact he was a stubborn little donkey."

  Chang Kaishen is difficult to be persuaded. He easily draws conclusions without any evidence and cannot be changed. In the face of good news and bad news, he must believe in good news. Even if all clues prove that bad news is true, he still believes in good news.

   For this, Stilwell also felt deeply.

On the issue of expeditionary force operations, many of Chang Kaishen's actions made Stilwell unbelievable. He could only ask Song Ailing and Song Meiling to help persuade him: "Peanut is less and less like a dictator, but more like a political wall. Pie. He has little power other than building a personal reputation, and his family knows that better...Peanuts are more capricious and grotesque than I thought. Mei (Song Meiling) always said that he had a hard time grasping, He didn't take the evidence into account when he came to his conclusion...they (the Song sisters in charge of persuasion) had nearly a nervous breakdown and couldn't sleep. Mei (Song Meiling) said she prayed to him last night. Mei told me that she did everything she could , almost killed him. Ella (Song Ailing) said that he pretended to be noble when he was annoyed."

   So any suggestion from Zhou Hexuan is invalid for Lao Jiang.

   Even Song Meiling and Song Ailing couldn't convince them, let alone Zhou Hexuan. Don't look at the little things, Lao Jiang follows Song Meiling everywhere, and he won't give in at all when it comes to big things.

   Before Stilwell left Chongqing for the Nth time, he made a special visit to Zhou Mansion. He vomited bitterly in front of Zhou Hexuan and complained, "Zhou, I have been driven crazy by your leader. All his military orders are not discussed with the Chinese military and political department, but are discussed in his own office. God. Ah, do his office assistants know more about war than the generals and staff officers of the Military and Political Department? It's absolutely ridiculous, the fate of the United States and the United Kingdom may be in the hands of this fool!"

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "It's not his office, but the servant's room. Our Mr. Jiang is very retro. In ancient China, if the emperor did not trust his generals and ministers, he would set up another private institution, such as the Qing Dynasty. military aircraft."

   "Damn the attendant room, the Chinese generals and I are not as good as Peanut Rice's attendants!" Stilwell shouted and vented frantically.

   Zhou Hexuan said: "This is one of the traditional political methods in China. The monarch plans it in the secret room, and other officials can handle it according to the rules."

Stilwell said: "But the squires around Peanut Mi will only be bluffing and hiding the truth. It's hard to imagine that Peanut's series of commands on the Burmese battlefield were all made without any knowledge of the front line! He's murdering soldiers' lives! In the whole of Chongqing, I guess I'm the only one who can tell the truth to Peanuts, and he was shocked by a lot of the truth I said, because he never heard of it. I offended a lot because of it People, offend those who hide the truth. They speak ill of me in front of Peanut Rice, and they also spread rumors that I am conspiring to seize military power, saying that I want to be the Supreme Emperor of China. It's ridiculous, I am an American with no roots in China, how could it be possible Seizing military power, how can it be possible to be the emperor of China? The Chinese people are not fools!"

"You're not the only one who tells the truth," Zhou Hexuan smiled wryly, "I also told the truth in front of Mr. Jiang a few months ago, so now I can't get out of the house. The gate of my house is open 24 hours a day. Soldiers guard it."

Stilwell shrugged and spread his hands: "I came to you this time because you are an expert on international issues and a great scholar in China. I wanted to ask you to persuade Peanut Rice, but it seems to be wrong, there is no one in this world. You can convince him."

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